Go to A stairway to Heaven
A stairway to Heaven
A brilliant light passed over Earth, March 25, 1970; it shone in the east through April for all to see. With it spiritual messengers of God arrived and began to speak through an unconscious man in a town named Globe to the world. They “were sent for the one who asked our Father.”
Note from the editor

A brilliant light passed over Earth, March 25, 1970; it shone in the east through April for all to see. With it spiritual messengers of God arrived and began to speak through an unconscious man in a town named Globe to the world. They “were sent for the one who asked our Father.” Many prophecies were given. Some are in the publications on medium.com: see “Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine” (https://medium.com/prepare-for-the-time-of-the-great-famine). See “Now You Ask, ‘What Is the Great Sword that Cuts Two Ways?” (https://medium.com/now-you-ask-what-is-the-great-sword-that-cuts-two) and “The Great Sword Is Here” (https://medium.com/the-great-sword-is-here). Read all of their transcribed words in “The WORDS_of Aka, spiritual messengers of God” (https://medium.com/the-words-of-aka-spiritual-messengers-of-god).

Go to the profile of John
Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.
Go to the profile of John
Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.