“Now we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ” (Part 1 of 3)

Messages from the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoken in 1970 to 1977

Revelation 12:7–10 tells of this: “ And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, ‘Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.’” In Luke 10:15–20, Jesus tells this: “‘And you, Capernaum, who are exalted to heaven, will be brought down to Hades. He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.’ Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” And He said to them, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.’”

Many have wondered about the meaning of these scriptures.

Spiritual messengers of God have spoken about the Anti-Christ and Beast––then, and also more recently. They spoke this message on the Anti-Christ, July 20, 1970, which you can hear.

Since the spiritual messengers of God arrived in 1970 when the brightest light in the heavens passed closest to Earth to prepare a way for the coming of the Messsiah, God’s messengers have warned us about those preparing for the Anti-Christ.

To learn about their coming, see “We Give This Message from Our Father” and “A Gift from One with More Love in His Eyes than Anyone.” Their messsages were recorded from 1970 to 1989 and transcribed for all to hear. Their words are printed simply in the order in which they were spoken. They are in bold to make it easy to recognize the quotes.

The first week of their coming, the spiritual messengers of God guided a man who’d asked for help, April 7, 1970: Do not worry; financial things, material things, shall come as though by drops of rain. Heed ye, do not step backwards or ye shall be a lost soul….

All knowledge is but at ye bidding. If ye have permission of a soul, ask of any subject and ye shall know through I.

“Odka?” [Note: no one knew how to spell the name that the angels spoke the day before.]


“Isn’t it better that it comes from my soul?”

Ye soul shall bind as one, as did Christ, who was sent, not to change, but to bring and prove what had been before. In this time, in this turmoil of man, ye shall see once again, only in a different way, in a different plan, of Christ, of God, our Lord, our Father.

The next day, April 8, 1970, the man asked: “When I asked you about letting knowledge come from inside, rather than from an outside source, you said there would be a binding of the souls to prove something. I am not entirely clear on what it was. Could you explain that?”

As I have said before, as though my soul has bound, so shall yours. You shall bind and build into thirteen. But mark my words well, it can only build as long as each member is in accord with God’s work and God’s plan. Do not misinterpret my words. Do not twist them to suit thy own or other’s own bidding, for my words can only be used for God’s bidding. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

Can you understand this, soul R__?

“I think the phrase in meditation, ‘Thy will be done,’ [as you] said?”

Yes. On earth, so shall it be in heaven.

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, answered through the unconscious Ray Elkins after he’d left his body to walk up a ladder to stand with God. God’s messengers then could enter and speak to us in words we can hear.

April 13, 1970, the man asked: “I wondered if you might tell me if there is any relationship between the comet which appeared in the east a couple of weeks ago and your coming?”

For, in God’s plan — as I have told you before, that God’s soul is like the pebbles of a brook, that man’s spirit is like the pebbles of a river, that man’s soul is like the pebbles of an ocean — in God’s plan, not only here, but in many places in thy world, thy coming has been announced, thy coming of the mighty Sword and its meaning, the Sword which cuts two ways and both sides shall cut. If thy should read of the book of Revelation, think thee of thy horse, for now is the time of the red horse, and his passing is for all men to see. [See The Revelation 6:3–4, and 19:11–16.]

If man heeds God’s warning and should see from the light in the sky, then God may take His many children to His mansions and weep no more. As I have told you before of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, that thy groups shall number, always as Thirteen and Thirteen to repeat and repeat again, as it has done from the beginning of time. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

Then my mission, and I who have many souls should say with all their consent (loving chuckle), there should be no reason for me, for then God’s temple shall be built in all the souls of man, and therefore, the other seals should not be opened. And then thy reign of the Lord upon this earth shall go for a thousand years — and take from the earth as we built the block in Ray’s mind, so should the block be in all souls of the world.

Can you understand this? [See The Revelation, chapters 6–8, 14, 19–22.]

“I can understand the block, that is very necessary. The Thirteen, I would like a little more explanation on..”


“This, or may I say that, from what I have been able to gather, this is our solar system and its turning around the sun, in one reference, but possibly there are other references?”

When thy think of the number, Thirteen — Thirteen to God, [seven?] to God, and then there was four. And then we cast from thy heavens those who were not deserving. Yet this had to be restored. [See The Revelation 4:5–8, and chapter 12.]

So, in Christ’s time this was restored once again. But then, thy chain was broken once again. [See John 12:18–35, 14:27–31, and Acts 1:15–26.]

See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.

Now, we shall try and restore it once more on this plane of yours. Should we succeed, then thy planes ahead and thy planes behind shall meet as one in God’s mansion. And God shall weep no more. [See The Revelation 21:1–8, 22–27, and 22:6, 12–17.]

May 21, 1970, the man asked the spiritual messengers of God: “What, ah, what influence did the entity, Jesus, have on us? He says in Matthew, Chapter 28, at the end of the chapter he says, ‘I will be with you till the end of the age.’ Is this the Christ, or is this the entity, Jesus? Or do I understand what I’m trying to say?”

For, as Jesus reached the Christ state, and went to God to dwell in His mansion, so should all man dwell in God’s mansions. For God loves thy children, and cries for His children.

At the end of all planes is the Christ state for man. For they shall all become one. As Christ, thy savior, as Jesus, thy savior, was crucified, did he not say, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do?”

If thy and my Father shall walk among all men forever, so should He walk with thee now. But as a good father, God would pick His hurt child up from his fall and kiss him. He must let this child go on and grow to a man. That is thy free choice. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, I do, and thank you very much. Jesus, before he was crucified, talked about, quite a bit about the judgment day, and also, he talked about the terrible things that are to take place before this judgment day. Can you give us any enlightenment on the judgment day?”

Remember — remember that man through many, many [planes] has written, and changed, and translated thy Bible and [thy] word of God. Therefore, may things have been left out, and many things have been added to. If ye should say, “I could destroy thy world with thy right hand and make it again with thy left,” in talking to prove or to show a point, would thee do this if thy loved thy people? Nay. Thy judgment shall come from each soul, from each spirit.

For those who should, shall believe in God, there shall be always. For those who should walk in Lucifer’s steps, there shall be never, and always upon thy earth, for they shall be the lost, and they shall dwell and be cast into the mighty pit — and there Lucifer shall be chained. And peace shall dwell upon thy earth for a thousand years. [See The Revelation, chapters 20–22.]

Can thy understand this?

“I think so.”

In Revelation 20:1–3, John writes the account of what he was shown by the angel whom Jesus sent to reveal what will happen shortly:

“Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and he cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while.

The spiritual messengers of God explained: There are times when we shall talk as if in riddles. We do not mean for this to be true, and to happen, for if thy do not understand our words, thy must but ask. For I, as the spokesman of thy council, must translate many things, for I am soul Ray and soul Ray is I, for I shall be as close to him as his heartbeat, but I must always be as close to God as His eyes.

The man asked: “Uh, are we, are we coming to the end of the age? We talked about, ah, that Lucifer would be put in a pit, and that, I believe you said, that Christ would rule for a thousand years — are we coming close to this time when this will take place?”

Yes, you are close, but first, there must be a way made for him. For his warriors, as on earth and in heaven, must be chosen. [See The Revelation 14:1–5, 14–20; 15:2–4; and chapter 19.]

For this to be done, that, and for the coming of eternal peace on earth, our work and our coming has happened in many places upon thy earth. Others, like soul Ray, have been chosen. If man is to heed thy word of God and to build thy temple of God, not from riches or material things, for is it not better to look upon God in an open field and love Him than to build Him a castle of many jewels and hate Him, and turn your false faces to Him?

For now, [your need, learn thee], and I shall give thee the name now of thy group, for yours shall be the philosophy, the spiritual philosophy of God. This shall be the name of thy group.

If during the day, each of you could spend a little time in meditation, and thinking of God and love, and each day thy could seek out one soul upon thy plane and speak one word in the name of God, then God’s temple would slowly be built, and no more of God’s tears should be shed, and all of His mansions shall be full.

Do not ridicule any church, as thy would call it upon this plane. For in their own way, if thy should shed but one teardrop from God, it is as important as many — and God shall love thee the same.

The man asked another question: “You know, uh, Jesus talked quite a bit about the kingdom of God. And it seems to me that there must be more than one meaning. One time, and I think it’s only once in the four books — I think there’s four books to the New Testament — that he mentions the kingdom of God is within you. But he mentions the kingdom of God many times. Is there more than one meaning to this?”

As Christ, or Jesus — as he talked to his disciples and to his many followers, each time he was talking on a different subject. Now, if I should say to you, “Come into my kingdom, and we shall build a temple for God,” I would mean we are building that temple in thy soul. Yet, should I say to you,” Come into the kingdom of God at the end of thy planes,” then thy should have reached the Christ state, and your planes shall have ended, and thy would sit next to God. For remember, God has many mansions. For each it shall be a little different, for remember, there is free choice, even [for] the Christ state. Can you understand this? [See John 14:1–5, and 17:13–26.]

“Yes, Aka, I do. And I do thank you.

This is written in hopes that the words of the spiritual messengers whom Jesus asked the Father to send to prepare a way for his coming will shine more light on what we read in scriptures.

Many seek to better understand what is written on the Anti-Christ and the Beast. What the spiritual messengers of God tell us about this has been gathered into this three-part writing, “Now is the time of the Anti-Christ.” In Part 1 of 3, we can read the guidance they spoke from 1970 to 1977.

Some of the angels’ messages you’ll read were spoken before events unfolded. Some are now in progress. But all point to signs of a bigger picture.

In Part 2 of 3 of this collection (the 1978 to 1980 messages) the spiritual messengers of God see the Anti-Christ’s sign, as a comet passed Jupiter to enter our inner solar system. They warn, July 21, 1978: “We say unto you these words. The Anti-Christ now knows of his dominion and walks upon your Earth. A way is being prepared for his time and his rule.

In Part 3 of 3 of “Now is the time of the Anti-Christ” (the 1981 to 1989 messages) the reader gains more wisdom to see the preparation taking place toward the rule of the Anti-Christ. Yet, God’s spiritual messengers guide us to know what we can do to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah instead and begin a new heaven and new earth upon Earth.

After reading this, readers may wonder if we are being given a further revelation of preparations being made for the Anti-Christ, so we can stop his reign.

Maybe we hadn’t seen them as such. Maybe we thought they were unrelated events. Maybe we were not informed to even recognize those who were behind these things to see an overall plan?

Is this prophetic, spiritual guidance told to help us recognize events for what they truly are — parts of a bigger plan in a battle for the souls or men and women and for the dominion of the Earth? Some say this planning for the Anti-Christ’s rule began in the 19th or early 20th century. Or did it begin long ago?

The number of the beast is 666 (or 616)

In another article to follow this three-part collection on the Anti-Christ, the spiritual messengers of God tell us what the mark of the Beast is — “We have told you of the coming of the Antichrist and the Beast, and the beast from within.” The spiritual messengers of God teach us how to avoid writing this mark upon our souls. For this is a battle for the dominion of the Earth and who shall reign, both on Earth and also within the hearts and minds.

The words of God’s spiritual messengers, Aka, are gathered here are to guide us in what we can do — both to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah within ourselves, and also for the Messiah’s coming upon the Earth.

On September 10, 1971, the spiritual messengers of God said: And as the one known as Christ did say, “My Father has many mansions. And I have come not to change the Law, but to show you the fulfillment of the same — not to destroy the prophecies, but to show you the fulfillment of the same. But as these prophecies are fulfilled, then I give of you new prophecies of your future.” [See John 14:2–26, 17:20–26, The Revelation 1:1–3 and chapters 4–22.]

October 6, 1972: But as we have said before, we have come not to change the Laws of our Father. We have come not to change the true prophecies within the same, but we have come that the fulfillment of the same should come in God’s righteous light.

But we have also come, not for Moses’ time,

we have come for this time, and therefore, should bring all things from our Father within the light of God.

Thy have many questions upon the scripture. Define these and ask. Thy have many questions of our Father. Define these and ask. Thy have many questions of that of the spirits of Aka. Define these and ask. But remember, they have all come from the same source.

December 29, 1972: But hark unto these words. Our Father has written only upon the Tablets. Man has written upon your pages and your paper; therefore, many things have been extracted from, taken away from that that inspired the men in the beginning to write of the same, and some has been added to by others. We have come, not to change the Laws, but to fulfill the prophecies of the same. We have come not to change that that was given within Moses’ time. We have come not to change that that was given unto Isaiah. We have come not to change that that was given, and the gift that was given, in the one known as Jesus. But hark unto these words. We have come for this time.

We have come from those who should make their entry. We have come from those who did say unto our Father, “Send those who know You best to prepare a way for our coming, that our Father’s words should not be misinterpreted.” [See John 14:15–26, 15:26–27, 16:7–15, and 16:19–24.]

God’s spiritual messengers pleaded, July 8, 1974: But we say unto you and to all mankind, the Lord, our God, loves of His children. But we say, as He gave unto Moses the Ten Commandments, must it be necessary once again that the days of Noah shall come forth upon your land? Must these days of darkness, must the Sixth Seal be opened, and then the Seventh? Must all of the words we have spoken not be heard?

Nay. [See The Revelation of John, chapters 6–8.]

We come forth not to take from the words of Moses. We come forth not to change the prophecies of John. We come forth with love from our Father, with A Rose without Thorns for your earth. Pick it up. Be as a mirror; show it to your brother. Judge not his skin, or the color.

June 9, 1970, Aka said: Now, we have spoken before of the Great Sword, the sword which is here now that shall cut two ways.

On one side of the Sword, it shall change thy earth. Its whole form shall change. Where no water flowed, water shall flow. What was a desert before shall bloom into gardens.

Now, on the other side of the Sword, thy will see man. Those who should not heed God’s word, this Sword shall cut them from the face of the earth, for, because remember, we are here to prepare a way. We are here to build an army of minds for the birth of our savior who shall rule both heaven and earth for a thousand years, and his peace and his love shall be felt by all who would put their hands and reach to God. Can you understand this? [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

“Yes, Aka.”…

Look within thyself, my daughter, and think upon us and think upon God.

We are not great; we only carry the message of God. This is a philosophy of man and a philosophy of God. This is why we’ve asked that thy would call thy group “the spiritual philosophy of God.”

For her, remember that God is with thee everywhere. It is not necessary to fall on your knees at a false altar. The altar of God is all around you. We shall help you if you will accept this help….

Now we see a question in thy minds of famine, of the day of famine. If what is in the mind of some men of this earth plane at this time, this famine shall be created for a short period. In the positions of the mountains, the worst of this shall go over though. Store seed of all natures. Store grain. Store as much dried and preserved fruits, vegetables, as thy can. Certain information has been placed in your hands at this time. This information has come from what thy call the Mormon church. They, in their own way, are preparing for this day of famine, for their prophets have told them of such.

Is world famine plan to bring in the Anti-Christ’s world dominion?

July 3, 1970: “Aka, a few weeks ago, you made a prediction that on July 22nd there would be an attempted assassination of our President. Has this been taken care of or will it take place?”

This has been taken care of. The President has altered his plans to comply with our message. Therefore, the assassination shall fail. The one that they shall attempt to assassinate shall not be the President. They shall be apprehended and dealt with by your laws.

This you must understand, that these people — as we have said before, in some man-beasts there is not the soul, the spirit and the man. Then again, there are those who live upon your plane as lost souls, and then again, there are those who exist, you might say, as lost souls, never to enter, and wander aimlessly, until they shall be cast in the pit with Lucifer.

Seven years before, in 1963, U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assasinated in Dallas, Texas. It was shortly after he issued an Executive Order to return the dollar to the gold standard, rather than Federal Reserve notes which are not backed up. Kennedy is also said to have recently thwarted a covert CIA intervention in Cuba. Many theories have been given about who was behind his assassination. Some say bullets came from different directions after his Secret Service escorts stepped back, away from the limousine. Among many present that day were Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson who became President, and George H.W. Bush, who became Director of the CIA in 1976.
In 1981, newly elected U.S. President, Ronald Regan, survived an assassination attempt in Washington, D.C.. John Hinckley, Jr. is commonly accused for the attack. Some theorists, such as Roger Stone, associate of Nixon and other Presidents, suggests in his new book, Jeb and the Bush Crime Family, that Georgie H. W. Bush played a role, since he has most to gain. Bush was a two-term U.S. vice president under Ronald Reagan, from 1981 to 1989. He also served as the 41st U.S. president from 1989 to 1993.

Now, during this time, as we say, that the Messiah shall reign, all those without the body, the soul and the spirit will not enter at this time. Their entries shall not be again until God has completed this part of God’s plan. Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

July 12, 1970: Now we have very important information.

First, we should tell you of your troubled time. There, as we have spoke before, there are many of other forces who would destroy this work if they can, for you must realize, when this work is finished they and all their kind shall be cast into the pit with Lucifer. Therefore, they would prolong their time as much as possible. Can you understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now we see many problems in thy minds.

First, soul Bartholomew, you ask, “In what way should we do this work?” Then we should tell thee, we do not want to bring you from where your work or thy livelihood is, but rather, that we may be permitted to go with thee. And by going with thee, there thy shall do great work. And thy wife shall walk tall beside thee. Do not let doubts enter thy mind, for even as doubts have dwelt there, we shall destroy them, for these doubts are demons of Lucifer. Be not afraid — as we have said before that the material things needed for this work shall come as raindrops.

Can thy understand from which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Now, they ask, why would we see send thee to the Dragon’s mouth?

Was Aka speaking of Hollywood or Los Angeles? The couple to shom Aka spoke lived in San Bernardino, east of there.

There are many there that need thy help. And through you and thy wife, we may enter, and by our entering, these souls shall be saved from the great Sword.

Now thy ask, “What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?” And we would say to you, the great Sword, first, is a battle of minions and spirit and soul for the minds of men, but therefore, by gaining their minds we gain their soul again, and by gaining their soul again, we gain their spirit. For, as we have said before that the spirits of God shall be as the pebbles of a brook, the spirits of man shall be as the pebbles of a river, but the souls of man shall be as the pebbles of an ocean. Therefore, we would say this to thee, there are more bodies than there are souls. There are more souls than there are spirits. For the spirit should know of God at all times.

Can thy understand this?

“Yes, Aka.”


Then, now we should explain again. Thy cannot destroy, it was not God’s intent. God did not give man the power to destroy anything. He may change its form only, and use it — for in the beginning God created man and beast, and the earth itself, and all things in the earth and above it, and all universes and all galaxies. For God created the heaven and earths and earths beyond earths.

Can thy understand from which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

July 15, 1970: Now, as we have said before, man can destroy nothing. We know of the many spirits of man, we know of the many souls of man, and we know of thy questions.

And you ask, how could there be the spirits of God, as though the pebbles of a brook?

And we would say to you — now, that is better, all is in accord. And we would say to you, it would be better, far better, that man should cast himself into a pit of fire with Lucifer than it would be for man to take one other person from God. That is why we have told you before, our Father has many mansions. Each man, in his own way, should believe in God. God has not set rules for worshiping Him. Nay, man should set these rules for himself.

And as we have said before, if a man should lose his hand and pray to God for guidance so that he may use one hand as two, God would send to him those who have lost their hands. And by doing this, each man, in himself, would know of God in his own way. That is why we have spoke to you before of all the religions, as thy would call them, and all the worship of God.

We have told you before, do not repeat what others have told you when you talk to God. Talk of [to] Him as to yourself; therefore, God would understand you. For if you repeat what others have said before and not mean them, they would mean nothing to God, for they mean nothing to you.

July 20, 1970: Now, now, we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ. [You can listen to this message here.]

As thy have known and been told before that the time of the Messiah is very near, that we are here to prepare a way — and as the birth shall happen and has happened, then we would tell thee of also, at the same time as the birth of the Messiah, of the birth of the Anti-Christ.

The Anti-Christ shall wear seven crowns, and shall rule seven nations. But we would say of this, that the Lord, God, our Father, shall protect His children. Those who would worship the Beast, or the Anti-Christ, which would come from Lucifer, many foul things shall come from its mouth, and it should use thy Lord, our Father, in vain. And it should mock both man and beast, for it knows that its time is short. But fear not, for its rule shall be lean. And God’s anger shall be mighty.

As we have told you before, our Lord, God, Father, has taken the necessary steps to protect the Messiah and has taken His protection to the womb of all heaven, and as we have said before, “on heaven so shall it be on earth.” The war has been fought in two places, and the war shall be won in two places. But this thy must realize, that now that Satan has been thrown to the earth, and now we would tell thee, for those who have ears to hear, the name of the Anti-Christ shall be six times sixty six — and there shall be the name.

Now, of the Messiah — the Messiah has been transferred unto a place in the desert where our Father shall protect him, and then the Eagle shall spread its wings and shall take this child and protect it, and it shall be protected in the desert. All necessary steps shall be taken that no harm should come to this one. For when the time of our Lord shall be as one, the Messiah shall rule on the earth as in heaven, and on the earth and many earths across our vast universes. Now there shall be stars cast from the heavens. And as these stars are cast, so shall Lucifer be chained. [See The Revelation, chapters 12, 13, and 19.]

Some remember seeing the Revelation 12 sign September 23, 2017, based on an apocalyptic belief that an astronomical alignment fulfilled the first two verses of Revelation 12 prophecy. The date coincided with the Autumnal equinox. Revelation 12 says: “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days. Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down — that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: ‘Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.’ When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach. Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring — those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.”

July 25, 1970: Now, as we have said before, we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ and of the coming of the Anti-Christ, and how it shall affect God’s children. And I say, of God’s children — of those who are of three. [Editor’s note: Three may be those with a body, soul and spirit — or those who have not become lost souls.]

Now that our Father has given us permission, this we would say to thee — that in the days of the Anti-Christ, father shall slay father [son] and mother shall slay daughter. Of all foul things shall be. But for these of God’s children who have walked tall, nay, not one hair upon their head shall be harmed, for the Anti-Christ shall have no power over those of God’s children.

And that is the reason we have told thee, prepare for the famine. The famine shall be lean, a very short period of time. But during this time — during this time God’s children must prepare themselves. And it is not in the preparation only of food substance that we speak, for there shall be the time of the testing of your faith. And for those with faith shall walk upon the water, and they shall heal. Can you understand of which we speak?

Nay, then we should explain in another time.

August 28, 1970: Now, at this time, we should tell you more of what thy call prayer.

Too often, too often thy should pray to thy Father and then thy, themself, forgot thy prayer. But remember, thy Father does not forget your prayers. And those prayers that are said in earnest, that mean something to you, that should mean something to our Father, shall be answered.

But then, we would tell thee of the prayers that are said by others — the prayers which are said in greed, the prayers that are said to place temptation, temptation before others. Then we should tell you in this way. If thy should offend thy brother, thee shall be offended. If thy should say a prayer to God and mean this prayer for Lucifer, then Lucifershall answer the prayer and not our Father.

We know thy do not understand of which we speak. Then we should say in a way our Father would prefer. Walk thee in the light of God, and by walking in His light, thy shall become as He.

We should tell thee of a different time, for your world has been as three. We should go back before the time of Atlantis into a civilization, as thy would call it, greater than any that has ever been on your earth before, with more scientific knowledge, more powers to heal than has ever been on your earth since. Now, of this civilization we would tell you this — this civilization made war upon other planets, and therefore, as you would call it at this time, the heavy bombardment by radiation changed the form of man, and has continued to change its form into what you are today.

Click here to listen Aka speak these words

Therefore, when the Father spoke and said He would make man of our likeness — now, by telling you of this time, we should tell you of a time that shall be again. As your earth should change again, and as the earth shall change from north to south, from east to west, man must change with this time, for in this time he shall walk forward and have more spiritual vibrations to the body than ever before. And at this time he shall become closer into what is known as the God state, or the Christ state.

At this time, those who do not change shall be no more. This is not a threat. This is something that shall happen upon your earth, and those who shall be prepared for this time shall survive. Those who are not prepared shall not survive, for their body, their soul, shall be no more; the spirit shall be dead and, therefore, there shall be no more entries.

During this time, and this time shall come about between the periods of 1900 — yes — no, this is wrong; one moment, please.

Yes, Father, yes, Father. Yes. Yes.

This period shall come about in the year, two thousand — no, the records show, 22–02 2 — yes, this is the records show. You shall have to wait, one moment, and permission must be given.

This you must realize, only our Father, and at His grace, shall disclose what stands in the times that stand for His great plan. And it shall be on earth and heaven and in the universe and universes. Therefore, this time shall be 2022. And at this time, your bodies must become accustomed to these things.

This shall begin in 1998 — and at this time has began before in your year of 1932. Your earth’s rotation shall change. It, your earth, shall gradually become closer to what is known as your sun. Therefore, the entries upon this earth must change with your earth to survive this time.

Therefore, we should tell you of the time before.

Before, these people were too greedy to change; therefore, many became mutates and other forms. Their bodies changes almost to the animal state. Their thinking changed back to the animal state. This you have record of — this is what you should call your cave man state. It has taken you thousands of years to develop from which this time came.

Now, we would say, if all is not in accord, destruction shall be again, and man shall revert back again into what he was before.

But as those who survived to Atlantis from this other time, and were capable of taking part of the knowledge to Atlantis — then as Atlantis was destroyed — this same knowledge, therefore, was transferred into three places. Therefore, the leaders at that time realized, rather than revert completely back into the mutate, or caveman state, they buried these secrets.

These secrets shall be known shortly into your world again, for as we have said before, all things shall be uncovered unto thee. Where there is no light, light shall flow. Where no water flows, water shall flow. Where desert and dry land dwell, mountains shall be. All things shall change upon your earth.

Very shortly, you shall have what you [would, will] call another earthquake in your Southern Pole area. As these earthquakes happen, a great melting of the same shall happen.

In the Mediterranean area, the earth shall begin to rise from the sea, in what you now call your Florida area shall rise again from the sea. Others we shall tell you in a later reading.

What is now known — proportions of the British Isles shall sink into the sea; other land shall rise. A bridge, a natural bridge shall rise from the ocean bed, and therefore, what is now known as the British Isles, and what shall be left of them, shall then become part of the continent of Europe. Other proportions of the upper proportions of Europe shall change as though in the twinkling of an eye.

Your South American area, great upheavals shall come about. We should tell thee more of this at a different time….

We should tell you at this time, we know of the many questions thy should have answered. If thy should ask at another time, we should answer these. But remember, we are here to prepare a way, and the time should grow short. The information that thy shall need for the preservation of God’s children shall be given to you. If these things are acted upon, none of your group of God’s children shall be harmed.

September 5, 1970 (afternoon): Now we should tell thee of our Father and His plan.

In this locale, in what shall soon become known as the isles of California, we should say this, prepare thee for the famine. Prepare against the day of the tidal waves.

Soon there shall be eruption in the Northern hemisphere, in that proportion known as Alaska. Then, soon there shall be eruption in that proportion known as the South Pole, or Antatlantis. As this happens, the earth shall upheaval in many places, and great tidal waves shall rip thy oceans.

In the Mediterranean area, land shall rise from the earth.

Panorama of San Francisco in 1878

Off of what thy know of the California coast, in the location of San Francisco, that proportion shall be no more. New land shall rise, approximately, of your miles, 25 miles. This land mass shall cover an area of 50-by-100 miles. Do not, at this time, flee to this island, for this island, as you would know it, shall sink again into the sea. When this time comes about, flee to the mountains; they shall be safe. And pray to God that when this time happens, your souls shall be in accord with His, for you shall be the children of our Father, and His love for you shall protect you, and your faith in Him shall protect you.

Now, as we have said before, if thy should climb that ladder of our Father, climb it in such a way that thy shall help others up the ladder before thee, and therefore, thy shall climb this ladder tenfold….

For now is the time of the Cherub, and this time shall be of the mightiest angels of God shall hover over your earth and shall direct our disciples in the right direction in his Lord.

Remember, our Father loves you, and if you can return this love in some small proportion, you will know that our Father shall look after you and care for you. But remember, man may break thy body and destroy it, but only you yourself can destroy your own spirit. And if you should destroy this spirit, then your soul shall know not a way to return to its Father, and therefore, become a lost soul and wander forever and ever in a vast nothingness. [See Luke 12:2–7.]

Now, there is one among you who asks, “Cast aside our demon.” Then we should say to you, as has been said before as Jesus, as thy would know him, cast aside the demon in a man named [Moup?], for this demon shall leave thee if thy should think of our Father. If thy should walk with His hand in yours, then happiness and love for all on your earth plane shall dwell for a thousand years. But remember, those thousand years shall not be as your count; they shall be as our Father counts.

Now, as we have said before, we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah; therefore, we, in ourselves, are not important. We are important to God. Our message, should it be heeded, shall save your earth, as thy would know it.

But remember, our Father made all things, both of the heaven and earth. And those things that belong on the earth shall stay on the earth, and those things that belong in heaven shall stay in heaven. But remember, your earth is only one of many, and your people are only one of many.

Then we say unto you, do not kill this Prophet who comes after us, for if you should try, then God’s wrath shall be upon you, and thee shall dwell in a hell, as thy would think it, far beyond anything in thy wildest imagination, for our Father and we shall protect this one.

But now, remember also, at this time shall come the Anti-Christ, and his stay upon your earth shall be lean, and he shall try and stamp upon the foreheads of God’s children his name. Those who may resist this shall stay in the Book which was written in the beginning of time. [Exodus 24:1–8. 25:10–22, 26:1–31, 31:1–18, 32:25–34, 33:5–23, 34:1–11, 29, 35:1–19, 37:1–19, 38:21, 39:30–43, 40:1–35, 2 Samuel 22:7–16, Ezekiel 21:11–16, 40:1–4, 41:13–26, 43:1–7, and The Revelation, chapters 4–7, 13:11–18, 15:2–4, 17:7–8, 19:1–16, and chapters 20–22.]

And for those who think they have lost their soul, remember, God has set no rules for the worshiping of Him; man has made those rules. God asks only that you love of Him and love of thy brothers and sisters of this earth plane.

September 10, 1970: And now we should tell thee again of the time of the Anti-Christ. And the beast shall wear ten crowns, and these crowns, as thy should know them, shall be ten nations. And as we have said before, the name of the beast shall be six times sixty-six. [See The Revelation, chapter 13.]

Europa rides the Beast in front of the European Union Headquarters. Der Speigel magazine shows the Beast with 10 stars above it.

And we should tell thee that we are not great, that we are only messengers from our Father, and only as our Father should give us of this information, should we, in turn, be able to give it unto you. And of the Cherub, the Cherub shall be the seven angels which hover above thy earth on which our Father has given His power.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“I think so, Aka.”

Then we should tell thee of a different time, in the time that a man named Jesus was crucified. And as he lay upon the cross, and as the spikes were drove in, there were two others. Now we would tell the of these two others. For our Father has said unto you, for the last shall be first, and the first shall be last, and as we have spoken unto one that he would take of them unto paradise with him. [See Luke 13:30, 23:35–43 and John 19:33.]

Now we would say, the last has been first, and now you have unto the second. Remember, our instrument was chosen then, and our Father’s plans was made then, for it has been written that He would send unto Earth two prophets before the coming of the seven angels. [See The Revelation 11:3–13.]

Now the angels wait above thy earth, and what has been written shall be. [See The Revelation, chapters 14‑15.]

Your earth shall change its form, for the great Sword shall strike upon it of both sides, for now is the battle of the minds of men. [See The Revelation 19:5‑21.]

Remember, your greatest work is to reunite all your religions unto one, and, by doing so, not to change a man’s faith, but so that thy and that man should respect each other’s religion and your worship of God in such as way that each of you may enter our Father’s many mansions in his own way. But your love for your fellow man shall be such that even though he enters our Father’s kingdom in a different way from yours, you should help him to enter. Therefore, you shall put him above the ladder, above yourself, and by doing so, you should climb tenfold.

September 14, 1970: Now thy have many questions, ask, but before thy do, we should remind thee again, now is the time of the Cherub. Those that live within 50-mile radius of the fault, you have had our warnings.

The San Andreas fault runs most of the length of California

As we have said before, the seven angels hover above thy earth. These angels are all-powerful.

You have been told before, for the Lord shall put His power into these angels, and the angels shall dwell their power from the Lamb and the Lamb’s blood. And the Lamb’s blood shall cover thy earth, and as it covers your earth, then healing shall come about. [See The Revelation, chapter 6–10, and 14–22.]

What were Aka’s earthquake warnings?

On April 15, 1970, Aka said: There are certain words that I must tell thee. I have spoke[n] before of the mighty Sword that will change thy surface of thy land. You shall receive an earthquake here very soon. Be not afraid of this, for this is in preparation for the time of thy big change, and it shall help in the upheaval of things.

May 1, 1970: “The land that has dropped in Claypool [Arizona] in the well, we would ask for some information on this, if this is pertinent to the earthquake which you have spoken of before?”

Yes, not once, but twice, but threefold, the land shall upheaval, and so shall be thy warning. The men who shall work the ground shall become afraid of it, and leave it within time, but they shall have nothing to fear but fear in their own souls, for as the upheaval shall end, great riches shall come forth and these riches shall be, in part, of an old generation, upon a different time and a different plane. The other part shall be the riches known of your plane….

“Do you have an approximate or an exact time on this earthquake in this area, the first one?”

Ye have already felt a very slight one, ten days ago. These shall increase in number, and with each of these they shall grow stronger.

“When will the first one be finished?”

There is no finish, and there is no beginning and no end. When the final time comes and the end comes, the Great Sword will have struck and cut thy earth, and thy whole earth shall change and the surface of thy earth shall change, for all this is in God’s plan and in God’s time.

“And, uh, we are safe to stay here?”

Yes, you are very safe. All those who would take in their hearts the temple of God is safe; those who shall not heed and shall cast God from himself, they are lost and shall be lost, as before, as now, and as in the future.

June 16, 1970: Thy have one more question, ask it.

Yuma, Arizona, lies at the northeastern edge of the imperial Valley in California. It is seen where the agriculture flourishes, just below where the Colorado River (north) and Gila River (west) flow near Yuma. The Colorado River has been redirected west into California as the All-American Canal. The Salton Sea in California was forned in 1905 by an engineering acident from the Colorado River. The San Bernardino mountains are north of the Salton Sea, through which the San Andreas fault runs.

“You said earlier this evening that this valley will again be under the sea. Is there any danger to the people living in this valley in the near future?” Note: [Yuma, Arizona, or the Imperial Valley, California.]

Not at the present time; within the next ten years, yes, there is.

“Will we be notified at the time?”

Yes, the first warning shall come in the form of what thy would call an earthquake. At that time, this land as thy know it now shall start sinking. But still this will not — there will be many who will not consider it as a warning. And when the final blow if the Sword is struck, many shall die here.

“They will have a warning though, first?”


“All right.”

The first shall be so small that thy shall not even feel it. The second, thy will feel it only by looking at the water. The third, thy will feel it, for the ground shall shake all around thee, and some will die. The river shall change it course at this time, or attempt to, and man shall try to stop it. While they are trying, it shall happen again. That, for the warned shall heed our warning, should have left before then.

October 5, 1970: You have many questions, ask.

“Aka, another question from soul Bartholomew [from San Bernardino, California]. He would like to know if you could place any more reference on the cycle in which the earthquakes will come? He has in mind that there has been four; is this part of the four in which you mentioned nine? He would like a little more verification as to a more positive time in which we are now.”

He has received four warnings as of now.

September 18, 1970: Therefore, remember, this group, as you would call it, did not start yesterday, or the day before. And remember, what God has given, no man [may] put asunder. Remember this, Lucifer was a mighty force, but did not your God cast Lucifer from the heavens with but the movement of one finger upon His right hand?…

But when he comes his name shall not be as thy think, for what is in a name…but a spoken word. A name [will] be given and should mean of the same.

Yet the soul in his climb to the heavens, as you would call them, should cast his spirit aside and fall and never climb again.…

But remember, you are a free soul….

And if you will remember that we have spoke before on the wording into which we have said, that soul Ray as I, and I as soul Ray, and understand these wordings, for the rays that shall come from our Father are everywhere. Do you think that our Father would love one part of the earth [even] more than another? But at this time, at this place, there is work for both yourself and others.

September 21, 1970: ….Then we should say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub, or the Cherubim, as you wish to call it.

Now we have told unto you of the time of the Cherub, that the Cherub shall be of the highest angel of our Father and that they hover above your earth. And we have said unto you that the times and half times are at an end. Now shall be the time of our Father. But remember, what our Father has placed upon your earth, let no man put asunder. For it would be better that he cast his soul into a pit with Lucifer, far better.

For those who should try, their souls shall be with Lucifer. But remember, our Father has given to you free will. Our Father does naught unto man; man does unto his self. If man should kill another man, then this man shall be killed into himself, and he shall give of his own punishment. But for those who would not do of this shall become, as thy would know them, of the lost soul. But remember, too, the beginning and the ending of a karma, or sin, as you would call them, shall be in this fashion. If you should know of sin, and then do upon it unto others, this shall be done unto you. But if you should not know of this sin unto others, but learn of it later and do not do this again unto man, this shall not be a karma, for it shall have ended as had it began.

Remember, our Father loves you. You are all His children, except those who belong to Lucifer. And those who belong to Lucifer are nothing, for they shall be in the pit with Lucifer.

And then, there are those who we would call of, lost souls, and they are of nothing. And there are those who would have no spirit at all, and they are nothing. So remember, only those who are in the Book in the beginning may be in the Book in the ending.

September 21, 1970: Now we have said before that the Eagle shall spread its wings in protection. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

The fuse has been lit.

The Dragon shall show its mighty teeth, and the Red Horse which shall be known as your Beast has risen its seven ugly heads, and it has said of foul things upon our Father. But remember, his reign shall be lean; therefore, he shall cast upon your earth many foul things.

For those children of our Father who do not forsake Him, but leave their trust in Him, no matter of what foul things the Beast may say, and of, no matter what miracles the Beast may perform, keep thy trust in thy Father. Love Him as He would love unto you. Remember, man may harm your body or even slay you, but no man was ever given the right to harm your soul, or your spirit or your immortal body. Only you yourselves may do this. [See The Revelation 6:3–4 and chapters 12 through 20.]

Do you understand of which we have spoken?

“Yes, I think we do, Aka.”

Therefore, remember, the fuse has been lit.

October 5, 1970: “Aka, at this time, could you give us any more information as to the storing of food and our storing of water?”

At this time in which thy should ask, we have said unto you, store of the seed, store of the dry fruits or vegetables. Store in such a way that thy may replant and re-grow, and replenish your earth.

Remember, this time we prepare you for is a time that man shall make, not our Father.

The time we prepare you for in the time of one, in the time of the Messiah, this is the time of our Father. For this time, all you shall need shall be furnished you.

But for the time of the Beast, prepare for this time. The time shall be lean, a few months.

And this time shall be known in your time as four years, six months.

During this time, you should be prepared to provide for yourselves.

We would suggest, for your seed, prepare a place in the ground which is both dark and dry. We should say the same for thy food; prepare a place that is both dark and dry.

Now, we should say unto the water. We have told unto thee the fashions of purifying your water. Now we should tell unto thee, keep ten 1,000-gallon containers in storage. But do not do this until we tell of you. And as we tell of you this, then do it at once, for the water on your earth for a short time shall be foul, and no man, beast or animal, or the bird, or the fowl, or even that of the sea shall be able to drink of this.

November 9, 1970: Now, at this time, for the one who should ask, we should give the message. Remember, as God called on thee, He did not ask thee to stop tilling the field. He did not ask thee to run away from where thy are.

If thy were a slave, then as God would call thee, thy would be of a free man. But if thy were a free man and were called by Lucifer, thy would be of a slave.

In thy daily life there must be time for sleep; there must be time for laughter; there must be time for work; there must also be time for tears. Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay. Then we say unto thee, open thy heart and open thy door, for if thy should open thy heart and open thy door to thy home that we may enter, and as God enters thy door, then thy time for tears shall have been passed, for in thy heart thy shall have joy. But remember also, we say unto thee, man may harm thy body; man may cut of thee thy arm; man cannot harm thy soul, or thy spirit, or thy immortal body. Only thy thyself may do this. And remember, another man should sin against thee and harm thy body, and that is his sin, but if you should harm your body, then that is your sin.

November 13, 1970: ….As we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. Your world — [Note: there is a long pause, lasting a minute and one-half, during which he breathes deeply and erratically, as he did when another (Cayce) had entered that summer to speak through his body. When he finally speaks, the voice becomes higher pitched than Aka’s low tones and the pronunciation is quite different.]

“Your world shall change its form. All things that have been before shall not be again. Your earth, your nation, and [their, there are] many nations, shall come into the conflict of war. Men shall fight brother, and brother shall fight father. But remember, the kingdom of our Father shall be upon thy earth. Be thee then transformed. For now, we say unto thee, be thee transformed.”

Aka is here. [Note: The voice sounds like the familiar voice of Aka.]

“Good evening, Aka. To whom were you speaking, or who was speaking to us?”

[Ka-tan]. In the Thirteenth and of the Thirteenth, Ka-tan was then the head of the Council.

Messages spoken in 1971 –

February 19, 1971: “Thank you, Aka. Is there anything you would like to tell us this evening?”

One moment, please. Yes, now, that is better; all is in accord.

Now, as we have said before, the spirits of our Father hover above your earth.

We have told you before of the isles of California. We have told you before of the great tidal waves that shall come. We have told you before, that that has been buried shall be uncovered. Where no light has shone, light shall shine again.

We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ and the Beast, and the beast from within. And even though thy should cut the Beast’s head, it shall heal its head from one of a greater. And then shall come the time that the ten nations that stood beside it shall join together in slaying the Beast forever. [See The Revelation, chapters 13–18.]

As we have said before, we are not great. Our power comes from our Father.

We have told you before, [prepare] thyself for the famine. For soon, as you have seen, the might of our Father’s hand, and in His anger, shall separate those places into which Lucifer should dwell. And in separating them, still, as during the time of Abraham, He should look within them, and if He should find good among them, He shall spare them; if not, the same shall happen unto them as happened unto Lot’s wife. [See Genesis 18:16–33, 19:1–29.]

We have told you of many things that shall come. We have told you that Atlantis shall rise again and fall again. Man, as you have known him, has dwelt upon your earth for millions of years. Our intention is not to destroy your earth, but to reshape it, that peace may dwell upon it.

We have told you before that very soon you should hear words from what you call as outer space, from other worlds, much like your own, only farther advanced than your own. It is our Father’s plan that before your influence may dwell beyond your own planetary system, your thousand years of peace shall dwell; and they shall dwell as He should count, not as you should count.

We should also tell you, within one month’s time you shall feel new eruptions very close to you, for in the heart of the earth now dwells and smolders and is ready to erupt into what you would know as volcanic action. One shall be in what is known as part of New Mexico region. This region shall be very close into what thy know at this time as Taos, New Mexico. Your next eruption shall be in what is known as Flagstaff, Arizona. These shall divide; these shall divide, and therefore, be the parting line, and hold back the eruptions from our Father’s people.

Now, we should say unto thee, we have given thee these warnings.

We have asked that thy form of one by one, and two by two, and three by three, and groups of Thirteen, and Thirteen, and Thirteen beyond. [See Acts, chapter 1 and 2:1–41.]

We have told you before that thy time should grow short.

We have told you before that thy would throw stones at each other. We have told you, let us stand before you and to cast thy first stone at us.

Now we should tell you of this. We have mended, guarded, and taken care of this one known as soul Ray. But we cannot re-create; it is not our Father’s intention. Our instrument was chosen to come among you. We did not choose that that was great in the man’s eyes. We chose one who had risen high in man’s eyes and fallen, as thy would know, to the bottom of the pit, that he should know humility, that he should know forgiveness. Can you understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully.

Then we would say unto you, your work has just begun. Join together as one; build on your earth God’s mighty army of minds. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

But do not destroy nothing as thy build, only build upon what is there. Do not denounce a man because of his color or his belief. Bring him here to us that we may speak unto him.

As we have told thee before, and thy have not listened and heeded unto our Father’s words, if thy brother should offend thee, go to thy brother. But be prepared to forgive yourself, that he may forgive you. Do not hide your feelings, for remember, “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.” Cast God’s spirit into the brook. Let it flow to your rivers, and from there to your oceans, and into the many lands. Let it flow to the leaders of your nations.

Your work, we have told you before, is to prepare the time of the coming of the Messiah. We should say one more word; add this to your name. Place the word of Association before your name. This should place thee all in accord, and as we have said, all in accord with God and in accord with one another.

Work together. Listen to each other.

If thy have doubts, come unto us. If we are permitted, all thy questions shall be answered. But remember, only with permission from our Father may we violate unto another soul, and these cases must be of the most important of all before thy ask. We know at this time thy cannot understand of the words we speak.

April 23, 1971: Then, we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub.

Soon thy shall see great unrest among the people of thy earth. They shall kill and destroy, and the capitol of thy nation shall burn. Do not despair, for now should start the time of the Anti-Christ. Have faith. Have faith in God, our Father, and all shall be well with His children.

Take thy the sign of the ankh, of the eternal Tree of Life, and light thy way.

April 23, 1971: Of soul Andrew, we should say these words….of the headaches, drink more of the sage tea. We would say unto these words, that that comes from the root [and] the blossom of the same. That that comes from the sky to pollute and foul thy earth, remember, if man continues in the pollution of his world — the Allen Belt around your earth was provided as a filter unto thy earth to destruct pollution — do not overdo this or man shall become in danger.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

”Possibly, not fully, but I shall try.”

Nay, not fully, but thy shall.

May 2, 1971: “Do you have any special messages for us this evening?”

Yes, that is better; all is in accord.

As we dwell in the valley below the sea, we see again as it was in the beginning, for here stood the mountains and the beautiful streams. [Yuma, Arizona, in the Imperial Valley.]

For here once before the people of God dwelled. And here once again it shall change, for not a pebble upon this earth shall remain the same. For as the descendants of Abraham, God should change each pebble upon the earth.

Agriculture grows south of the Salton Sea in Southwestern California and east to Yuma, Arizona. The San Andreas fault runs under the Salton Sea. Long ago, this area was underwater, when the Sea of Cortez between Baja and northern Mexico flowed northward. This land is still below sea level. A field of volcanoes lies dormant at present in northern Mexico,south of Yuma.

And now, we should tell thee again of the time of the Anti-Christ. For soon upon your earth all things shall change, for men should burn and steal and kill, and darkness shall come upon your earth.

But the children of God shall fear not, for the angels shall hover above your earth and gather, as once before, the lambs of earth. And those who resist the mark of the Beast shall live again in God’s kingdom. And for those who shall wear the mark of the God, and who were in the Book of the beginning and who are in the Book of this time, for their descendants, our Father has promised a thousand years of peace upon your earth. But remember, this time shall come, not as you count, but as our Father should count. And once again, the Messiah shall walk your earth and give blessings. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–22.]

But it shall be different, for now we shall give thee this message. For as before, the Messiah walked in five placed, he shall not this time upon this coming. And for those who should wear the mark of Christ, the Lamb, their descendants and their descendants forevermore shall dwell in the house of the Lord. And temptation shall be taken from their path, for at this time that that dwells in man, which is Lucifer, shall be no more.

And all the Jewish people of the Earth shall bow before Christ. [See Zechariah 12:9–14.]

And you ask, “How can this be possible?” And we say unto you in this manner. For our God, our Lord, can change the descendants of man as you can turn a stone, for this word, as we have said before, for as God’s spirit flows as a brook, as man’s spirit flows as a river, as the souls of man should flow as an ocean to the many lands, to the many nations, to the many tongues, and all shall become as one.

But remember these words. Our Father and yours, our God, has many mansions. All man was given free choice. God asks that you should love of Him one-tenth of the love that He should give unto you, and He asks that thee love of thy fellow man.

And we should say unto thee, prepare thee for the famine. Store of the food for each man, woman and child upon thy earth; store food for one year of your calendar. Store seeds that thy may replant and replenish the earth. Store the seed of knowledge that thy may take this [on] to thy descendants of all forms. Store pure drinking water, and this should be done to sustain you for six months. Store farm implements; tools of all nature and kind.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

May 28, 1971: And now, as before, we should tell thee of this time, and they who should walk through the valley of our Lord, and so sayeth the Lord, that “I SHOULD SEND SEVEN ANGELS INTO THE SEVEN CHURCHES OF YOUR EARTH TO DWELL THERE AND GIVE GUIDANCE,” and “BLESSED IS THOSE WHO SHOULD WALK BY THE SIDE OF THE LORD.”

But now, the Lamb sayeth into thee, “What for art thou who has deserted me? What for art thou who should in his own words denyeth the Lord and the spirit unto which we have left upon your earth?”

For, as we have said before, the last shall be first, and the first shall be last. So, as our Father has commanded, you have had the last, and now thy should have unto thee the first.

For those who should say unto the Lord, as into the time of Abraham, “Oh, Lord, why have Thy asked to [lose, use] me upon this earth? Why have Thy asked to desert me upon this earth?”


And thy say unto the Lord, “Why have Thy forsaken our churches? Why doest Thee among us turn away?”

And the Lord sayeth unto thee, as in the time of Isaiah, “ALL THINGS UPON THY EARTH MUST CHANGE.” Man must change, and the earth must change, for as we should plant into your earth the seed to grow, and the seed should grow of good fruit, yet bear bad fruit, pick from this tree the bad fruit and cast it into the pit. Pick from this good fruit and lay it away for seed to grow again upon your earth. And as each year should pass, and the new fruit should bear fruit again, your earth should be fruitful in the eyes of the Lord.

But nay, thy have not done unto us the same. Thy have planted again unto thy earth of the bad fruit.

And now, we say unto you of this time, your half-times have ended, and now shall be the full time of the Lord, for the Lord should send unto your earth those who should pick of the fruit. And of the bad fruit, He should cast into the pit of nothingness. And of the good fruit, He should plant again in the orchard of your new Messiah.

And we say unto these of the churches of your earth, prepare thee the way for the Messiah. Prepare thee a way that our Lord should fill His many mansions with His children again.


For upon your earth, the rivers shall flow again in this time.

For those who would walk away from the Lord, we should say unto thee, the time of the great Sword is here — now. Where water flowed, no water shall flow again of this time. Prepare thy earth for the time of the drought. Plant of the seed that should grow upon your earth. Put away thy harvest, thy harvest of knowledge, thy harvest of fruits. For upon your earth our Lord has promised unto thee a new earth and a new heaven — and as our Lord is always truthful, and as our Lord should say, as in the time of Abraham and in the time of the king of Peace, as thy would know, in the time of Salem, for as Abraham had no one to give true tribute to, he did give unto this, this king of Salem, one-tenth and one-tenth into all the souls.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully, but thy shall, for in thy hearts new fields shall be harvested and new tongues shall be spoken.

June 18, 1971: And as we have said before, now is the time of the Cherub.

And we say unto thee these words. As a rose bud should bloom and hold fragrance, so should the minds of men.

And as our Father has spoke unto thee and promised thee a thousand years of peace, then we should say unto thee, that as Lucifer shall become chained and thrown into a pit out of nothingness, then we should say unto thee, as thy should become of men of Thirteen, that the Lucifer that dwells within each of you shall become chained, and cast out of thyself. And at that time all knowledge shall be yours, for then thy shall have unto thyselves a new heaven and a new earth. [See Acts 1:6–26, 2:1–21, and The Revelation chapters 20–22.]

And at this time thy shall know the true meaning, as our Father has spoke, “of our kind, of our likeness.” For as Eve did eat of the forbidden fruit, and therefore, become ashamed of herself, so you have done. For did not our Father create all things? Would our Father create something unto you that was not of a good thing? Nay, nay, He should not do of this thing. [See Genesis 1:26–31 and chapters 2 and 3.]

For as man was born of five placed upon your earth, so should the seven spirits of our Father dwell within man. For as these should become as one, for your half-times are ended, and now shall come the full time of our Lord unto man, and pass onward and outward all knowledge of God.

In our Father’s plan for man, all things thy have known shall be known again into thyselves. And as we speak unto thee these words, fear them not, but most important, fear thyself not. Drink of the wine of our Father, that He may take onward unto thee and give thee blessings. For as the great bird of the pyramid should take flight, and as Abraham and Isaiah should look within thee and become part of thee, and as all the tribes of Israel become one, so should the face of your earth become one. [See Exodus 6:2–8, and chapters 12–13.]

For at that time there should be no more wars, but only in the understanding of each other’s faith, for our Father did not set down rules to worship Him. This was done by man.

Can you understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

June 25, 1971: We should tell thee again that now is the time of the Cherub, and as the time of the time of the Cherub, now is the time of the great Sword. [See Genesis 3:24 and The Revelation 5:1–7, 19:1–16, and 22:12–17.]

And we should tell thee that as thy plant the seed, so should it grow. For thy should plant of the seed to ferment. And we should say unto thee these words. From the tip of Siberia through the Alaskans, through what is known as Washington and Oregon, through California, and through the [partially] tip of your Arizonans, onward and through portions of South America, this seed thy have planted — and as we have said before that the proportion of the northern part of Europe — for man shall lay waste unto his land. Then we say unto thee, store thy knowledge, for the power has been given unto the Fourth Angel of our Lord. But beware of the Seventh. [See The Revelation, chapters 7–11.]

And we say unto thee again of these words, do not misinterpret our words. Do not take away from these words of our Lord nor add to. And for those who should do of this, then they shall feel the woes of our Lord. For, as a scorpion should bite of the body, but yet not kill, their bodies shall be in agony for two-and-one-half of your years. And as our Lord has said before, those that should spray of the [abominable] fluid upon the earth, they shall be done unto themselves.

July 17, 1971: Now is the time of the Cherub. Now is the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways. Where no water flowed, water shall flow; where it was dry, it shall be wet again. What was hidden shall be lighted; what was buried shall be unburied.

July 23, 1971: But there are others in the isles of California who should serve unto the Lord’s work. And as in the time of Abraham, show us but one soul, and we should spare of the many.

But we say unto thee, there is many there who should work of the psychic, and they have not heeded our words. Then we say unto thee, that the stone that was thrown into the brook should pass into the rivers and to your oceans, and as we have said before, not one stone upon your earth shall be left unturned. Then bring these forth unto us. Can you understand of which we speak?


Parts of Southern California west of the San Andreas fault could separate from the mainland when the “Big One” comes.

Then we would say unto thee, bring unto us one soul, that the work of our Father may be implanted, that those souls who dwell in these isles may be given these words, and therefore, be prepared for the coming of the Messiah, but therefore, to be prepared for that day unto which the Seventh Angel shall drop his mighty sword upon your earth. If this is done, then our Lord shall spare many, for they must wash their clothes in the Lamb’s blood, for they must make their body and souls cleansed and purified in the light of the Lord. [See The Revelation, chapters 8–11, 14–22.]

Can you understand of which we speak?


August 6, 1971: And as once before, we should say unto thee, now is the time of the Cherub.

For as Isaiah has said unto thee these words, as Moses has said unto thee these words, and as the one known as Jesus did say unto these words, and we say, as in the time of Mohammed, we are not great; we are here to prepare a way.

And as the Eagle should spread its wings for protection, these words our Father has said unto thee: “DO NOT SLAUGHTER THE LAMB, FOR WE DO NOT NEED OF ITS BLOOD. BUT AS THE LAMB WAS SLAUGHTERED BEFORE, CAST THIS ASIDE.”

And we should say unto thee, beware of the Red Horse, for now is the time of its passing, and it should make fools of thee, for as we have said, from the east should come at this time the Anti-Christ. But beware, do not carry its mark. For its time shall be lean. And then shall be unto thee the time of the Lord, for the half-times are over. And as the half-times should end, so should the time of the Anti-Christ end.

But for some, they should think that this time of the Anti-Christ should be forever, and therefore, they should lay in the bed of this [scarlet] one. But remember, Lucifer has no use for nothing, and for the souls who should follow unto the Anti-Christ, these souls should lose the spirit, and therefore, come unto nothing. [See The Revelation 6:3, 12:13–17, and chapters 17–18.]

Our Father weeps for His many children. For He should take them into His many mansions and, therefore, give blessings. But remember, there were many, and there shall be many who should reach unto the Christ state.

Thy can destroy nothing; build upon what is there. Clear away the rubble, and build there upon this, and build into God’s temple, which is man. Build there a mansion so mighty that Lucifer cannot enter, and therefore, shall be chained for a thousand years, as has been promised unto thee. [See John chapters 14–17, and The Revelation, chapters 5, 7, 11:25–29, 14:1–8, 15, 19–22.]

For the one who doubts we say unto these words, our Father has looked into thy heart and soul. Our Father sees no sin. But remember, as man, you have made many mistakes. But it has been your free will which has brought you back, time and time again, to overcome these mistakes. And our Father is the God of the living, not the dead.

August 13, 1971: As we have said before, our Father and yours is the God of the living, not of the dead. Then fear not of the time of the famine; fear not of the time of the Anti-Christ. Then walk forward in the light of thy Father. For as our Father has said unto thee, “FOR THINE SHOULD BE CREATED IN OUR LIKENESS, OF OUR KIND.”

In thy mind thy have asked, “Are those who walk above and in our earth, as these of the archangels, as thy would know them?” And we should say unto thee, thy words of “angels” are thy own. But as man was created “in our likeness, of our kind,” so sayeth the Lord, “FOR ALL ABOVE THE EARTH AND THAT THAT DWELLS IN IT SHALL BE COMMANDED BY MAN.” [See Genesis 1:26–30.]

And as before, in the time of Abraham, for as Abraham has no one but God to swear to, therefore, he used unto the son of God. And as God should have no one to swear His coveth to above Himself, so should He use upon His son to swear to. For as you are the daughters and the sons of God and the descendants of Abraham, so should you swear to, unto the son of God. But as our Father has given unto man free choice, so He placed His son in five places, therefore, that all of man, of all the five races, of the five kinds, of the five likenesses, should swear to. [See Genesis 14:19–20. 15:1–5, and John 13:.31–35, 14:1–26, 15:3–10, 26–27, 16:22–28, 17:1–5, 20–26.]

But promise not unto the Lord that that thy may not deliver. When thy speak unto the Lord, speak as thus into thineself.

But in thy time of meditation, too often thy should spend thy time in words. Take thy time in meditation to listen unto the words of the ones who should stand beside thee and thus give thee guidance, for it is a wise man who should listen unto his Lord.

But remember also, as there were past prophets of the old days, of the old planes, remember also that the Lord does deliver unto your time of a new time, of a new plane, and thus, He should speak in a new language, which all should hear. Do not tie thyselves unto the time of Lot, for what was done in the time of Lot is not thy time.

As your world progresses, go forth into this new time. Utilize these new ideas. For remember, our Lord should teach a man who has the knowledge of Lot one thing, but He should teach a man of your plane another. For with new knowledge, do not shun this knowledge and cast it aside, for remember, all things were placed upon your earth for the usage of man and for the advancement of man, both in the spiritual and the material need. If your material things are used correctly, man’s time of toil should be behind him, and more time shall be devoted for the spiritual development of man….

Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Not entirely, Aka. I feel that it is very hard in our present day scheme of things to spend as much time on spiritual matters as I would like to, and I think that others feel this. We do not understand how to use our material things.”

Within time, and with guidance thy shall know. And as once before, thy came into the Lord as 13, thy shall again. And then thy should walk on the water with us. But remember, with faith thy can now walk on the water, for the water is the spiritual philosophy of your God. [See Acts 1:12–26, 2:1–39.]

August 15, 1971: “Is there anything you would like to tell us this evening?”

We see thy need. Therefore, we should say upon these words. Thy have spoke many times of thy churches, thy places of worship unto the Lord, and we have said unto thee these words, for the temple of God is in man. For the churches of thy worship do not make the man, the man brings the temple of God into thy churches, and therefore, places his place of worship into the Lord.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, the question has come up that on the different nights of your coming there are different voices. Are we right in this belief?”

We should say unto thee these words. For as there is a council of Thirteen, and as we have told unto thee these words — there are many souls, many spirits, as we were sent for the one who asked — for the council of Thirteen, this is made up of many spirits, as thy would know them. But remember also, we are not great. For our coming, permission must be given from our Lord, our Father.

But we should say of these words of our coming, we are here to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. [See John14:1–5, 14:15–28, 16:6–15, chapter 17, and Acts 1:6–26, 2:1–28.]

And we should say these words unto thee. Thy shall live through the dark ages again, for upon our coming also came the time of the Cherub. And the Fourth Angel is upon thy earth. For famine, for the infection thy have placed upon the earth of our God, not one stone upon thy earth shall be left unturned.

But your earth shall not end. Your earth shall go on, for our Father has promised into thee a new heaven and a new earth.

And for the children of our Father, there shall be a thousand years of peace upon your earth. But remember also, this is as our Father should count. For the wise to hear and the wise to learn. For this also is the time of the coming of the anti-Christ, and his name should be of six times sixty-six, as it is written upon the records of time. [See The Revelation, chapters 4 through 8, 12, 13, 14:, 15:1–4, 19 through 22.]

In thy study of astrology thy should think upon the 12 months of the year; but think thee upon the 24 months of the year, for this was as it is in the beginning, and so it should be in the ending.

August 27, 1971: Then we should say [in] these words. As man should possess a karma, as the land he dwells upon should possess its own karma, as the worlds and universes, and universes and galaxies beyond galaxies should possess a karma, these they did create themselves because our Father gave unto them free choice. Do not put the blame upon your God, your Father, for your own shortcomings.

But remember these words, our Father who giveths, therefore, can taketh away.

And remember also, that now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fourth Angel, therefore, dwells upon thy land. And as we have said before, that these things that man has placed in the earth shall come forth and bite and sting of these men, yet they shall not die, for these things they have placed upon the earth they must live with. New eruptions shall start again in the California area. And they shall continue for some years to come, for “as the Fifth Angel should walk upon thy earth.” But beware of the Seventh. But if the children of God deny the mark of the Beast, the seventh seal shall not be opened, and therefore, your thousand years shall reign upon thy earth. [See The Revelation, chapters 6–8.]

August 29, 1971: We see thy need. And we should say these words into thee. For we are not great. We are but the messengers of God, our Father. We are here for but one purpose, to prepare for the coming of the Messiah….

We see into thy heart and soul. For as it has been said before, what has covered shall be uncovered; where no light shone light shall shine again. But as we have said before, at times, to translate, as you would say, from your plane to ours is very difficult.

And as you have asked before of the council of Thirteen, and as we have said before, do not misinterpret our words.

For once before, as in the time of Adam, man was created in five places, and this [were] the sons of God. And yet, many entries went into the man-beast and these were the sons of man. And as the men of God looked unto the daughters of man and saw them fair, and therefore, did enter into the same, thy were cast out of thy Garden of Eden, and therefore, thy created death. [See Genesis, chapters 2–7.]

For remember, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead. And so, we come once again, but not in five places, but in one — therefore, as the spirits of God flows as pebbles, as the spirit of man should flow as the pebbles of a river, as the souls of man should flow as the pebbles of an ocean, unto the many lands unto the many tongues.

And as we have said before, this is not the time of Lot, for we come upon your plane upon your time. [See Genesis, chapter 19.]

But as we have said before, the half-times are over. Now is the time of our Lord.

And as we have said before, do not misinterpret our words. Thy cannot drive half of a calf to market, nor can you take half of a word and receive a meaning. If there are stones to cast, let us stand before thee, and cast thy first stone at us.

Thy ask in thy mind of this 29th day of your August, and as we told thee before to think of the 24 months, and not of your 12 — we have told thee of the beginning of the Fourth Angel upon your earth. And so it shall be. And we have told thee of your free choice, which neither our Father or us may interfere with. We have given unto thee these messages, that you, with your free choice, might alter the events or catastrophe that should destroy thy earth within itself.

If thy have no faith, and as our Lord did say unto thee, “IF THY EYE SHOULD OFFEND THEE, CAST IT ASIDE.”

But we should say again unto these words, for that that was placed into the earth should come from the earth, and that that was placed into the sea should come from the sea. And that that belongs to the earth shall stay in the earth, and that that belongs to God shall stay with God. And that that belongs to Lucifer shall stay with Lucifer. But should a man kill another with a sword, so should he be killed with a sword, for that in itself is karma. But do not blame your Father for your own shortcomings. [See The Revelation 6:7–8, chapters 7–8, and Mark 9:43–48.]

November 12, 1971: And now we should tell unto thee of a different time. Your nation is growing steadily into the claws of the Red Horse [Pakistan], of the Red Dragon [Communist China?]. Soon many nations shall be ready to make war upon you. But fear not, for the Eagle [U.S.A.] shall grow new claws. We know, at the present time, thy do not fully understand of which we speak. But the Leopard and the Lion should grow new skin, and therefore, repent for their mistakes. And the Bear [Russia]shall stand firm beside the Eagle within time. [See The Revelation 6:3–4.]

But remember, now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel is now upon your earth, for what was placed into the earth and what was placed into the sea shall [go] forth, and therefore, bite the men who placed it into the same. But fear not for the children of God. For remember, the descendents of Abraham have been changed as stones, and no harm shall come unto them.

But remember also, man may harm thy body; he may cut of thy arm or kill of the body, but he can not harm the soul, or the spirit, or the immortal body. Only you, yourselves, can do this. Therefore, guard these well. For those who were [in] the Book of the beginning shall be in the Book of the ending. That this may be done — as we have given unto thee the Book with wings, the Book of knowledge, we know that we have told unto thee many times of the lessons that we want thee to learn. And we shall give unto thee many examples of the same. [See The Revelation, chapter 4, 6:9–11, 16:10–11, and chapters 20–22.]

December 3, 1971: Give that unto the Lord that is the Lord’s. Give that unto man that is man’s. Open the door that we may enter, and no dragon shall walk beside thee.

Here is what the spiritual messengers of God said about the Anti-Christ and the Beast in 1972, and what you can do:

February 4, 1972: As we have said before, our Father has many mansions. But for this who believes that there is a heaven and hell, we have told [thee] before, be careful of thy thoughts. For another one told thee of the same thing in the same manner, when he said adultery could be done in the mind also. For your mind can manifest any thought into reality.

Remember, that as the body dies, as the soul and spirit leaves, [and] in the same manner, and reaches outward, whole [new] worlds. If they are prepared spiritually, this step beyond is a simple thing, very easily done. If they are not prepared, then they must, even in death, relive that [their, after] life again, until they should awaken with knowledge to know where they have been and what they have done. And even then, as we have said before, for some there shall be never, for some there shall be always.

As you go through time and space upon your planes, all things are possible within the mind. This is your reason for rebirth, when you are born and born again. But remember, there is no beginning and no ending. You have existed since the beginning of all time, for you, as the spirit of man, are the thought of God, for you became, upon our Father’s thought, part of God.

But remember, as we have said before, if you yourselves should forget your spirit, then the spirit returns to God. But the soul remains in nothingness. And the spirit in its thought has no use for this. And man has no use for this. And Lucifer has no use for this. For no one has use for nothing, and therefore, the soul must wander forever in nothingness.

As we have said before, soon there shall be a disturbance within thy country. It will come from certain political moves made among your leaders. Soon, there shall be attempt made upon your President’s life. But as the proper precautions are made, this should not come to reality. But we can change nothing in this, for we cannot take from thee the free choice that our Father gave unto thee. Unless this one who knows of this now does not change their mind again, all these things we have said unto thee shall be as we have seen them.

In February, 1972, Richard Nixon became the first U.S. president to visit the Soviet Union and begin talks on arms control, penning the SALT I treaties, which restricted the development of nuclear arms and helped ease US-Soviet relations. In June 1972, leaders instigated certain political moves within the U.S., known as Watergate, with five men, among them ex-FBI man G. Gordon Liddy and ex-CIA man E. Howard Hunt; President Nixon resigned in two years before impeachment. Was this the disturbance in the U.S. of which the spiritual messengers of God warned? (Also, on May 15, 1972, George Wallace’s U.S. Democratic presidential primaries campaign ended abruptly when an assassination attempt by Arthur H. Bremer left him paralyzed below the waist.) Wikipedia says: The Watergate scandal was a political scandal in the United States involving the administration of U.S. President Richard Nixon from 1971 to 1974 that led to Nixon’s resignation. The scandal stemmed from the Nixon administration’s continuous attempts to cover up its involvement in the June 17, 1972 break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Washington, D.C. Watergate Office Building. After the five perpetrators were arrested, the press and the U.S. Justice Department connected the cash found on them at the time to the Nixon re-election campaign committee. Further investigations, along with revelations during subsequent trials of the burglars, led the U.S. House of Representatives to grant its judiciary committee additional investigation authority to probe into “certain matters within its jurisdiction” and the U.S. Senate to create a special investigative committee. The resulting Senate Watergate hearings were broadcast “gavel-to-gavel” nationwide by PBS and aroused public interest. Witnesses testified that the president had approved plans to cover up administration involvement in the break-in, and that there was a voice-activated taping system in the Oval Office. Throughout the investigation, the administration resisted its probes, which led to a constitutional crisis. Several major revelations and egregious presidential action against the investigation later in 1973 prompted the House to commence an impeachment process against Nixon. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Nixon had to release the Oval Office tapes to government investigators. The tapes revealed that Nixon had conspired to cover up activities that took place after the break-in and had attempted to use federal officials to deflect the investigation. The House Judiciary Committee then approved articles of impeachment against Nixon for obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress. With his complicity in the cover-up made public and his political support completely eroded, Nixon resigned from office on August 9, 1974. It is believed that, had he not done so, he would have been impeached by the House and removed from office by a trial in the Senate. He is the only U.S. president to have resigned from office. On September 8, 1974, Nixon’s successor, Gerald Ford, pardoned him.

February 11, 1972: As a man should die, as you would know it, and pass beyond, for as we have said before, those things that thy create in your own mind may be brought into reality. And as you would pass beyond, on your first step toward our Father, you must realize that all mankind is part of our Father. And as you are part of our Father, each step that you take up the ladder makes that a part of the whole.

Then thy ask, “Then what of Lucifer?” And we should say unto thee these words, that Lucifer dwells within all men. And as a man should become all evil, then his soul, and therefore, the spirit of God should depart from him, and as the spirit of God departs, so should the spirit of man in the same manner.

June 16, 1972: But we should say last unto those who should walk into the pit with Lucifer, and do his work, remember these words, for as Lucifer was cast from the heavens, it took but the thought of our Father, our God. And remember, Lucifer’s power into the same was much greater than your own, and our Father’s power is greater than all.

And we say again, yea, yea, should say unto our Father these words. There are many who have asked for justice. [See The Revelation 6:9–17 and chapter 7.]

Our Father has waited long and been fair. Do not cast down this, what we have given, for this should stand between yourselves and the Seventh Seal [The Revelation 8:1].

And should thy cast this down, upon your Earth, 300 years of darkness and bloodshed shall prevail, but not as you count, but as our Father counts. And each day should be as a thousand years. And man again will make upon his Earth his own heaven, but not in reality, for he shall make upon it his own hell and dwell within it, and shall be stung as scorpions should sting of thy body, and shall hide, yet there shall be no place to hide, for no mountain shall be mighty enough to ward off this. Not one stone upon your earth shall be left unturned, for the natural elements of your earth shall turn against mankind. [See The Revelation 13:1–18, 9:1–12, 10:15–19 and 16:1–21.]

We have given of this warning before. We shall not give of it again. Burn it firmly into thy minds, for now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel stands ready, and is striking thy earth. And soon thy shall feel the [tremors] beneath thy feet and know that the words we have spoken are true.

But we should say unto thee, if thy should believe of the things of Heaven we should tell thee of, believe also the things of Earth we have told thee of, for remember, we are not great, we are but the servants of our Father. We can do nothing, either to save of thyselves or to destroy of thyselves, without our Father’s permission. So therefore, the wrath that thy should feel shall be the wrath of our Father. But remember, even that shall be a loving wrath. For yea, yea, do not anger Him futher. [See The Revelation, chapters 6 through 19.]

June 23, 1972: For we have spoke before of the Fifth Angel upon thy earth. And as we have spoken unto thee of this great Sword, the mighty Sword that cuts two ways, therefore, we should speak again of these things. And we should say unto thee, where no water flowed, water shall flow, that the clouds shall open unto abundance of the same. And this, in itself, shall be the first sign, for as he walks upon your earth, that that thy have built shall be destroyed, that that thy have placed within the ocean shall rise and poison man.

Was Aka speaking of the The Black Hills Flood of 1972, also known as the Rapid City Flood, was the most detrimental flood in South Dakota history, and one of the deadliest floods in U.S. history. The flood took place on June 9–10, 1972 in the Black Hills of Western South Dakota. 15 inches (380 mm) of rain in a small area over the Black Hills caused Rapid Creek and other waterways to overflow. Severe flooding of residential and commercial properties in Rapid City occurred when Canyon Lake Dam became clogged with debris and failed in the late evening hours of June 9 resulting in 238 deaths and 3,057 injuries. Over 1,335 homes and 5,000 automobiles were destroyed. The value of property damage was estimated to be over US $160 million in 1972 dollars ($978 million in 2019 dollars). Flooding also occurred in Battle, Spring, Bear Butte, and Boxelder creeks. Here is a list of floods worldwide from the 14th century to 2020. You can see how they have increased since these words were spoken.

Yea, yea, we say unto thee these words. For those who have been written in the beginning, their names shall be taken a poll unto the same, And our Lord, God, should give unto them guidance and peace of mind, and the gift of life shall be given unto those.

But for those who should walk away and turn their backs unto God, and should serve unto Lucifer, they shall be cast aside. [See The Revelation, chapters 6 and 20.]

For as we have said before, we shall walk before thee, and therefore, the might of the Lord shall be present within thee. Therefore, give unto the Lord that that is due unto Him. Give unto your fellow man that that is due unto him. But give unto yourself also that that is due unto you.

And we should say in this manner, proportions of your Earth shall now start to change. In some areas they shall come as a rapid thing. We have given warnings before, and thy have not listened unto our words. For what was unclean shall be made clean again, for now is the time that the preparations shall be made for the coming of the Messiah.

For those who should walk in the light of God, no harm shall come unto those….

And they say unto us, “Then why should this be a time of turmoil and testing?” And we say unto thee of thy own words, “Thy should follow this doorway that has been opened unto Me.” Thy shall wear the yoke of God, and therefore, look unto the blessed One’s eyes, as [this] in the beginning. And as the coming should come forth, so shall your thousand years of peace begin within thee.

August 26, 1972: And soon, from Alaskans, the earth shall churn, through your Mediterraneans, through your South Americans. All things shall come, as written before. And as [a last] Atlantis did rise and fall, so shall many lands upon your earth. But for those who should not wear the mark of the beast, no harm shall come unto these. [See The Revelation, chapter 7, 14:1–14, 15:2–4, 19:6–9, 20:1–7, chapters 21 and 22.]

September 1, 1972: “Yes, Aka, [_____] had two dreams that she would like to ask about. She asks, ‘Can you explain about the baby I saw in meditation with the beast? And also the dream with the red door and the tiny lights in my room?’”

We should answer of your first question in this manner. For as the Messiah should come upon your earth, so should Lucifer stand near to gather from the mother’s womb that which was placed upon the earth. Yet, this shall not be allowed. [The Revelation 12:1–17].

For as we have said before, it shall be where the stars shall shine of brightness, where the sea shall be close at hand, and yet, the desert in itself shall coveth this one. Therefore, if the way is prepared within thee and within others, this of the child shall not be taken back unto God and guarded, but shall be given unto mankind.

Hear angels announce the Messiah’s birth. Hear the spiritual messengers of God tell why they have come.

September 22, 1972: Give that unto God that should belong to God, but do so in this manner. If thy cannot believe these things of the earth that we have given unto you, then how can you believe these things of heaven we have given unto you? For all comes from the same source.

October 13, 1972: But we come not to promise thee the worldly needs, we come not to make thee great in the eyes of man, we come but for one purpose, that purpose is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

And we say these words unto you, if thy should believe the earthly things, then thy should believe those things of our Father. But if thy cannot believe of which we speak, there are many mansions and our Father shall provide one for you. Our Father has planted into your hands that of free choice. Neither ourselves or our Father shall take this from you. We have entered into thy house many times, for thy bid us welcome. We have placed unto thy hand our wine.

But we also placed unto all those who do the work of God a time of temptation, a time of doubt. We did this in this manner that the house of God could be cleansed. For those who should walk in the light of our Lord and the work that is needed in the preparation for his coming shall have the strength to carry the mighty Sword, for now is you time of Armageddon. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

For many doors unto your mankind shall be opened. Your radio and television media shall be placed before you. The hearts and minds of thousands and millions shall be placed into your hands.

But all those, one by one, and two by two, and three by three were to be tested. And those who could not stand should be cast aside. And those who shall not stand shall be cast aside. For is it not written that if thy right eye should offend thee cast it aside? For thy Lord, God, is a jealous God, and He shall have no other gods before Him, or after Him.

And for the one who should come shall not come as a god, but as a servant of God. Yet, he shall carry the spirits of God within him, and he shall carry within him that of the Christ-state of many. For he shall come as the first-born son of our Father. For is it not written that our Father loved this world of yours and mankind that He should hand into your hands once before His first-begotten son who He loved very dearly.

And is it not written that the descendants of Abraham should be changed as stones. For you shall serve one of your own kind. Yet, as the spirit of God should dwell within you, so it should dwell within this one. But the power of God should also dwell within this one, and the wisdom and the love our Father has for His many children.

For if it was not so, our Father would have told you. For our Father has hidden nothing from His children. For what has been laid in darkness shall be placed into the light. What was covered shall be uncovered. For a new heaven and a new earth shall come and all things our Father has promised shall be as it was written. [See The Revelation, chapters 21–22.]

For did not our Father promise that two prophets should come to the earth and they should be slain and risen again. And so it shall be. And so it is, for have you not seen it with your own eyes? [See The Revelation, chapter 11.]

Yet, thy say, of the many, unto us, “Perform, therefore, a miracle, and we should believe.”

And we say unto you, we have come not to perform miracles, as thy would know them, for we can do nothing without the permission of our Father, for it is not us who should give healing, but our Father. It is not us who should show you light in the darkness, but our Father, for we are but the servants of our Father, and we walk in His holy light.

But those who should walk in our Father’s light and give praise unto Him, of the Creator, the Father, the God, then light shall be shown forever and ever.

But we should also unto you these words, for those who should not believe, watch your earth tremble. Watch those who should not believe fall into the earth and be devoured by it, and yet live in fear. Watch those who have become so concerned with their selves that they have no room for God create their own hell and walk in nothingness.

Yet, you say unto us, then now is the time of sorrow. And we say. nay, you are but foolish children, for now is the time of joy, and the joy should be in your hearts for the day of the preparation. For upon your earth shall be a thousand years of peace, but not as you count, but as our Father should count, and each day should be as a thousand years.

And your earth shall change its form. Where no water flow, water shall flow; what was desert shall be made into gardens.

Your times of trail are but a short time. This time of the Anti-Christ, that is short upon your earth to come, is but a short time. Yet, for those who should not show the mark of the Beast, all things unto our Father shall be given. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13, 14:8–12, and chapters 15, 17, and 19–22.]

And we say unto thee, give glory unto our Father, and our Father shall give glory unto you, and glory be the name of the Lord, our Father, forever and ever. Let that of the light that was placed there in the beginning to see, open this, and let it see, and thy shall see us, and thy shall see thy Father. But deny thyselves, and thy shall see darkness….

Give patience unto thy Father, for what is a day in the time of glory and happiness? For thy Father has shown unto you love, has shown unto all of His descendants since the disciples that of love, for you all are the children of God.

And we say unto the disciples, prepare therefore a haven within thyselves of love. But remember, thy are shepherds; do not allow the wolves to attack thy sheep. Stand as David, and thy shall stand as the shepherd of people of God.

November 10, 1972: And we should say unto thee these words. Glory be the Lord, and therefore, glory be the name of the Lord, for He looks upon His children in the many lands and sees their needs, and for those who should sing glory unto the name of the Lord, so our Lord should sing glory unto the name of His children.

For once before, in a time that your minds cannot conceive, within a garden of a garden, your history was laid before you. And as man chose to change from that of energy form and enter into the man-beast, and as man chose to take that of death near his heart, that he may become like his Father; but remember unto these words, as our Father has not asked for the blood of the Lamb, neither does He now. He looks upon His children within their folly and loves them so, and should weep at their gestures. Yet, within His love, He has given you a beautiful earth, an earth of plenty, an earth that should runneth over of all kinds, for He gave unto man’s keeping both heaven and earth.

Yet, man has made his world. And yet, our Father does not grow despondent with His children, but places upon the earth His love once again. We have said unto thee that now was the time of the Cherub. We have said unto thee to choose within you to start your thousand years of peace.

Some say the weather can be used for warfare by geoengineering.

We have seen unto your needs and been as servants unto you. We have given healing into your sick and grace and dignity into your dying. But we say unto you once again, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead. But as our Father should have many mansions that should house unto His many children, so should His children give forth life in the same manner.

And you say unto us that once again we have talked unto you these words as in riddles. And we say unto you, for the wise to hear, let them hear. And the blind may see, and the deaf may hear, and the crippled may take up their mats and walk again.

The 1973 messages about the Anti-Christ, the Beast, and what people can do to shorten his reign –

The spiritual messengers of God told us, February 9, 1973: For as we have said before, the hand of the Lord shall lay in the protection of those who should walk before their God in truth.

We see your other problems, and we should answer in this manner. There are many tests that you shall set before yourself, and many we shall set before you, and many Lucifer shall set before you. But remember, we are here but for one purpose, and that is the coming of the Messiah, to prepare a way.

February 23, 1973: And now we should say unto thee once again, we have come, not to change the Laws of Moses; we have come, not to change the laws of the one known as Jesus Christ, for they, within themselves, should all be the Laws of God. But yet, as many words have been spoken, and as Moses did give forth the Laws for a time and a people, and as Jesus did give forth laws for a time and a people — yet, as many have reached the Christ state — and we should say unto thee, come forth unto this time. For as you should build a building upon an old foundation, the new structure of your modern material the foundation could not withstand its weight, and so it should be true in this time of your people.

If a man is a thief, he should remain a thief should he steal a pencen or much more from a man. Yet, if a man should steal for bread upon his table and he should have naught, then go to this man and say unto him, “Steal not from my table, for my table is God’s table. And as you should speak unto your God, speak unto me, and I should give from my table in the same manner my God should give.”

But if a man should come, as a thief at night, to kill and maim — and if a man should come and coveth that that belongs to another, whether it should be his ass, or in your time, your automobile, or any other thing — but yet, for what he has stolen can be replaced, even though it should bring great hardship upon you. But if a thief should come and steal your soul away, you cannot punish the thief, but only yourself, for no man can steal your soul without your permission.

Yet, there are some who are lost souls who should use their powers of temptation, much as Lucifer should use temptation. But we say unto you, should this happen unto a man, he should say unto this, “Lucifer, get thee behind me,” and it shall be gone. But if his strength is not strong enough, then he should go unto those who know of such, and his brother, they should remove this, for this, in itself, you would call a curse.

And we should say unto you these words. Give praise unto your Father in a righteous manner, and your Father should give praise unto you, His children. But give damnation unto your Father, and your Father should give damnation unto His wayward children.

And therefore, we should say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. There shall be many who should tempt your souls, for now is the time of the great Sword, the sword that cuts two ways, both of man and of the land. For as we have said before, where no water flowed, water shall flow. Rivers shall change their courses. Mountains shall bellow forth. Continents shall change their shapes, and man shall change his in the same manner. But if you are righteous before your Lord, fear not, for your Lord is a righteous God. Prepare within yourselves, each in your own separate ways, a place for the coming of the Messiah. Give love and kindness unto your brother. Give love and kindness, and love and kindness shall be returned. Walk, therefore, in a righteous path.

April 27, 1973: “Soul Ruth asks, ‘What happened on Mars that the sons of God came to earth?’ And I would like to add a question. Where are the people from Mars now?”

Your people from Mars are now upon the earth. Of that which did happen, as we have said before, your planets were constructed in such a manner for the evolution of man. As Mars was lesser in environment than earth, and as man did make war, destroying this environment, a new land had to be selected. And as we have said before, both parties within the war came unto the earth. And so it was that they found the daughters of man fair and did enter. But they used those of the earth as animals, and therefore, brought karma unto the earth with them.

It is not yours to change and force, upon your will, that that you would upon others. Let them see what you possess. If they see it is good, they shall take upon it. But unto the smallest of God’s creations was given free will. And this free will changed the man beast into that that you would call a human being of today.

August 20, 1973: But destiny is not directed from the heavens as some would think. The paths are here before you, the choice is yours. God has given unto you this.

As we have said before, what God has given, God may taketh away. But as he gave forth a coveth [covenant], and that was the first coveth that was given into man into five places, that in the beginning, as man’s own free choice to overcome these things that he had fallen into, these pitfalls, he chose death and life in this manner to learn. But even as he should learn the lessons of our Father, no matter how far he should climb unto the ladder, until he has brought all of God’s children into their many houses should he choose, therefore, to stop his own advancement, his own choice of re-entry. But for some there shall be many, for some there shall be never.

We shall answer one father question within this one’s mind. Your present astrology is based upon the twelve houses of Israel. But as we should answer unto you, think, therefore, of the lost tribes. Think, therefore, of the Atlanteans. Think, therefore, of those who would be known as the Sumerians. Think, therefore, of the Mayan calendar. It shall bring your thoughts and your knowledge of astrology forth into fulfillment in the same manner. But take, therefore, the art of numerology in the same manner. Use them together as a tool. Then lay forth that gift that God has laid before you, a natural psychic gift, and all shall come in fulfillment and knowledge of the same.

August 27, 1973: And now we should say unto thee unto these words, for we have told unto thee the parable of the Seven Spirits of God. Yet, we have not told thee of the thoughts and the teachings that God placed into these.

And as they sat before God, the Third Spirit said unto the Lord, “But Lord, why should we place the wind upon the earth?”


And then the Fourth Spirit said unto the Lord, “But, Lord, the wind is sometimes confusing. Why should we place confusion upon the earth?”


And then the First Angel said unto the Lord, “But Lord, the wind can do great damage upon the earth, a shifting of the earth itself.”


And the Fifth Angel said unto the Lord, “But how could this be so, oh, Lord?”


And the Sixth Angel stood forth and said, “But, Lord, of the terrible storms that the wind can cause, what good could this do upon the earth?”




And the Seventh Angel, who was wise, had listened to all the other questions. And he said unto the Lord, “I see their need, oh, Lord, and their need for learning. But can these frail things which we call unto Thee the man-beast withstand all of these things?”

And the Lord spoke unto the Seventh Spirit, and said unto him these words, “I AM THE LORD, GOD. AND AS MY CHILDREN SHALL LEARN, SO SHALL I, FOR THE WIND SHALL BE AS A LEARNING TREE.



September 21, 1973: And now we should say unto thee these words. Blessed be the meek upon the earth. Yet, blessed be the strong. Blessed be those among you who should build the temple of God within you.

But we say unto thee, we have come not to change the Laws of Moses. We have come not to change the testimony of the one known as Jesus Christ. We have come but for one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Glory be the name of the Lord.

But we should say unto thee, each of you, for in stone upon the mountain was cast in flame and brought forth unto mankind. And the tablets you brought from planet to planet, and the knowledge therein, that unto which you call your Ten Commandments, they are the words of God. Yet, He asks unto you but two things — love unto Him one tenth of the love that He should return unto you; do so in the same manner unto your fellow man.

Coveth not that that should belong to another. That thy should overcome thy karma, understand into which that that each of you are. Only by understanding can you cast the seed upon the earth that should grow the fields that should prepare the way for the coming….

For we shall tell of thee now of the beginning upon your earth.

For as soul Ray brought you forth from the destruction of your own planetary system, he brought you forth of a warring kind, yet with great knowledge, therefore, to enter unto man. Yet, that that had saved you was the Lord in Himself.

Therefore, you did enter into the daughters of man, “and find them fair.” And you became within the self earthbound. Yet, that that had destroyed your other planets, you cast forth your lot, once again. You went into warfare. And you cast out from your heart that of God.

Yes, you stood on opposing sides. For soul Ray, as before, had asked of his Father’s permission that you all be spared, and therefore, he would give servitude unto his Lord for all of his planes, that his life would never be his own, that not one lifetime, or any lifetime, would ever be unto himself. Therefore, his karma was to bring forth you unto one house.

Because your minds were so mighty, you destroyed and killed thousands of the man-beasts. But soul Ray, because his mind was stronger, destroyed you.

And yet, he destroyed you only to save you. Yet, it is written, “Thy shall not kill.” And therefore, you in an unknowing manner had slain others. But soul Ray, in a knowing manner, had slain you all. Therefore, it is his karma upon this earth.

We shall say again unto you, if you fail, this time, it shall be 3,000 years of darkness.

November 23, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For those who have ears, let them listen; for those who are deaf, let them listen. For those who are blind, let them listen. Yet for those who have sight, let them see.

For upon your land, as we have said before, marches onward unto the Fifth Angel.

We have told unto thee of the coming of the famine, and yet your nation, your world did nothing. We also told you that this need not be.

Yet we should tell unto you the parable of the tree, the woodsman and the young boy.

For as the woodsman and the young boy went into the forest and cut, therefore, a huge tree, and the woodsman was busy cutting away the branches and leaves of the tree, the young boy called unto him and said unto him these words, “Sir, what does all the circles in the trunk of the tree mean?”

And the woodsman answered back, and he said unto them, “If the circles are thin, those are dry and hard years for the tree in its growth. If they are fat, then those were plentiful years for the tree. Yet each circle should constitute a lifetime of the tree within the same, for all should come from the heart of the tree.”

The lad looked long at the circles. He said, “Yes, but sir, there are circles that lead back into one part of another circle.”

The woodsman stopped his work and ventured forward, and therefore, looked unto the trunk of the tree as the lad would. And he shook his head and could not understand this. And he told unto the lad, “I do not understand this, but maybe God would. Let us give prayer unto God that He should answer our question.”

And as they bent their head in prayer a stranger approached, and as both the boy and the woodsman looked up they were surprised. The stranger walked forward and laid his hand unto the tree trunk and he said, “Look, therefore, unto the heart of the tree. In the beginning, it was pure and clean. Yet you see, therefore, of the days of famine for the tree; yet it grew and grew in knowledge. Yet there were days when it received plenty of nourishment, and those are the wider circles. Yet you see, even the wider circle comes back unto one of the thinner circles.

“And I say unto you into these words, for the tree had its own karma and learned not from it. A stone was cast there by a thoughtless person, and the tree, knowing not how to rid itself of it, the circles led back into the same place. But yet, you see beyond this, and the circles once again become even and whole, for the tree, like man, took many lifetimes to learn to cast out its karma, its problem.”

And we say unto you that even though the back of the tree has been blemished, if that which is inside of the tree in the beginning stands forth unto all stones that are cast upon it, the bark shall return and the tree shall grow forth. And this is much as the same as a man, for the body of man is the temple of God. Man may cast stones and harm the bark, but it cannot destroy that which is truthfully inside. That is the soul and the spirit which is enhoused within the body, the temple of God.

Yet we say unto you, destroy this temple, and if that which came from the inside was pure, it shall restore itself in three days.

Before you stands that which you would say is the birth of the one known as Jesus Christ.

He said unto you unto these words, “I come of this time, not to bring peace upon the earth, but to show you the fulfillment of the prophecies yet to come.” And so he did. And he showed unto you the resurrection of the body in three day, yet you knew him not.

And yet we come but for one purpose, to prepare the way for his coming, the coming of the Messiah. And yet his name should not be Jesus, or Mohammed, or Buddha; for the name shall come from our Father, and the spirit shall come from our Father.

Yet before you lies this land of Israel. And our Father promised that they should return unto their land. And our Father promised that the Lamb that you had slain should come forth.

But He has also said unto you, beware of the anti-Christ which come upon your earth, for it shall be a beast, and even though its head shall be cut away, a new head shall come forth from it, for she is a foul thing, this nation of Babylon. We have told unto you that that of your Book of Revelations should now have its second fulfillment, for you shall be as those of the modern Romans. Yet we have told unto you that the children of God may be changed as though the picking up of a stone. But this must come from within. Yet all parts, as the tree has done, must repair itself, and prepare itself in a like manner. We have said unto thee, if thy eye offend thee, cast it aside. The tree did not kill itself by casting aside the stone. It repaired that within itself and went on with life. Do so within yourselves.

November 27, 1973: Be as that as a workman in the field. Know that soon the Master shall return and reclaim what is rightfully his. But the eagle flies once again upon your land. Give forth that within thyself. Cast aside these small things that lie before you. Fear not to be loved and give love.

Prepare within your heart a truth of giving, and you shall know the true meaning of the giving of gifts upon this day you celebrate. But prepare a greater gift within your heart that you may give of him when he returns upon your earth, for his name shall not be of Jesus, for only our Father knows of the name that shall be given unto him.

But your land shall have many who shall deceive it, as it has now before it. This land of Japan has not overcome its karma. This land of Germany has not overcome its karma. And as of Abraham did cast aside to build a nation that of his concubine, his wife’s handmaiden, and the son that he bore unto her built into the Arabian nation, they have forgotten from which they have come, for they are of one blood; they are of one servitude unto God. But soon they shall see the Star of David.

The messages spoken in 1974 –

In 1974, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, continued to tell us about how we could shorten or overcome the Anti-Christ’s and Beast’s reign.

For example, many astronomers had predicted a bright comet that would be seen across the world. But by January 1974, it did not happen as scientists foretold. On January 18, 1974, the spiritual messengers of God were asked: “Thank you Aka. Aka, could you tell me what happened to the comet, Kahoutek, so that it changed and did not become visible as people had foretold it?”

We shall answer into this manner. The comet, Kahoutek, brought forth, as we had said before, its [karmic]. And as we have said before, bring forth prayer, and you may change your own destiny. And therefore, the prayer that was brought forth did end their karma, and therefore, the showering of the karmic action upon the Earth came not about.

Yet, we say unto you, judge not that that is shiny and bright. Judge, therefore, its journey from where it has come and to where it is going, for now a new Earth shall be created from the old, and Yahweh shall live again in the heavens. For as we had said before, it was brought forth as a sign of the changing of times. Your earth is changing; your people are changing. But as we spoke before of the yoke was bare, that should be borne with love, do not forget this lesson your Father and gift He has bestowed upon you, for He has given the Earth, this Earth, and the old — a new heaven and a new earth.

Yet, ye should forget the lesson you have learned. For once there was a prophet who God foretold the destruction of a city, and he went forth to tell the people. And the people did repent, and therefore, God did spare them. [See Jonah, chapters 3 and 4.]

Yet the prophet began sulking and went out into the wilderness. And he said, “Oh Lord, why did You send me forth to tell them, and yet, this that You told me did not happen?”


For the Lord giveth and the Lord may taketh away. That is your answer.

January 25, 1974: “Yes, Aka. I have one question tonight. I wanted to ask, who is Lucifer, and under what circumstances was he cast from heaven, and when did this occur?”

Yes, we see thy need and we shall answer in this manner. Lucifer, as you would [know it], was of a spirit of God. And as a part of God, yet he was cast unto the Earth, and therefore, became part of man. He dwells within you, that proportion of you that should take over and produce hate and fear and chaos in your own lives and others. He sought to rule. And yet he has in his own way. For you, that within you, the spiritual form, is a part of God. If you let that form be dominated, then the form of God shall leave. Then you shall be left with a lost soul. Then think ye that thy are nothing, and Lucifer would have no longer a need for something that was nothing.

For the seed of Lucifer may be chained and cast into the pit of nothingness. Only when you, yourselves, shall cast him out, has God cast him out. [See The Revelation, chapter 20.]

In many universes in other planetary systems Lucifer has been cast aside. Yet, his power is great. Yet our Father’s is mighty.

Yet Lucifer should go forth, day by day, to prove his power over men.

Yet God should plant flowers at your feet and fulfill your wishes and your blessings. Which should you choose?

Lucifer is madness within man.

Lucifer is greed within man.

But Lucifer, as a greedy person, only wants. Yet when he receives that which he wants, he has no use for it. He builds nothing; he only leaves destruction.

February 16, 1974: As we have said before in the very beginning, we are here but for one purpose, that in itself is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are here to build within you the strength of toil.

There are many of you who shall find many excuses to say, “That which I should do I should place unto tomorrow. There are other things I’d rather do today.”

We have said unto you, there is a time for laughter, for work, for sleep. There is a time for God’s work. All must come in accordance.

We told you in the beginning that the financial needs would be provided, but as teardrops upon a dry desert — the needs but not the wants.

And now you approach the time and the preparation of the Book with wings. The time is now and near. The financial needs shall be provided in the same manner unto which we have provided before unto you. But they all shall come with toil. And if toil does not come in love, then stand aside, for love and toil must be of the same, for only then you have opened the door and allowed us to enter.

See the Book with Wings series an many more books that are now written for you from Aka’s guidance.

Each of you have developed in your own way, your own psychic abilities. And we have provided the knowledge through the grace of our God, the Lord, Father, that your knowledge should grow and multiply and be as yeast. We have provided the bread and wine. All that, that has been needed, has been placed before you.

Soon shall be the time that should cometh forward into the certification of your teachers and ministers. As this is a philosophical organization, the ministers of this work are different than any other known upon your earth, and the teachers are different. Now is the time to take into thy mind serious thought of that unto which you, each of you that should be asked to serve, can fulfill. We have come not to take you from your religions or your faiths, but to build upon that that is already there. We have come not to change the laws of Moses, nor Jesus, but to show you the fulfillment of the same.

We have shown you that of the light in the sky you should call Kohoutek, the one we should choose to call Yahweh, that has spread and [coveth] one third of the earth at a time.

We have shown you the light of our Lord.

Now cometh the time that we should show you the flowers.

But remember also that the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Now eruptions shall arise, and the toil upon the earth shall be heavy. The Anti-Christ is walking upon your earth.

Greed is walking upon your earth in a multitude of manners; cast aside this monster.

Jealousies should walk upon your earth; cast aside this monster.

For each of these are a head of the Beast.

And for those who should stand apart and be not marked by these, then the new heaven and earth shall come forth into fullness…. [See The Revelation, chapter 13, 20:1–7, and 21:1–7.]

“Aka, Christ said, in that he was referring to time of the coming of the Messiah, that the sun would no longer shine, the moon would not give forth its light, the stars would fall from heaven upon the earth, and so forth. And he said that there were some people living then who would not see death before these things had come to pass. I do not understand this. Can you explain to me what he meant when he said some would not see death before these things happened?”

And so it has been. Some did not see death from then unto now.

You have seen the stars that fall from the heaven, yet create life.

Yet, we should say unto you unto these words. We are here to prepare the way. Should we fail, then your land should go unto 3,000 years of darkness, and man should go back unto the man-beast.

The land shall change.

We have given forth this knowledge, that the Christ child is born upon your earth now. Let the Eagle [U.S.A.] spread its wings and continue to protect.

Yet, the fuse has been lit from France unto Israel. And we say once again, let the Eagle spread its wings and protect….

And we should answer in this manner, “For the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.” [See Matthew 20:1–16.]

Study well our words of the beginning of your reading. Do not listen to them once and walk away, and say, “What a fine reading this is,” and know not of what the meaning of the same. But study the words well.

And do not cast stones. We have brought forth the information to learn by. For remember, our God is the God of the living, not of the dead. Our God is the God of love and compassion; He asks not for the blood of the Lamb. Only man should do of this.

Listen unto these words, and then look into thyself, each within the same measure.

Remember, there is a time for all things. There is a time for planting, and a time for harvesting. There is toil in between, and there is time for laughter and dancing at the end of the harvest.

March 8, 1974: Now we should say unto thee unto these words, into this manner. For we shall tell thee the parable of greed.

For as the Lord cast Lucifer from the heavens, and Lucifer did spread greed into man as the seed, yet it was a small thing. Yet it grew within man.

And it was like a leprosy, for it spread among the nations. And nations begot nations, and blood was spilt upon the earth. And kingdom after kingdom fell beneath the sword, the club, the spear, always for the same price, for gold.

And greed begot jealousy in man. And jealousy came forth as a monster with many heads. And it would devour the one who possessed it, step by step, until their soul was wrapped into nothing, for the thought was enough, for jealousy works upon imagination. It has no fact; it has no beginning. It only has a cruel ending.

And we say unto you, look upon your earth into that that lives in harmony. You do not find the trees jealous of one another or the plants upon the earth. It even was cast into the beasts upon your land, this horrible thing, this Beast of jealousy.

And the jealousy begot possession, and opened the doorway, therefore, of possession of the spirits, of the lost spirits to enter, [for] no longer could the jealous person protect themselves, and no longer could they listen unto those who would protect them.

Therefore, day by day it devours. Greed and jealousy run hand in hand. And from it, we say unto you, should cause the life and the life’s blood of an innocent soul. This has happened repeatedly upon your earth.

We have told you before that Lucifer should work in strange manners. Yet once the soul has gone and possession has taken forth he has no longer use for you, and then your way back unto the Father’s light shall be for an eternity.

Think into yourself, “Am I jealous of my brother? Am I as Cain? Shall I slay unto my brother because I am jealous?”

And jealousy begot hatred.

We say unto you, in the beginning God brought forth both he and she. And He found it good, for they were in harmony, one into the other, and both unto God. Yet, all of these things has made harmony an impossibility. And for the jealous one, they cast aside God, and denounce Him, and use His name in profanity, for they shall act as though they worship Him, yet they worship only themselves. And they shall say this and that in the name of the Lord, yet the Lord says naught unto them, for they speak for theirselves, not for God. And the hole they should dig, they should bury themselves.

And we should say unto thee unto these words, for those who should forget the words, we have come not to change the laws of Moses; we have come not to change the laws of God, Almighty, our Father, for upon the stone was written the Ten Commandments; “Thou shall have no other god before Me.” We say unto all of you, look well unto those commandments and you shall cast these things from your hearts. And then, plant your garden. And flowers shall bloom and the heaven shall come into fulfillment. And the earth shall no longer run red with blood.

We say to you, we come not for the blood of the Lamb, nor does our Father. This has been man’s thought, to bring upon the altar the blood of the lamb.

We ask not for the blood of any man, or woman, or child, or beast or fowl. Let the dead bury the dead, for they are but shells. For our Father is a Father of the living, not of the dead.

Thy come unto us with many questions. And we shall answer in this manner upon this night. To show the true meaning of our Father’s words, we shall give healing into those who pray for it and ask for it in our Father’s name. And so it shall be upon this day, for death shall raise its head, yet not come forth. We shall hold of it, for those who asked in our Father’s name. Glory be the name of our Father. Glory be those who should walk in our Father’s light and keep His commandments.

For we came unto you as we came unto the Essenes to prepare a way, that the ways of our Father should remain upon your earth, and the earth should remain, and man should remain. We came unto you to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. We came unto you that the fulfillment of the thousand years of peace could come forth. But take from your hearts these things of greed. For way and woe be unto thee, for the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. We stay his hand this day and bring forth healing, but not for long, for death shall follow his path in great numbers and nations shall fall, because of greed, because of jealousies.

You have in your mind our words when we first came. And we say unto you, we spoke as in this manner, that “wise man should hunt beasts to feed the gods.” Yet, you misinterpret our words, for we spoke upon our plane, not upon yours.

To interpret, interpret in this manner. The food you should hunt for your Father should be love and kindness, and forgiveness. It should be honor, one unto the other, at all times. As you should honor your father and mother, honor your brother and sister.

Yet you say, “They are not of my brother and sister,” and we say, therefore, you lie, for you are all God’s children, and you are brother and sister.

We bring peace and harmony unto the earth for those who shall listen in their soul….

Yea, yea, unto the Father; these words we have spoken, write them in your hearts, or perish.

April 18, 1974: For as a river should flow, and as a brook should flow unto a river, and as the river should flow unto an ocean, so should the spiritual words of our Father come forth upon your earth, for we are here but for one purpose, that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are here to prepare a way, but in the same, to prepare a way for His children during the time of the Anti-Christ upon your earth, that those who should not wear the mark of the Beast should be spared, and life upon the earth should begin again, that the knowledge thy have should not be lost. We are here to prepare the way for your thousand years of peace upon the earth. Count not as you would count, but count a thousand years as a day, and you shall know the full meaning of the words we have spoken. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–24, 17, 19–22.]

June 7, 1974: Your country [U.S.A.] at this time is going through one of its greatest changes in history, this history. But if it should survive as one nation before God, if it should overcome its karma and rise above the ashes as the phoenix bird, as the bird of the Great Pyramid, with greater knowledge, then in truth it shall be one nation before God. And it shall be as a mirror, and other nations shall follow its example.

There are those who say that the pathway unto our Father should come through fasting. If the body is not fed, it withers and dies. Proper food and proper exercise is needed. But a man should not run himself to death, nor eat himself to death.

It is said, to become closer to God that you must eat this or that. We shall say unto you, in the time of Moses, the Laws of Moses came forth for the protection of the people, to rid the people of the diseases that plagued them. So therefore, all of the things that Moses brought forth were for his time and place, in proportions of the same. This does not change the Ten Commandments given from God. For there was that that came from Moses and that that came from God.

For time is like the wind; it has no beginning and no ending, and constantly changes. If it stayed but the same there would be no purpose for life.

You will say unto us, you have talked once again as in riddles. But we say unto you — for those who should hear, let them hear. For those who should see, let them see.

But we say unto you, we have come that nothing should be hidden. We have come forth to bring the light unto the Lord’s people, all of the people.

Each man has chosen his way unto worship God. We are here not to destroy this, but to give unto you the philosophy, and in doing so, the preparation within yourselves.

For some shall hear our words. And others shall misinterpret our words. And so is the ways of men. But we say unto you, for those who should misinterpret, we are here to prepare the way. Are you? Can you prepare the way within yourself?

For no one but our Father knows the exact day or moment. Therefore, we say unto you, be prepared at any moment that that he who should come should walk up unto you and you should extend your hand with love and knowledge and know of him.

We have brought forth knowledge that we have implanted unto soul Ray, that the knowledge may not be misused. Half a thing is nothing. Half a book is nothing.

We have been by your side as you have written. We are pleased. Continue.

We have selected among you teachers and ministers. We have asked each of you to come forth unto soul Ray. And each of you accepted and agreed, therefore, to take forth the knowledge we would implant in his mind to prepare you for this.

We say unto you, for those who have been afraid to speak unto him of their true feelings, not the slightest [wind] shall escape his sight, nor his mind. For we are soul Ray and soul Ray is I. Yet we are many. For we stand as close to God as His teardrops, and as close to soul Ray as his heartbeats.

June 20, 1974: And we should answer in this manner. For upon the earth the Father saw forth to place the mighty redwood tree, to stand in stature above men. Yet man was mighty within himself, for he took his ax and cut down the mighty tree.

Yet the forest looked on, and so it wept, for it had lost a mighty friend. And each tree said into another, “Oh woe, what is this that man had done again? Shall he destroy the whole earth?”

And days and months passed, and there upon the granite rock grew a new sapling, each day, each year. And day by day it grew and counted the days as the forest came and went, and as man came and went.

So we say unto you, you can destroy nothing. You may only change its form.

In this day of yours of great trial, many should think they should run into the forest and hide beneath the rocks. [See The Revelation, chapter 6.]

Nay, we say unto you. For there shall be no place to hide. For those who should carry the mark of the Beast, their days shall be long and many. For those who do not carry the mark of the Beast, there is no reason to hide. You may be persecuted at first by those who should carry the mark. But for those who carry the mark, they shall perish and you shall not.

For famine shall ravish the earth, and men shall kill for bread. But we say unto you, man may take from thee thy hand and arm, or thy life, but within truth he cannot take thy life, for life is everlasting. He can harm you not. Only you yourselves may do this. For he cannot cut away the soul of man and separate it from its spirit that belongs to God. Only you can do these things.

And for those who should carry the mark, they will have done so without scarring the body. But they should go, therefore, into the land of the lost souls, for they should never see again the light of our Father.

Be thus, as unto the redwood tree who fell mightily upon the earth only to rise again, for your God is the God of the living, not of the dead.

June 29, 1974: Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, unto thee unto this manner. Blessed be the name of the Lord. For the Lord, God, has seen, and we have seen.

We say unto you that all things our Lord has seen He has give glory unto, for this is the day of joice and rejoice, both upon heaven and upon the earth. For we have seen you cast aside your grievances. We have seen you build together and become as one.

A house divided cannot stand. The house is no longer divided, for it stands.

Now we shall say unto you, more hands shall be needed to do unto the work that we shall bring forth unto you, for now we shall lead thee from the river into the oceans. We shall open the doors that have been closed. Your work shall be praised by many.

We shall remind you in this manner. As we are the servants of God, as we are teachers, remain as such. There have been many that the gifts have been offered to who have thought themselves as gods and closed the doorway unto their Father. Leave your doorway open. Let the multitudes come forward. Place forth now this Rose without Thorns.

Your media, your television, your radio, your newspapers, all shall be set in motion. We have already started the thoughts into many minds that the way should be prepared.

Some shall come unto you and take. Some shall come unto you and give. Remember in these words, that a gift, a true gift, is giving without expecting anything in return. Let the words we have given unto you flow now freely. Do not be hypocrites. Do not flaunt yourselves in such a manner that you should disgrace yourselves and your God.

For the Lord, God, gave unto you the Ten Commandments. And Moses, on his return from the mountain did see his people in idol worship and did cast the stones, therefore, unto the people. Yet, that day the Lord, God, learned from Moses, as He has learned from His children. But a true teacher should always learn from their students.

But even though the tablets were cast unto the flames, He brought forth the Cherubim.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub.

Now is the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways. The land should become parched and hard and dry. And fire should consume much of the land. Earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, shall ravish the land.

We have given thee a way to prepare for this. But we say unto you, do so, yet in a sensible manner. Do not be as the man who was so busy storing that he forgot to plug the holes that the rats should come in and eat what he had stored.

Build upon this foundation we have given unto you. Become that within yourself as the Seven Spirits of God upon the earth. Build forth a new earth and a new heaven, and all shall rejoice.

Fear not, that though chaos may be around you. We have seen to your needs as we promised in the beginning. Your wants and your needs are two different things. Your needs shall be provided as raindrops upon the desert. Yet they shall be provided for.

Cherish within your heart this day. Let none forget the vows they have taken.

We have placed in your hands this one thy call soul Ray — not by chance, not by accident, but by purpose. We have cast him into the fire, and led him through the fields of temptation.

And now he is ready, for we have made from him our Sword. The steel is fine and sharp.

Our Lord says, “GLORY UNTO THEE.”

But yet, we have told thee the Messiah is born upon the earth. Yet we can still not take him from his hiding, lest he be slain, for Lucifer lurks nearby to devour him from his mother’s womb. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

Each step thy take shall be a step closer to your thousand years of peace and plenty. Each step you take shall build the temple of God in man.

Army of Christ

August 10, 1974: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, in this way. For we should answer, as the children of Abraham came forth upon the earth, and as Abraham begot the children of Egypt, and the children of your Arabian nations, so one was as into another, for they were of brothers, yet they knew each other not. And so it has been, that for all the descendants of Abraham, they did make war upon each other, and cast stones upon each other, for they were a jealous lot. Yet, each and all in the same manner believed, therefore, into our Father, the God.

Abraham and his children

Yet, as Abraham ventured forth into the land of Egypt, because his wife was, therefore, so fair, he told not of the truth; he said she was of his sister. And therefore, many did pursue this maiden, Sarah. And therefore, Abraham did bring forth lie before his God.

And as time passed forth, and the brother of Abraham, who was Lot, did live within the cities of sin, and therefore, as Abraham did argue to persuade the messengers from God that should they find ten honest men in all the city, they would spare the city, but they ventured forth, and therefore, found none, but Lot ­and his two daughters and his wife. And Lot did bargain with the people who had besieged him, to trade them his daughters, but still they wanted to destroy these that had been sent by the Father, God. For it is as in your days, this day, this time.

Abraham [Lot] went forth from the city with his family, as he was directed and told, therefore, not to look back. But his wife, therefore, did of such and was turned, therefore, into the salt and into the soil, and destroyed, of the body form.

And therefore, Lot hid into the mountains and into the caves, for nothing could grow upon the land, for the land had been destroyed, much as you would destroy now with your atomic weaponry. Yet, the daughters of Lot thought unto themselves that they should drunken their father and beseed themselves in pregnancy. And so it was done. And so, the karma of the family of Lot was sent forth upon the earth. And from this karmic action came forth and was born into a son. [See Genesis, chapter 19.]

We say unto you, as the nations and nations of the world have come forth, one by one and two by two, to live in the house of the Lord and take direction from the same, each has come forth, in their own way, that they should enter our Father’s many mansions. But yet, there is still this charlatan.

And as we have said, the great Sword that should cut of two ways has cleansed your land, has brought forth unto the land a new Government, and it shall grow forth and produce yet a better Government. But your Government and your country can only remain as it should stand as one nation before God. It was God’s promise that the land of Israel be returned back unto the Israelites, and so this time has been fulfilled. Yet before you lies the battle of Armageddon.

We say unto you, fight among yourselves and the Beast shall win, and the Beast shall rule, and the land shall become desolate and polluted. And man shall die and waste away in a polluted land.

But we say unto you, hear these words, oh Israel. Hear these words, you modern, of the Roman nation, that call themselves, Americans. Our Father’s will shall be done, and the Sword shall cut again. And those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall walk forth and inherit the earth. But for those who should walk forth with the mark of the Beast, they shall become as lost souls and shall be cast aside into nothingness. [See The Revelation chapters 19–22.]

We have given unto your keeping now this time, your book, your Rose without a Thorn. It is but a beginning. There’ll be many of you who can say, “Nay, I can only do this,” or “I can only do that.” Yet, you will ask your-God day by day to do his bidding, your bidding. And your God shall answer. Which of you shall now answer your God?

August 28, 1974: For the children that should come forth upon these days should be blessed unto the Lord. And they should lift their eyes upward, and [ye] should listen unto them, for they should come forth with much wisdom, for they shall know where they have been and they shall know where they are going. Yet they shall be the first to recognize the Messiah, and not cast him aside for the Anti-Christ.

September 2, 1974: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For that that that the Lord has giveth, the Lord should taketh away, but all things that the Lord should taketh, He should replenish tenfold.

For your land is sparse and dry. We have told you of this time. Yet we say unto you, give prayer unto the Lord in unisis, and that that the Lord has taken shall be replenished upon your earth.

Your earth should travel forth into economical disaster. All nations now stand and tremble. Yet we say unto you, fear not.

But beware, for one shall come forth who shall seemingly make all things right. Yet, in truth, he is a taker of the land. He is the Anti-Christ. The nations shall crumble and fall. And as he walks forth he shall put bread upon the table, yet he shall ask for souls in return.

As we have said before, we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. As [the] bread should leave the tables, many shall lose their faith in our Lord, and many should turn their faces away from Him, unto this one. And we say, beware.

The earth shall tremble. Chaos shall come upon the earth. Yet the worst chaos of all is fear.

And fear should breed fear, so we say unto you, fear of this not, for as we have said before, we shall provide that that is needed. And for those who should walk in the righteous light of our Lord, bread shall be placed upon their table, and their needs shall be taken care of.

Around you, you have those who should worship of false images. And they should call of themselves, Christians. And they should say unto you, “This is the way to go.” And they shall say unto you, “This is the Messiah.” And we should say unto you, nay. Wear not the mark of the Beast.

We say unto you, this of your Common Market, of the world commodities, shall grow in strength. Europe, as you know it, shall become that of a United Europe. And none should trade nor barter lest they seek this passageway. But we say unto you, this harlot shall fall. And all nations shall look, yet they shall not find. And they shall be saddened at the fall of this.

Europa rides the Beast in front of the European Union Headqusrters

And we shall say unto you, this one shall set himself up into the throne of Rome. Yet, we say unto you, his days shall be short, for he shall come forth and promise the thou­sand years of peace upon the earth, and his words shall be mighty before men, yet he shall fall. [See The Revelation, chapters 13- 19.]

And wars and pestilence shall ridden the land. And the Lord, God, shall split the land and set it aside. And that thy know of as China shall make war upon other lands. And the Bear [Russia] should make war upon other lands. And this of your United States economy shall falter and seem to die. All of these things shall be made forth by those who should seek and worship of gold. But the gold shall fall away upon their hands and mean not naught unto man.

We have shown you that that lays before, should all progress and should all mankind continue to seek out their own selfish needs. Yet, all of these things we have told you can be altered by your free will.

We say unto you, we come in peace. We come with the gift of our Father. We lay into your hands A Rose without Thorns. We ask for no crowns. We ask for no glory. The glory we seek is through yourselves.

Soon, each of you shall say unto yourselves that the times are hard and you can no longer prepare the way, that you shall have this or that that should be done. We say unto you, continue with this that we have handed you, and we shall see that the needs of each of you are provided for. The bread shall be upon the table, but we warn you, waste not the bread….

September 10, 1974: Our Lord, God, gave unto John a vision of that that was to come, but yet He gave unto man free will to change that that stood before him. We are here for that purpose. [See The Revelation of John.]

Should we not be successful in our mission, then man shall go back into his caves, as the Sons of God did find them. They shall go back and for 3,000 years upon your earth there shall be a darkness before the light shall shine again.

But we give you this year of 1999, a year of fulfillment, a year of the coming of the Messiah. We say unto you, this one has been placed upon the earth.

Yet, there is another placed upon the earth, that of the Anti-Christ. He is working at this time to try to extend his realm of domination upon the earth.

It is up to you; which shall you have? Which cup shall you drink from? Shall you [remove] the mark of the Beast?

The Lord, God, does not ask for the blood of the Lamb. Nor has He ever. Only man has done of such. Should you know the true compassion and love, this word you use so often, then we say unto you, stand beneath the cross to let the drops of blood fall upon thy forehead.

From these hands and mind and body the blood should pour and it should heal of you, and prepare you, that each of you should prepare another. And one should prepare ten, and ten should prepare a hundred, and a hundred should prepare a thousand. And the millions shall flow. We say unto you, think of our Father as a brook, and the spirits of our Father as a brook. Think of the souls of man as a river and the pebbles therein. And as the brook [should] flow into the river, and as the river should flow unto the ocean and reach many shores, and the spiritual proportion of man shall rise within all, and reach into the heavens, and all beings from heaven and earth shall kneel before the new Messiah.

And your hundred [note: thousand] years of peace shall come forth; not as you count, but as our Father counts. And each year shall mark a thousand years. Let [that] the wise listen. Let the wise see. For each year shall be as a thousand years. One year in heaven shall represent a thousand years upon the earth. Multiply that, and you shall know of the kingdom of God.

September 12, 1974: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Across thy land and across the world so should stand the Fifth Angel.

And thy should say unto us, “How this should affect the world?”

And we should answer unto thee into this manner. Pestilence and famine shall coveth thy Earth. First, by drought, then by storm, so should your food provisions be wiped away.

And you say unto us, “Why should this happen?” We should answer back unto you, for we have warned you, your Lord, God, has warned you, and your prophets have warned you throughout the land that the time was at hand.

Long ago, in the land of Egypt a pharaoh dreamed a dream. And a shepherd came forth to interpret the dream. And they did prepare for the famine that would come, and therefore the people ate from the storehouses. [Genesis, chapters 43–47.]

We say unto you, it is not too late to store thy needs.

But your crops shall be lean each year. First you should plant them and they should die of thirst. Then you should plant them and the water should drown of them. Your winters shall be harsh. Where no water has been before, water shall flow. In lands that nothing grew, flowers shall bloom across the earth. Yet, you shall not know the time of planting and what to plant. You shall run and hide thyselves, yet there shall be no place to hide.

And then shall come forth upon your earth he who is already born, the one that shall bear the name of the Anti-Christ. And the seven nations shall rise, and they shall represent the seven horns or crowns. And they shall multiply into ten, and from the ten they shall choose their leader, who shall become the Beast, and the Beast should take power from them, and should feed off of them. And the rule shall be light and lean, and all things shall be done to preserve this time. [The Revelation, chapters 13 and 17.]

But yet again, then the one, the long-waited one shall come forth.

When the earth shall run red with blood and smolder, he shall lay his gentle hand upon the earth and the earth shall rise again as though from the dead. And all nations shall bow before him. And for those that do not wear the mark of the Beast, there shall be a thousand years of peace upon the earth. But think not as you would count; think as a thousand years, those thousand years shall be multiplied into a thousand, for each day shall be of a thousand years. [The Revelation, chapters 18–23.]

Many of you shall be, in this time of famine, sure that the earth shall destroy itself. And we say unto you, nay.

But all of the things that we have said can be prevented, for we are here but for one purpose. That purpose is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And in that preparation the Lord, God, should send His messengers forth to prepare a way within each of His children.

There shall be those who should not listen. There shall be those who shall not see. There shall be those who shall stand and say, “What foolish talk is this?” But the earth shall be cleansed, either by men or by God. The choice is yours.

But should the Sixth and Seventh Seal be opened, woe, woe be that upon thee. For as we have said before, man shall run and hide. He shall go to the mountaintops to hide beneath the stone, yet the stone should shield him not. He shall wish in mind for death, and pray for it, yet death shall come not. [The Revelation 6:12–17 and chapters 7–10.]

And we say unto thee, you who have founded a nation unto one God and made a mockery of the same, you who should go unto the churches in your fine cloth and say, “I have built a temple unto God,” when within reality you have only built a temple into yourselves, we care not for your temples. We care for the temple of God that dwells within man.

This word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, this word of yours you say, of love, our Father, God, gave you this word, and He placed upon the Earth His first­-begotten son and stood aside that man slay of him. And as his blood should strike the earth, the Earth did change, and darkness did come upon the Earth for three hours.

We say unto you, prepare not for this time, and the darkness shall come for 3,000 years, and man shall come back into his caves where the Sons of God did find him.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

We have come not with words of doom. We have shown you the paths that lie before thee. The choice is yours.

Find the true meaning of the word of love. Go into your churches and find God, both inside and out. Pick not just one day, but use all of them, and then you shall be as a mirror and beauty within shall never die.

We have brought forth unto thee A Rose without Thorns. You may place the thorns upon it if you wish, or you may pick it up, and hand it to a friend, a brother or a sister. And roses shall multiply and all that could happen will not happen. And your earth shall flourish in abundance, and your cup shall runneth over.

For those who should not wear the mark of the Beast, even in the times of famine, we shall see that thy needs are taken care of. But know the difference between your needs and your wants.

September 12, 1974: “[_____] asks, ‘Although there are many things which could aid the Anti-Christ, and be confused as such, can you please give a person, name, for every location that we can watch for negative guidance to come from?’”

Look within thy own land. We are not permitted at this time to give the name. As the time approaches, when permission is given from our Father, this shall be given, in full.

November 29, 1974: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner, in this way.

As we have said before, your country once again should repeat its own folly. It should make treaties with its enemies that shall be considered as just pieces of paper. It shall disarm itself and be made easy prey.

Those who should come of the Anti-Christ have already made their toil upon your country. You now face your greatest hours of need. For they did not need to make war upon you to weaken you. They took from you the oil that would burn in the lamps. They took from you the wheat which would make of the bread. And yet, you stood idly by and did nothing.

Now they stand poised and ready to poison your minds.

For we should say, hark, into thee, for if the Eagle [U.S.A.] does not spread its wings and give the protection unto the land of Israel then your days of famine shall worsen. Each day shall lead into another, each becoming more desperate into the next. We have told you before, to prepare for the famine. We have told you the length of time of famine. It is at hand.

It is now.

We say unto you, your Government shall go through yet another great trial. And each trial shall simulate unto the Lord a nation divided not, but a nation that should stand, one unto another. One nation under God.

Yet it shall not be one nation, for many nations shall come forth.

The work that you have done before shall take many hands for that of the future. Do not weaken. Do not blame the time of famine one upon another. Look not unto the race of man or his nation that should make him as he is. But we say unto you, look unto the holiness of it all, unto the righteousness of it all, and there before you shall be the answer for all to behold. Wear not the mark of the Beast. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

We say unto you, new efforts should be made that the book, A Rose without Thorns, should be brought forth, for now in the dire needs of all time should be the time that is needed by the Lord, our God, and the time that is needed by the people and the children of the Lord. Bring all things into fulfillment and glory before God, and God shall bring all things into fulfillment and glory before you. Fear not these times before, for they have been at your doorsteps once before, not in the same manner.

Feeding American children during the Great Depression

Many in your land now grow hungry for need. We say unto you, make the extra effort to put stores in your storehouses. Put tools, seed, each of all kinds.

For now is the time of the Fifth Angel, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Chaos shall come forth. More eruptions shall occur in the San Francisco area and the San Bernardino area. New eruption shall occur in the land of Alaska, and the Circle of Fire in Mexico, down through the land, for the land now prepares to separate itself. All things that we have prepared you for, throughout, the twinkling of the eye, is now the time to bring them forth into fulfillment. Store of all things, but do them with caution. Do not be as the man who should store for the sake of storing. Emphasize in your newsletter quite strongly the needs.

We say unto you, bring forth unto the nations the need you have for more teachers. This must multiply tenfold.

There are those who should say that the Jewish nation should be the seat of all your troubles. We say unto you, there are still those who wear the mark of the Beast that roam the land. Come forth now in truth within yourselves, blaming no one. For your time for blaming someone will do you little good.

And so we say these words unto you. For long ago upon your earth, one came forth in the time of depression and promised the German people a land of glory. He brought them a land of destruction and division. That this should not happen again upon the earth, act when you see the signs. Many thousands and millions of dollars are now being spent on such propaganda. Heed our words; listen not unto them. Listen unto your hearts and your souls, and the answers shall come forth in truth before all.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God….

But remember, weigh your bread and weigh your barley. Gold shall neither buy neither bread nor barley, so gather not of this type riches. Gather that that is needed to serve your needs….

For now soon at hand is the time of the Anti-Christ. You may follow into his footsteps, or the God of One. The choice is yours.

In 1975, Aka spoke these words about the Beast and Anti-Christ, and how to shorten or stop this reign.

Some may wonder what these many things of which Aka tells us have to do with the preparation for the Anti-Christ’s reign. Or the war on heaven and earth between his armies and the armies of the Messiah that is told in Revelation, chapter 19. But they do. They are all part of a bigger, long-range plan over centuries made by those who prepare for the Anti-Christ’s reign.

And God sends His spiritual messengers to build an army, in the minds of hearts of many, to prepare way for the coming of the Messiah.

March 15, 1975: The match has been struck in France.

It grows rapidly into the land of Israel. New wars and the planners of wars have already been set about.

Should these wars once again come forth it shall engulf the Earth.

The Fifth Angel walks upon your land. Beware that the Seventh Seal is not opened.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

March 22, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. The role of the Shepherd should not be taken lightly. We have told you before that nothing from either side shall interfere with this work. Your country stands at the bleak [brink] of warfare, of disaster. Famine and pestilence stands all around you. Yet you stand as ostriches with your heads in the sand.

We have warned you many times before of that that was to come. And now it is about you. The strength within your group may hold and bind the world from being engulfed in flames, or it shall wither on the vine. Yet we say unto you, the strength can only be as strong as those that are chosen to lead. If those that are chosen to lead cannot carry the burden, then stand aside, or as we have weeded the garden, so shall we weed it once again….

We have come this time but for once purpose, for the coming of the Messiah and the preparation for the same. Your wish shall be granted. Look unto the year of 1999.

But we also say unto you, beware of the wolf that stands at your door. Beware of the Bear [Russia] who should become too friendly. Beware of the Dragon [China]. But we should say, beware of a country that should be known as your friend who was your enemy. This country also wears the mark of the dragon.

May 3, 1975: We have prepared you with the knowledge of the famine. Now we should say unto you, new earthquakes shall appear across the land. Tornados and hurricanes shall sweep the crops.

We say these words unto you, for this land of yours shall remain safe [Globe, Arizona?], but all of you shall feel the effects of the other land. In the planning of your distribution of your food, plan in such a way that you may serve all of your flock. Do so in this manner. Advise your people to keep enough food and water, clothing, and the essential medications on hand, that they may remain in one place until it is safe for them to journey or for you to journey forth to bring them into safer land.

You are seeing the end of a war and the beginning of a new war.

The U.S. Border Patrol flies near the U.S.-Mexico border. Long after Aka warned, the U.S. began waging an unsymmetrical war on drugs. Drug cartels began controlling regions near Texas and other states. Read about the Mexican drug war here.

We should say unto you, for those who should plot and build armies, and store weapons in the land you call Texas, should plot to overthrow your Government and the government of Mexico. These are the same who assassinated many of your people.

Grow strong within yourselves, and [then] open the door that others may enter, and through this strength your growth now shall mature.

May 15, 1975: Now is the time of the Cherub. And the Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth. And now all the earth looks to the east.

New warfare is being made ready in the land of Mexico. Beware.

Earthquakes and tornados shall plight thy land across thy nation on the eastern, on the western, and the midwestern and the mideastern country. All forms of pestilence and famine shall rain upon the land. This is but a warning. Beware that the Sixth and Seventh Seal are never opened. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Should our mission fail, then you shall go into the dark ages, and you shall go unto three thousand years of darkness, and each day shall be as a hundred years. Pray unto your Lord our mission is successful. We come not to separate. We come to bring together, that war and pestilence should end.

Think thee of the city that the prophet was sent forth unto to give warning of the day of destruction, and the people did change of their ways, and the city was spared. And the prophet went out of the gate of the city, and he did shake his fist unto the Lord and he said, “You have made a fool of me.”

And the Lord said unto him, “IT WAS YOUR JOB TO WARN THE PEOPLE, THAT THEY MAY HAVE THE FREE CHOICE TO CHANGE.” [See Jonah, chapters 3 and 4.]

It is our job to warn the people, to bring them knowledge, to bring them the gift and the wisdom of the Lord, our Father, and to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We say unto you, your years and days grow lean, for your year of 1999 shall be close at hand.

June 7, 1975: But we say unto you, now is the time that Lucifer must be chained.

Build the links of the chain, one by one, two by two, three by three. Multiply them, and he who should come as the Anti-Christ shall be defeated before he sets a foot upon the Earth, for his beginning and his ending has already been written. Let not the mark of the Beast appear upon your foreheads. Continue your work. We shall provide for your needs. [See The Revelation 20:1–6.]

June 28, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

Through the forest, and all about, shall lie the handiwork of our Lord. In the beginning all things were set in tranquility, that nature, within itself, would reseed the earth. Yet there was a time and place for all parts of nature, and all parts of the beasts that inhabited the earth. For each beast that left the earth, a new beast came forth to take its place. And as the earth would change its form, so it was that man would change his form.

And so it shall be. For as the earth should once again change its form, so shall man, with his knowledge, learn to adapt and change. For those who shall change, and be ready to change, then life shall go on as such. The mind is a [n]ever-ending, wonderful instrument placed in perfect accord and perfect balance, that man should adapt not only to this earth, but to the other earths upon earths that lie even beyond your galaxies.

Soon upon your land, as you have reached into the heavens, other men from other galaxies are reaching toward your earth. This can come forth in a peaceful reunion of man, or it can come forth in the desolation of man.

Man since the beginning of time has feared what he cannot understand, and therefore, has tried to destroy all forms that were unlike himself. White man has tried to destroy Black; Black has tried to destroy White. The Yellow races have tried to destroy the Red. And so it goes throughout time.

As we have said before, it is not until all of mankind upon your earth can join in unisance. There are many ways of life, each more beautiful unto the other, as there are many mansions in our Father’s kingdom. Yet, if a man should walk unto the river and drink from a cup, and another drink from a plate, and each be satisfied in that which he does, if you can understand and learn to understand each purpose that each man should reach for — do not fear these things. You have long since tried to change other societies, and all you have gained from it is warfare and destruction of mankind.

We say unto you, if in truth you stand in truth for freedom and liberty unto all, then God shall stand with you. But if in truth these are not your principles, then you shall not stand with the Lord, but with yourself, and your self-made ideas.

If you should pray unto the Lord, speak as you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, the Lord should hear. But pray not for the death of your brother, for how can the Lord look upon His children and give death unto one and life unto another? But we say unto you, the Lord is a jealous God. Place no other god before Him, or you shall feel the wrath, therefore, within the same.

Yet, as His children have grown and matured, so the Lord, our God, has grown in wisdom. And as more of His children come forth upon the earth, so His wisdom and tolerance should mature.

If you should look unto the Lord, look unto Him in a manner as you would look unto yourself.

But if you would look unto your brother in the same manner, you would have no reason to have quarrel with him.

Look unto the balance of the earth, and you shall find the balance within yourself. But as you would look at the river, know that nothing stands still, neither God nor man, nor earth, nor universe, nor galaxy or universes beyond universes and galaxies beyond galaxies.

All must change.

Soon these changes shall come forth. New eruptions shall occur on your Western coastline.

Plumes of steam, gas, and ash often occurred at Mount St. Helens in the early 1980s after the volcano erupted on May 18, 1980. five years after Aka spoke of new eruptions. On clear days they could be seen from Portland, Oregon, 50 mi (80 km) to the south. this is one of many volcanos on the west coast from the Aleutian Islands in Alaska to the Gulf of California that continues on south into Mexico and to the tip of South America in the “ring of fire.”

And tornado and hurricane shall smitten the earth.

Here are lists of the tornadoes and of the hurricanes smiting the earth.

Upon the Eastern shoreline great storms and earthquakes shall occur.

Eighteen years after Aka spoke of great storms, this satellite image by NASA shows the 1993 North American Storm Complex on March 13, 1993, called the 1993 storm of the century. But there were many more storms and hurricanes. On August 23, 2011, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake hit the Piedmont region of the Commonwealth of Virginia, United States. The quake was felt across more than a dozen U.S. states and in several Canadian provinces, and was felt by more people than any other quake in U.S. history.

The island of Cuba shall be ripped and torn until the warheads within her lay dormant and rust away.

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina (Category 5) was only one of many to hit hit Cuba. See this list of many more recent hurricanes.

The industrial nation of Japan shall waste under her own water and her own pollution.

Thirty-six years after Aka warned, in 2011, a nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Ōkuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan was caused by the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. It was the most severe nuclear accident since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.

The isles of Britain shall be linked unto the continent of Europe. The northern proportion of Europe shall be smitten as though it was struck by a sword.

The Dragon, as you would call it, the land of China, shall be plagued by both disease and famine.

Although China has been plagued by disease and famines, the most noteworthy one came in 2019. This map shows 2019-nCoV in Mainland China by attack rate. Less than 0.5 cases per 100,000 people 0.5~1 cases per 100,000 people 1~3 cases per 100,000 people 3~5 cases per 100,000 people Hubei Province with 114.96 cases per 100,000 people. Map by BoyuZhang1998 — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=88513389

The Bear, that of the Russian nation and the Russian countries, therefore, within the same, your Common Market, shall fall beneath itself.

The U.S.S.R. fell 16 years after Aka foretold, in 1991.

Yet, this nation [U.S.A.] may stand, if it should grow strong within itself and strong before its God. But should this nation continue to draw its wings back and not coveth and protect the land of Israel, then the Lord shall not protect this nation.

A U.S. F-15 Eagle in flight

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub….

And the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Across the Midwestern United States hurricane and tornado shall sweep the land. Across European nations earthquakes shall occur. In the land of the Alaskans soon new earthquakes shall come forth. Your harvest land shall be wiped away, and the world shall once again be tangled in the warfare that shall take from you the oil substance. Prepare, therefore, for the same.

August 2, 1975: We shall tell unto thee of the parable, the parable [for] the time of preparation.

For the prophet did come unto the land and say unto the people, “Prepare now. Bring forth your storages of many forms — of food, of medications, of tools, that these may be used in the time of need.”

The people did scoff upon him. Yet a few did listen and they did prepare their storehouses. The others went forth wasting in a continuing manner all that was provided for their storage. In the fields and in the valleys grew abundance of food. They did not harvest it.

And then came the times of drought, [a] famine did strike upon the earth. The few that had gathered began to feed their people.

Those that had not gathered at first were sorry that they had not prepared. And then they became lustful and did prepare to covet that that belonged to their brother.

At first, their brothers gave that which they could, keeping that aside to feed their own. And they did dig wells, and they did build dams to catch the sparse water. And they did turn forth their seed to plant new land.

Yet those who should not prepare stood idle, and yet demanded food. And those who had prepared and were working said, “If you should not work, you shall not eat.”

And so those who had not prepared plotted, therefore, to kill those who had. And they did come forth into the fields that were planted. And the fields were lush and ready for harvest. And they decided to burn the crop, and therefore, to burn the people. But the wind did shift and devour them.

Now we say unto you, was it what you would call luck, or was it that the people who had prepared had prepared more than just food and provisions? They had prepared their minds in such a manner to control the element.

If you should store, we have said to store knowledge. This is the source of knowledge.

For you, who should think our words are idle and such could never be done, we should say unto you, such folly.

For you, who should hear our words and seek the wisdom, the knowledge shall be provided. We have brought forth in preparation for this time, and implanted the knowledge that is needed in soul Ray’s mind for the teaching of the same.

You soon shall start your college sessions. This is good, but yet, not enough. We say unto you, should you prepare, more teachers, more study sessions should be necessary.

If a fire can consume, so it can protect. Build the fire with your minds in such a manner that as one [twig] should stand it can be broken easily, but [as] many stand together they cannot be broken at all.

Soon, we have provided the way that new water storage shall be made available — in soul Ray’s mind he has long planned a thing of pleasure, yet it should serve a dual purpose. Within the planning he has also planned the means to purify the water that should lie within the pool and build a structure above the same. The structure shall serve into two purposes, a shelter for the water, and a greenhouse for the plants.

So we should say unto you, gather your harvest. Prepare, therefore, to gather of the mesquite bean. Clean your crushers, that the mesquite may be crushed first, and then brought forth and placed into the grinding unit. Prepare that the sun, with the use of the nylon screening, can be used for drying decks. Sell not of your honey, except within your own organization, that it may be stored in [the] like manner. The harvest shall be good.

Prepare both axe and hoe that the ground may be tilted [tilled?].

Emergency generator systems should be brought forth. These may be obtained through your war surplus purchases.

As the land should continue to crumble in the land of California, many shall flee the land, both jobless and without food. For those who are willing to work, accept them into your fold. For those who are not, let them pass on. But do not be, and divert yourselves back, to that of an armed camp. Prepare in such a way — your ammunition shall be sparse; therefore, we say unto you, take forth and bring forth that of the crossbow. Do so now.

August 20, 1975: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, from [6–283a-9], ‘Please give me guidance for immediate future and long range. Advise me on what I need to know.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and shall answer in this manner. Seek ye not of the false prophets. Look into the wisdom of the instrument we have brought unto you for safe keeping. Put the efforts, therefore, into the same. Soul Ray did interpret your dream. We shall go one step further in the interpretation. Without effort placed forth, [of] the fullness and the reality of the light and the sound of man’s mind, [in the mind] the brain, all of this [knowledge] can be slowed down. There is much work yet to be done in this field. As you have heard before, it is but “one step for mankind,” and one step for God, a gift unto mankind.

We have seen unto your needs of the building of [the] equipment. There is much yet to be done.

Neither your country nor your state can see the importance of this work. Should not this work go on, there are countries upon the Earth, those who are [pupilars] of the Beast, and shall be from the Beast, who shall conquer the Earth with such knowledge. This knowledge must not languish at your feet, until a full evaluation may be handed unto all at this time, and not be handed [in their state] unto these people, for they should worship the Anti-Christ, and his time of bringing his [puppets is] near at hand. That that might save mankind could be your medicine of tomorrow.

September 20, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as the grains of sand upon the desert are vast and many, so are the spiritual form of man. As an ocean it should flood the universe.

Within each man should lie a part of God, yet each shall be separate and different, and each shall be as an individual, as long as freedom can prevail, freedom to worship, each in your own manner. You are now within the laws of your land a church. But never forget that the true temple of God should lie within the man’s soul, his spirit, his immortal body. Deep within that hidden place within your mind should be the lighten candle of life. [Note: lighten is Middle English for lightened.]

As a gentle breeze should blow across the land into the hearts of man, so should the spirit flow across the desert and unto the plains, into the hills and over the mighty oceans.

Your earth is shifting on its axis. And the earth, much as your winter should come, shall change its face.

And you should say unto us, “Why should this happen?”

And we should say unto you, it is the earth’s way of cleansing itself. Much as winter is a way of replenishing the earth, so is the shifting of the earth’s axis. It’s a way of renewing the earth, a way of replenishing the species of the land.

Each time the earth has shifted so has mankind changed his environment. As this would take place once again, the greatest loss that mankind may have is his knowledge. For in this time your scientific knowledge and your spiritual knowledge has come together in such a manner to provide you with a free and untainted earth — a new heaven and a new earth.

Soon, once again in the isles of California new earthquakes shall occur. In the Caribbean area new earthquakes shall occur. In the Asiatic area new earthquakes shall occur. In that proportion and land known as Russia, and Ethiopia, all shall begin to change its face.

New wars loom closely at hand. We say unto you, as the Eagle [U.S.A.] should replenish its growth and become young again, so it must protect this land of Jerusalem.

Once before, in the land of Rome, the eagle was carried as a banner, and misinterpreted. You are the modern Romans, founded on the same principle of freedom and justice unto all, one nation under God.

There are many who would destroy it and take away this freedom. Let not that happen. But it cannot be preserved by becoming radical, distrusting thy neighbors. For soon, if this would happen, you could not even trust yourselves.

Now, let the group bind closer together. Bring forth new teachers. Bring forth new ministers. Bring forth. Let the words of peace, and the thousand years of peace may be soon at hand. But remember, all things shall come that are needed.

September 27, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We shall say unto you, as was written in your book of Revelations, look therefore, and you shall find within the same that the Beast did rise, and the Beast did have upon its head ten crowns. And the Beast, therefore, had the head severed, yet it grew a new head. [See The Revelation 13:1–9 and 17:12.]

And you should say, “How should this be possible?”

And we should say unto you, the time and the place is now. The head that was destroyed of the Beast that carried ten crowns was the head of a nation that was removed. And therefore, it did grow a new head. And each crown represents a nation, a nation each within what you would call your Common Market.

The European Union Headquarters shows Roman myth of Europa riding upon the Beast (Zeus) who raped her.

And it did say unto these words, “Lest these be carried and wear the mark of the Beast, they could not trade nor barter.”

A 2 euro coin from 2002 shows Europa riding on the Beast

And so it is, as it was written, as it was given unto John. Even within his madness so he placed forth that that was to come forth in your day and in your time.

Could the destruction of the World Trade towers in 9–11–2001 be viewed as a sign of a new world order to come?

Yet, the reign was short.

We shall say unto you that Rome did rise and Rome did fall, and Rome did carry upon its shoulders the emblem of the eagle. And so was the fulfillment of the first of the prophecies. And now is the second, for you are the modern Romans.

Leste not your nation fall from within itself — leste not it fall, “one nation before God.” you are few, but your strength should multiply. We have said unto you, bring forth and come forth as a mirror unto the people. We have encouraged new teachers and ministers be brought forth for this purpose. Yet each one of your members is that of a missionary within itself, for as each member should cast his light upon the water, so a reflection should come forth.

Leste these wear the mark of the Beast, now is the time that all should reach forth to multiply and increase the dominion of your membership. This can only be done with increase of the group study sessions in correct and proper manners: that before God, that with God, and that for God.

If a teacher cannot carry the burden, it is better to be a good shepherd than a poor leader of nations. As you carry forth the words, one unto another, forgiveness, mercy, and humility must be part of your banners.

We say unto you, go forth in such a manner that you should knock upon the door. Should they bid you enter, enter and drink of their wine of knowledge and give of yours. It is only in the trading of knowledge, and through knowledge, can the mark of the Beast be avoided.

The time grows near when new hurricanes and tornados shall strike your continent, both from the eastern and western seaboards. Volcanic action beneath the ocean shall bring forth new tremors in the western and eastern seaboard. They shall intensify. Earthquakes stronger than the earth has known in many, many years shall now strike. The month of October shall mark the beginning.

The fuse is short in the land of Israel. It shall be lit from the continent of France, and therefore, may spread upon the Earth.

Your nation, even as it stands, can crumble a little at a time unless now the spiritual substance of mankind is applied.

It cannot come in such a manner that one should stand and take; it is in the giving that you shall grow. As we have said before, we shall supply your needs, not your wants. Therefore, in the preparation of the coming times, prepare in such a way that you should not make war upon your neighbor.

October 4, 1975: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For as man stands upon the Earth, if he should stand in such a position that one hand held the past, the other the future, and dwelt each day only on that, then where would his [presents, presence] be? He would stand only in one place, serve no purpose to himself or any other.

The past is only knowledge that can guide you to the present. And the present should make of the future.

You with your individual free will, your minds — your minds are capable of moving mountains. A child may develop the mind quite rapidly because he has not placed before him what he cannot do. When a child learns to walk the equilibrium begins to function in such a manner that he may hold his balance.

Mankind is so busy holding their balance that they are not reaching for the stars, for through the stars shall be the pathway through your future, through the further exploration and development into your space travel. You shall find with the development of the cosmic-magnetic-electrical-energy substance both land and space travel and your power needs may be excelled.

You say unto us, “How can you speak of the book of Revelations and a new source of energy substance in the same breath?” We say unto you, your earth has changed its facial structure many times. It shall do so again. It is the spiritual structure of man with knowledge that shall gain you your new heaven and your new earth. To fear is to be ignorant.

Each of you asks the Lord, our God, each day for your peace of mind, for your well being, and for your many needs and wants; [that], which among you should say unto himself or herself, “How may I give unto the Lord, God?”

The Lord, God, does not ask a mighty temple of brick and stone. These things are good, for it is a gathering house. The only temple we seek to build is that within man, the temple of God is man. The body of God lies within all.

To fall down is not a sin. There are many things that you would call sin that our Father thinks little or not at all of.

You seek to explain to yourself the book of Revelations. You seek the knowledge of that that should taste of honey, yet grow bitter in one’s mouth. [See The Revelation 10:1–11.]

We shall answer your question. In man’s quest for his future, if all he could see was the future and not of the present, it would soon grow very bitter in his mouth. These were the scrolls that John was directed to eat, the scrolls of the future.

Your future can be made in such a manner that the famine, your time of the Anti-Christ or the coming of the Beast upon the Earth, can be wiped away with your minds.

The chaos of the shifting of the Earth’s axis is nothing more than a minor adjustment that must be made within man and beast.

We have said before, now is the time of the Cherub. The great Sword hovers, to strike from one side and part the land; the other shall part man. If a building should burn, and all inside use their minds and orderly and jointly remove themselves from the building, no one will be harmed.

But fear, the constant dwelling upon fear, can destroy the mind, can destroy all around you, for you shall cease to see the flowers that grow today and can grow tomorrow.

We have also said unto you that where deserts stand water shall flow.

Desert wildflowers bloom abundantly in spring

New gardens, new forests shall arise. Your water level of the seas shall rise, only to recede again. The continents shall shift and change, only to stabilize again. Mankind has lived through every change of the earth. That that he has lost each time was his knowledge to crawl out of the cave, to not be afraid.

Use your knowledge here and now that you may store the knowledge from within.

What did the spiritual messengers of God say in 1976 about the Anti-Christ and Beast?

February 7, 1976, Aka began: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. As we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks your earth. Now is the time of the Cherubim. We have told you before that we would give you ample warning before each of your natural catastrophes took place, and the position of the same, and the time of the same. We shall say unto you, go back unto that that we have told you, that you may have full knowledge of each step that shall be taken.

The 1976 Guatemala earthquake struck on February 4 with a moment magnitude of 7.5. The shock was centered on the Motagua Fault, about 160 km northeast of Guatemala City at a depth of 5 kilometers (3.1 mi) near the town of Los Amates in the department of Izabal. Cities throughout the country suffered damage, and most adobe type houses in the outlying areas of Guatemala City were destroyed. The earthquake struck during the early morning (at 3:01 am, local time) when most people were asleep. This contributed to the high death toll of 23,000. Approximately 76,000 were injured, and many thousands left homeless. Some of the areas affected went without electricity and communications for days. The main shock was followed by thousands of aftershocks, some of the larger ones causing additional damage and loss of life.

Now we shall say unto you, further earthquakes shall occur. Your Eastern seaboard shall suffer severe damage. That in the land of the Californians shall suffer severe damage, but first, more earthquakes shall be centered in the New Mexico part of your continent, then unto the South American proportion.

But we say unto you, prepare, therefore, this nation, this time, to give aid unto those who should be in need. If aid does not come soon, further embitterment of these people shall endure. Therefore, a warfare within a nation in a revolutionary form shall take place.

It shall involve your nation, and because of the involvement shall bring forth unto one house; two nations shall be born together.

We say unto you, our Father should shed tears to see His children die. Yet, we say unto you, as Job did come unto the people and say, “Change unto your ways” — as Jonah did come unto the people and say, “Change unto your ways,” and so it was done, and the destruction of the land did not follow.

But we say unto you, the earth shall change its face. It is like the coming of your winter. And winter should come that the land may rest, that should bring forth the spring, that should bring forth the summer, that should bring forth the autumn. Your earth now lays within the autumn of its bosom. These changes in the earth’s surface are necessary that the earth may gain new life and the balance of all things may come forth.

But warfare is not a natural balance, even though in some eyes it would be, a control of the species. Warfare comes from within man. We say unto you, link your hearts and your minds together that a peaceful solution might be rendered, and a just reward unto all.

Exhumation in the ixil triangle in Guatemala. Was Aka speaking of a Guatemalan earthquake in February 1976? More earthquakes followed in southern Mexico and Central America that later led to civil war in Mexico as starving farmers from the rural mountainous region fought to get aid from the Mexican Government, which they felt was not fairly appropriated to their region. Civil and guerilla warfare continues against the established Mexican government. On a broader scale, an influx across the U.S. border of desperate people seeking work, criminals, drugs from warlords or cartels, and violent gangs from Central and South America, has only increased through the years.

We have told you before of the fuse that should be lit in Israel, and so it should burn and spread, therefore, upon the earth’s surface.

The warfare shall first come into the land of Mexico.

At the same moment, those of the Soviet Union and the Peoples’ Republic of China shall bring forth warfare in the land of Israel. We say unto you, should the Eagle [U.S.A.] not spread her wings, woe be the land; woe be the people; woe be the children of our Lord.

We say unto you, take away your prejudice[s]. Cast them aside. Go forth in such a manner that the philosophy that we have handed unto you may be handed unto others in a just manner. Do not go forth unto a man just to show him that he is wrong and you might be right. Go forth in a manner that you may drink of his wine and he may drink of yours, and knowledge shall be as a seed, and its growth shall become abundant. For only ignorance breeds war, and only ignorance builds barriers between mankind. Knowledge shall do away with your poverty, your starvation, and shall stop the burying of your children in pits.

Mexican states with mafia conflicts in 2010. States where most of the conflict takes place are marked in red.

What you have seen in the land of Mexico should soon be a part of your own land. And trenches shall be dug and your children shall be buried in them.

We are here not to take from you your free choice. We are here for but one purpose and that is the coming of the Messiah. We have brought knowledge unto you in many manners. What was covered we have uncovered, and we shall continue to do such. Bring forth unto us questions that seek knowledge and understanding for your earth, and we shall give you the knowledge you seek. But prepare within yourselves a place for the coming, and then you shall prepare within others, for you shall be as mirrors, and that that they see they shall see into themselves and make the changes.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I would like to know, how we can recognize truth from fable, those things that are figments of one’s imagination and those that are real? Is there emotion on the spiritual plane of life? I have heard that man is evolving from the emotional to the mental level. Is this true? How can we learn this?”

We shall say unto you unto this way, into this manner. There are many things that should come of the spirit. And those that should come of the spirit should come of the Lord. There are many things that should come of the soul, and some of these should come of Lucifer. But that of the imagination neither comes from Lucifer nor comes from God, but Lucifer should be the first one to take advantage of it.

Open the gateway that we may enter, we have said unto you. We did not say unto you, open the gateway that any may enter.

In your spiritual growth take stock within yourself, much as you would stop and count your blessings, to see if they are within truth and true blessings.

But remember also, what is food for one would not be food for another. This is why our Father has many mansions. [Editor’s note: chimes ring out from the clock in Ray’s living room.]

And we say unto you, as the bells should ring upon the land, and as the temples shall rise, there shall be some false bells and some false temples. But we say unto you, those who should be built in the light and the coming of the Messiah shall stand. Those who should be built for the coming of the Anti-Christ shall fall away, for his reign shall be short.

And we should also say unto you, for those who should wear the mark of the Beast shall wear it forever. [See The Revelation, chapters 17–20.]

February 28, 1976: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We have told you before that we would give you warning in time that you might protect your loved ones and yourselves.

We say unto you, these things that we say now shall happen, step by step, and unfold before you day by day.

Throughout the land the time of the famine is now; throughout the world, the time of famine.

We should say unto you, because it is of your election time, your politicians shall play that of hiding from the public that which is so. As a result, they shall deplete your reserves by trying to feed a hungry world. Your harvest lands have and are being annihilated through drought, through wind, through storm. The land itself shall be made to bear nothing, for the soil shall be eroded from the land.

Erosion of a field

Only in this land shall your harvest be bountiful. And we say unto you, the desert harvest, that of the flour that should come from the mesquite, the fruit of the desert plants, all shall be in bountiful to you.

Mesquite beans dry in late summer
Prickly Pear cactus fruit

One side of your political parties shall play the part of the Devil’s advocate, to try to show you how bad the problem is. They will overemphasize the problem and do nothing to correct it. They shall be as a dog sitting upon its own tail barking. The other shall tell you how plentiful and how much reserve, or surplus, as you would call it, your country possesses. They shall be as the hyena who laughs at nothing.

We say unto you, through your groups prepare for this time, for the time is now. It shall [graduate] more so as the months pass by. The land that is now having pestilence struck upon it, it shall be many years before it can be reused again.If the land in this land [Arizona] could be used, more of it for agricultural purposes, more of your water used for the same purposes, and less for your artificial lakes, this could supplement and feed your country. This land unto which you stand, this land you call the land of the Eagle, or the land of the Globe, shall prosper.

Yet, the inflationary depression shall continue.

Throughout the world, tornados, hurricane, and volcanic action shall rule, and drought. Earthquakes now shall appear in regions where they have never appeared before. We say unto you, prepare, therefore, for this time.

We shall say unto you as the parable of those who were told and did heed the words and did store in the time of Egypt, and those who were told and did not heed the words, they did sell themselves into bondage. They did sell their cattle and all their belongings.

You must at all costs remain a free people, the freedom to worship God, each in your own manner.

Our Father has many mansions. Each is great to behold.

Coming together in group form to accomplish the task at hand should be done in such a manner that each should take upon themselves a task to be performed and performing it well. For those who should store for themselves shall only attract thieves to their doorstep. Prepare your storage in group form, that you may feed those who should come unto you as long as they are willing to work to replenish your store­houses. The means shall be made available to you.

We say unto you, there are those in your land who should crucify once again the Jewish people, those of the Israelites. There shall be those in your land that shall look upon different races and blame them for the problem at hand.

We say unto you also that now is the time, close at hand, when one shall come forth who will have an answer for all things. And this one shall be the Anti-Christ. And for those who should wear the mark of the Beast, woe be upon them. [Editor’s note: See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

We say unto you, wear not the mark of the Beast. The Lord, God, did make thee free. He did not put a yoke upon thy neck and say, “Pull my plow.” He did naught to make men slaves.

It is said that man and woman were brought forth of “Our kind, of Our image.” We say unto you, if these words are so, then how can you be enslaved? [See Genesis, chapter 1.]

Yet do not enslave thyselves. Hold dear to thee this right of freedom.

August 20, 1976: And now we shall answer unto your minds. In the day that we told of thee of the 8.5 in the Richter scale, and the climbing, and that of the task it would take, and we said, “Our Father weeps,” and so He does. For your pestilence and famine has not ended; the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Let those who are not marked by the Beast, let them take, instead of the 7 7 7, let them look at the one who shall possess the number of man, six hundred and sixty-six, and this shall be the number and the name of the man of the Anti-Christ. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

And once again you say we have asked you as in riddles. We have said unto you, pray not that the Sixth and the Seventh Seal should be opened. [See The Revelation 6:12–17, and chapters 7–10.]

We have also told you that of the birthplace and the time of the Messiah that we have come to prepare a way for. There are others that are preparing the way for that of the Anti-Christ upon your Earth. He is also upon the Earth. And the nations have come together, and the time that God should look upon the land of Israel and it should be holy is at hand. All of these things are now unfolding.

More earthquakes shall shake the earth. More death, more pestilence shall occur.

But for those who do not wear the mark of the Beast shall not fear. [See The Revelation, chapters 11, 14, 19, 20:1–6, 21, and 22.]

May 8, 1976: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [5–206–2] asks, ‘Is Lucifer a member of the Council of Thirteen?’”

(Chuckle) Nay.

We shall say unto you, Lucifer is Lucifer, and none before and none since has met his equal. His defiance of God cast him forth, yet to serve a purpose. His constant defeat has also served its purpose. But his arrogance, and his worlds and his obedience for those who should practice the Black Arts, woe be upon them. And woe be upon Lucifer, for there is not one in this Council who does not pity him.

May 8, 1976: You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [6–281–1] asks, ‘Please explain about the over-soul and over-self.’”

Though the language is confusing, we shall try to decipher your meaning. The over-self is nothing more than the human body, the human frailties, the human being striving constantly to improve. As we have said before, the soul can only be complete when it is with the body, the spirit and the immortal body.

If one should lose the spiritual form, then they become the lost soul that shall wander forever into vast nothingness. They hover close to your earth plane, for all they have and all they know is re-entry.

For those who should pollute their mind with alcohol and drugs, they make themselves readily available, both to Lucifer and to the lost souls, to take over and take possession. And, there is but one path for them. Once they take possession — this is against the rule, as you would call it, of free choice, so they have violated and committed a greater sin yet. With the passing of that body substance, then they are again nothing more than a lost soul.

There are those of you who would use and play with that of the Ouija Board, and you greet each one who comes through, yet knowing not that which you touch. Quite often this is a quick path for those of the lost souls. And the more they are connected, and the more they are attached, their power upon you should grow, and soon you lose your own free choice and ability. And soon you become possessed and they take over. We say unto you, within your own book, the Bible, does it not warn you of such? And does it not warn you of false prophets? When one passes over they become no smarter or wiser, as you would say, than they were on the earth plane. If they were greedy here they will be greedy there. You can learn more in one day upon your earth than you can in a hundred years on the other side.

August 6, 1976: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. Many who have come have come through idle curiosity, but as we have said before, this is good, for each shall leave with something greater than they came with.

Your world, as you know it, shall now face its greatest crisis, both pestilence, famine, and the eruption of the land.

We have told you before of the pestilence to come. And so it knocks upon your door. We have brought forth, through dream substance unto soul Ray, those formulas needed to help you survive through the time of the pestilence.

We shall say unto you that that that you would call of a flu epidemic was all but of the same kind. It was brought forth in two forms into your country — one, that of your own Government of the accidental bursting of a canister; the other has been brought forth into your country in the form and in the disguised substance of that of both heroin and marijuana — those who had planned the destruction from within of your country.

The virus substance, when attacked, should change its form, should lay dormant only to change its direction once again. It was the total substance of all known flu germs that man has even known upon your earth. It is deadly. It may cause both cancer of the blood and cancer of the body substance in its latent states.

A new formula which shall go forth and be placed in soul Ray’s mind is now taking place, for once again, we shall feed him in substance that is needed. As we have said before, for those who should come forth in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah, we shall take care of their needs, and so it shall be. But as you yourself have a saying, that you may lead the horse to water, but you cannot make them drink, so is it and it shall be true. We have brought forth that of the new and the old vitamin C formulas; placing these two together you shall find you shall have the ingredient necessary for one side, or one phase, of the treatment of this disease. Placing that of the formula for that that you call your Wonder Loss shall stabilize the blood substance. And now, with the new formula, with the use of the yucca seed which is now in soul Ray’s mind, shall further help to destroy the germ substance and build an immunity in your body substance toward the same.

The words we have spoken seem shattering. And you say unto us, “How far may this epidemic reach?” We have told you before, as a brook, it should flow to the rivers, from the rivers it should flow to the oceans to the many lands — and we are not speaking of a spiritual substance, but a blight upon the land and man.

A third of the Earth’s population shall dwindle under its thumb. From volcanic eruptions, and that of the earthquake substance, another third.

In the land of both Russia and China, as we have told you before, one should be the Bear, the other should be the Dragon, and neither should be trusted. We say unto you, should this nation stand as one nation before God so it shall be preserved. And so shall all other nations.

The earthquakes which have come have not ended, but shall continue. We say unto you, take of these words we have spoken and use them in such a manner that it shall do the most good for the most people. But do not create hysteria, for that alone would kill more of the earthling people than any disease in itself, or any earthquake. You shall find that the greatest majority of people shall not die directly from the earthquake itself, but that that should come after, from the pestilence that should reign the cities. We shall also tell you that from your raise in your rat population has been offset the balance of the earth. These should carry diseases within the city.

In all treatments gloves should be worn, and masks could be used for the protection that you should not carry the germ from one person to another. You yourselves have mentioned that touching is loving, but in this case the touch could bring death.

August 20, 1976: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. Within your minds you have asked many times about that of the exorcism, and therefore, we shall answer in the form of a parable.

And we shall say unto you, that was of the usual manner of the rabbis of Thore, they did debate long upon each subject. And upon this day they were debating that of exorcism, the driving out of an evil spirit, and how they would know when this was truly within that of the person that should be treated.

And the first rabbi said, “First, we should consult the physician to see the physical state.”

The second said, “Nay, we should consult the psychiatrist.”

And the third said, “Nay, this is a job of the priest and the priesthood, and it must be decided within us of who should possess that of the evil demon that should be driven away, and the matter thereupon.”

But yet, the argument lasted day after day, without an answer, and finally all three did agree that they would go into three days of solitude, and therefore, pray unto the Lord for an answer.

And when the three days ended, each returned. Each looked long, gaunt, the face drawn.

And the first did rise to speak and his words did stammer. And he said unto the others, “I say unto you that only those who possess a gift, a gift of the true psychic, the gift to see of the spirit — but each of these must be schooled in the ways of the physician, in the ways of the psychologist, in the ways of the psychiatrist — they must possess all of these gifts, and they and they alone.”

But not one should say, “But I should say it should come from all three.”

And the third arose and said unto the other two, “I would agree, but I say that the evil spirit is like the feather floating about, landing and rising with the currents of the wind. It comes from no place, and has no place to go, and even though it may enter, it may never be reborn. So, if we are to deal with that of a feather, then what manner should we use? And I say unto you, we should use unto this manner, that it should be that of the psychic, that of the physician, that of the psychologist, that also of the priest, and the psychiatrist, and it should come in that of one.”

And the second did rise, and he said unto them, “Through my meditation and my prayers I have seen beyond a veil. I have seen through the planes of this lifetime and the others. I am not a sorcerer, or am I a practicer of evil ways. Yet for most of my life have I seen of these things. I have used this ability to guide me through my life and into my priesthood. And some would say that I am psychic. And let us look at the word and the definition of the word of psychic. We say one word which would have the meaning of many, that of those who can see of the soul, that of those who could see of the spiritual substance of the same, and that of those who should see of the immortal body unto the same. And then, and only then, could the true substance come into completeness.

“I say these words, not that I should be right, but that that we might never misjudge any man, nor any woman, nor any child.

“But I say unto you, let us do it in the way of our Father. Let us bring forth the Seven Spirits of the Lord in a symbolic manner. Let us light unto the seven-candle candelabra and place it in the center. Let us take of the thirteen single candles and place them in the circle, that they may represent the Father, Himself.

“And then, let us take and walk, therefore, in a counterclockwise motion, reciting unto these words.

“‘If you be of God, welcome unto thee. If you be of Lucifer, then go of thee.

“‘If you are not of Lucifer, then we should give unto thee of the free choice: be gone back into the valley of lost souls; return, for we shall show you the light of our Father, and go unto the light of our Father; or be destroyed into the ground and unto the hallowed ground unto which we have created, therefore.’”

And he said unto them, “For if this, in truth, they are possessed, they cannot stand or exist within the holy circle we have created.”

All three stood and said, “This is right; this is good.”

And so, as it has been spoken, so it should be written. And so, it was set into your own text, into your own Holy Bible. It is called, the exorcism, in your Old Testament. It has changed not, for it came with the laws of Moses and before Moses. For the Ten Commandments did not come just in the time of Moses; They came before Moses. They came upon all land, all earths beyond earths, beyond time. For they were not the laws of Moses, they were the Laws of God and that that God must do Himself and abide by Himself.

There are many parts of your Old Testament that should bring forth many truths.

Now we have said unto you and prepared that of the knowledge that all of your Teachers and your Ministers must know of. But we say unto you, if an exorcism should be performed, let it be as the three rabbis. Before such an act is performed, let three of your Ministers or Teachers come together. Let them fully study the situation. If they are not sure of the act that they are about to perform, then let them come into your Shepherds — not one, but all of your Shepherds — and let the knowledge flow from them. And still, if they are not sure, then come into your Prophet and let all of the minds bind.

But remember, if you drive from the soul, their own soul, if you destroy it, you have driven away the spiritual substance within the same. “Judge not lest ye be judged.” Remember that the best things in one person are not the best in another. Make certain before you act, and when you act make it an act of love, an offering to and from our Father, for you are acting in His stead.

September 17, 1976: The Fifth Seal has not only been opened, but it shall not be long until the Fifth Angel has completed his walk. And woe be upon thee as the Sixth shall be opened, and the time of the Anti-Christ shall be there, and the mark of the Beast shall be that in your hearts — that you shall place there yourselves. [See The Revelation 6:9–17, chapters 7, 12:13–17, chapter 13, 14:1–16, chapters 16, 18–19, 20:1–6, chapter 21 and 22:11–17.]

Signorelli — Antichrist and the devil

December 3, 1976: Soon, if the Eagle does not spread its wings — this land of yours, this of America, this of the United States of America — if it does not spread its wings, the land of Mexico shall be its greatest loss. If your politicians do not act and act suddenly, this land, which is free to worship God, yet has dictators within it, shall be gone.

For we have said before, the Fifth Angel walks upon this earth. Now is a turning point for this land. If war should come forth, which now is ready to strike in the land, then pestilence and famine shall soon follow, and earthquakes shall rattle the land and divide it, and parts of it shall go beneath the sea.

Mexican soldiers work to protect Mexico against drug cartels

December 10, 1976: We should say unto thee, look unto the south, the land of Mexico and Panama. As before, we have warned you when there was danger. Do not enter these lands, for war and rumors of war now stand ready and shall soon spread upon those lands.

We should also say that new hurricanes and tornados shall come upon the eastern coastland of your land.

Soon, in the land of the Californian other earthquakes shall occur.

Your weather shall continue to become severe. Prepare.

But for those who should seek, we shall give the protection that is necessary. But we say unto you, if the Lord, God, should give unto thee the water and the food for you to venture into the desert, and you should leave them behind, and go unto the desert, do not expect the Lord to provide a second time….

We say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth.

What did the spiritual messengers of God warn about the Anti-Christ in 1977?

The spiritual messengers of God continued to tell and guide us in the new year on January 21, 1977: You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. The first question I have is in regards to the meaning of, “Beware of the wind that should come from the south,” are you talking about storm winds, or radioactivity, or what?”

We say unto you, as the winds should shift, and once again pass over, in the storm activities radioactive material gathered with that of what you would know as nerve gas, has been implanted into this. It is affecting your minds. It was done as an experimental purpose, at a time when the change of powers in this land, to see the vulnerability of this nation at that time.

The second wind that should come from the south is that of revolution and warfare, and the march of communists, which [could] come closer to your doorway. And soon, if it is not weakened, it shall come into fulfillment. But it cannot be defeated with straw swords….

U.S.-Mexico border

We would say unto you, the earth has been changing upon its axis since 1932. The earth’s shift is inevitable. War shall come, but it shall be stopped by natural catastrophe. But the Spartans of war, the rumors of war, wars in Quebec, wars in Mexico, all of these are made to weaken your nation, to weaken your people. Which shall you choose?

You are a free people. But the only reason you can remain so is of a government by the people, for the people. Through free enterprise, control your own lives. Do not let a government control you or you will have lost that freedom. Do not heed to all of these new things that people shall say unto you shall be the best for you. Look at them deeply, and then decide.

For those who shall make decisions to move to different areas, make the decision in a wise manner, that of means of making a living, providing for your families. All of these things must come first.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of a Messiah.

February 4, 1977: You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, when you say that that shall come from the south as locusts, are you talking about people attacking from the south, or are you talking about people seeking refuge from the south?”

You shall find those, not only from Mexico, but from South America — all shall seek refuge. War is but a step away. They shall seek refuge, but some should come forth to bring their war into your own land.

There is still time that a joining of hands, from the north in Canada, and from the south of Mexico and your South American countries.

We shall say unto you, that of Cuba should take advantage. They shall enter Panama as they already have. They shall enter Mexico, as they already have. But arms shall come forth.

Cuba is just east of the Yucatan Peninsula. Panama is to the south in Central America.

Do not become an armed camp. Though diplomatic relations, and a true republic that could emerge throughout the North and South American continents, a joining of hands that should become one mighty arm.

If the people voice their opinions to the government, these things can still be stilled.

There are those who seek profit and a gain at the expense of their own countrymen.

Within your own land, those of the east should soon swarm upon this land. Factories shall close. If the energy needs, which you already have the means for, are not brought forth, worse crises yet shall instill themselves — worse shortages, higher prices.

These things, if a joining of hands were put together, would not be necessary.

February 25, 1977: There shall be many times in your life when the sweeter things shall bring and hold the greatest memories. The mind was designed to forget the painful things, leste you would ponder upon them continually. The mind was also designed to store all substance, that you could remember sour bread that you had tasted, and could tell the difference. The mind was also designed to store all things from beginning to ending, from all lifetimes, from all things you have ever been into this lifetime. Some parts of that will have no meaning for the here and now.

Prayer and meditation has two things in common. In one you are talking to God; in the other is a time for listening. Sometimes in that time of listening or in talking, we throw out the sour bread. And quite often in your time of prayer, the only time you pray is when you have tasted the sour bread.When you eat of the good bread, then you forget all those other things.

Let the mind be a whole. Bring it together. And through your prayer, you may change that that lies before you. Whether it be drought or famine, speak to God as you would speak unto yourself, and He shall hear.

As you should ask for something, make certain that what you ask is what you really want, and what you need, for the answering of a prayer is a very precise and measured. For a measure of wheat shall bring a measure of barley, in such a manner. [See The Revelation 6:5–6.]

Take into yourself in these times that lay ahead a time for laughter. Do not be afraid to laugh at your own folly. If you fall down, there shall be those who are there to help you stand. It is not a sin to laugh at falling down. It is no sin to fall down, as long as you should rise again. The Lord shall be there to help you rise. And those from both sides shall be there that you asked the Lord for.

A drought is a time for learning, for you return back to the simpler things of life. It is a time for losing things, only sometime to have the better things restored. Or it can be a time that men shall turn against their neighbors….

You may have many religions upon your earth, many faiths. God has laid no rules down for His worship. This man has done. If all the faiths upon the earth could take the time to understand the other’s faith, this would be the first step for your peace upon earth.

If this were done this day, the reign and the time for the Anti-Christ could not be at all.

Remember, through your prayer, through your meditation, the face of the earth could be changed in the twinkling of an eye. And through unity, a man linking his hand with another, then all could stand.

There is but one God, and that is all that should matter. How another chooses to worship Him should not matter, but linking the hands.

Choose your own direction in your own way to worship. Give the other, your neighbor, the right that they may worship in their own way.

It is said that all that is good will stand, and so it has been with the philosophy that has stood within your religions. The one thing is, and has been, man’s own selfishness to say that, “Only my way can be the pathway unto the Lord.” If a river came through your land, the way you’d drink from it would make little difference; it would all be the same water. But if you chose to dam it up a little, and share it, then all mankind could rejoice in the sweet….

But if you took the sweet….and mixed it with a little bitter, and that that had no taste, then there would be an abundance for all.

On March 25, 1977, Aks warned: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. We have said unto thee before of the Black September. And we shall give thee the date, and it should be that that should be easily turned into your numerology, September the 6th, 1977. From this, and this information, shall answer many questions you have asked before.

Editor’s note: Here’s some history of which Aka had also spoken in September 1970.

On September 6, 1970, two passenger jets bound from Europe to New York were simultaneously hijacked by Palestinian terrorist members of PFLP and taken to Dawson’s Field in Jordan. A third, bound for Beirut, was diverted to Cairo. An attempt to hijack an Israeli plane in Amsterdam was averted and one of the terrorists killed.

Dawson field in Jordan on September 6, 1970
The terrorists pronounce the north of Jordan as liberated territory and blew up the airliner in Cairo, after evacuation of its passengers.

The Black September movement was named after a bloody battle in September 1970 by radical fundamentalist militants led by the father of modern-day terrorism, Palestinian Yasser Arafat, who sought to overthrow the King of Jordan. Having lost, many militants dispersed to other countries to gradually become a worldwide network of professional assassins, or terrorists. But Arafat’s dream for a Palestinian state and the annihilation of Israel only grew through time with the perceived weakness of Israel and the U.S., gathering many terrorist organizations and leaders in support of this cause.

At the end of the July 6, 1973, reading, Aka said: We should say unto thee, woe unto the earth, for those who shall commit crime, those who you should know as the Black Septembers, are causing destruction in your land. They shall attack that of your transportation. They shall work through terrorism, through explosing [explosions], destroying trains, buses, and airplanes, blowing up bridges, causing hysteria within your country [U.S.A.].

These are nothing more than organized, national thieves. They are being used that others may walk away from their sins.

But as we have said before, the cleansing shall come to your land.

Is it but coincidence that the events of 9–11–01 resemble this?

The September 11 attacks, often referred to as 9/11, were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks said to be by the Wahhabi terrorist group Al-Qaeda on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001. The attacks resulted in 2,977 fatalities, over 25,000 injuries, and substantial long-term health consequences, in addition to at least $10 billion in infrastructure and property damage. It is the single deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed, respectively. the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower also collapsed. A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense) in Arlington County, Virginia. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was initially flown toward Washington, D.C., but crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township, Pennsylvania, after passengers thwarted the hijackers.
After 9–11 came the Patriot Act, which traded some of American’s constituionally guranteed freedoms for safety.

Aka continued speaking, March 25, 1977: Now we should say unto thee, bring forth love and understanding, the word you use so often and know not the meaning of.

And you say unto this, “How can we bring forth love when each man should stand only for himself? How can these things be accomplished?”

And we say unto you, it can be accomplished.

You are like the core, the center, of a tree which branches may extend from. The tree in its maturity and its growth shall have lean years and full years. Love shall be as the tree. The faith that must go into the love for the growth, without it the roots have no place to go. The hope shall be part of the faith.

Man shall begot man. Civilizations shall rise and fall. But once you have put together strong links, one at a time, there is no boundary that can hold you any longer, for you shall reach out into eternity — for it shall not be you, but the spirits bound together in eternal love.

You have that that is called understanding. That in itself is but a half truth. We only understand the truth as it stands before us today. The truth is a changeable flexible thing.

It is like the young tree. It must reach upward into the heavens. The farther and the higher it may grow, the greater the understanding. Yet, the tallest limb must send back unto the roots understanding. And the roots must know the height of the tree so that the wind may not blow it over, and so it may receive the proper nou­rishment for the whole tree.

So is your group; so can be your nation. Your nation is like a tree with so many branches the roots know not what nor where it is needed to nourish the rest of the tree.

Most of you in your thoughts of the parable of Jesus and the olive tree, when he did wither forth this tree you said, “What point did it prove?” [See Mark 11:13–25.]

For he did not destroy anything. He rapidly brought forth full maturity into the tree. He showed you that the tree was rotten at the core so it could not fully develop.

Your group and those of other organizations that should join you should join in such a manner that they bring representation, as you have set aside in the growth of your country, that if they should desire to join with you let them participate in full by bringing their representatives into the Board of Directors, becoming part, a working part of all things.

You say unto us, “How can these things you have said be of spiritual growth?”

Any growth is spiritual growth. Nothing may stand still. It is always changing. The oldest things on the world, on your continent know this. The oldest things of your plant life understand this. Why cannot you?

Why cannot you know that the earth has changed many times? It is man who has lost his knowledge along the way. Yet some know­ledge, even though he has altered and changed the meaning, has remained.

The scientific knowledge is as important as knowing how to meditate or anything else. Without this, and without these things, your continent cannot prepare for the coming of the Messiah. Shall it be that he should come and go, and never be known?

We have said before to bring forth public relations, people within your organiza­tion to deal with the press and television and radio media. We have prepared the way many times for you. You have shunned them aside because you cannot work together. Your right hand and your left hand must know what you are doing.

We said in the beginning we would provide for your needs, the needs of your spiri­tual growth, and the needs for the material things that were needed, not only for the growth and maturity of your organization, but for the growth and the maturity of the individual. And for all those who are willing to work for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, so it shall be.

But it cannot be done in silence. Let your voices be heard unto the Lord. Let your voices be heard unto one another. If your desire is to reach toward your Lord, if you should reach alone you have accomplished nothing. If you shall reach together, your heart, your soul, your spirit, and you immortal body shall all be as one.

In that hidden place within your mind you shall find the quiet pool. There you shall find a candle that shall always be lit. And there within yourself you shall find God.

But be as a mirror. Let that part of you reflect out.

If you should go unto the forest, and there you shall find all the beautiful flowers and share them with no one, then love is nothing unless it is shared. It is an impulse felt at the time, nothing more.

There are those who should speak forth in anger to one another. And after they have spoken, they would like to remove the words that they have spoken. It is not enough to say you are sorry. Put into practice what you should preach. Be not as a hypocrite.

Man shall rise and fall. It is not the falling that shall be the sin; it is his inabi­lity to get up, to rise. And in rising he shall lend a hand for others. If one should take it upon himself to bring ten, and each of those ten should bring ten more, and each of those ten should bring ten more, and all should function with one idea — love, unity, hope, faith — then you shall find eternity.

April 8, 1977: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. We should say unto thee the parable of the two farmers.

Between the two farmers ran an [abundant full] creek, which both extracted water from and farmed their lands. The one farmer came unto the other and said unto him, “If we should go to the head of our land and build a dam — ”

The other farmer did not let him finish, but immediately began to find fault. “If we built such a dam, the waters would back up, and during the heavy rainy season would pour over and destroy our fields.”

The first farmer said, “Nay, for we shall build the dam in such a way that through the normal flow there shall be spillways.”

The second farmer said, “Well, who should distribute the water?”

The first said unto him, “Both of us can.”

The second farmer thought long and hard. He was not the type of a man to look forth into the future, and he said unto the first farmer, “Build your dam, but I shall not pay the cost.”

The first farmer went ahead and he built his dam. And as he was building the dam, he built a diversion route for the creek. And he built the dam strong. And he did build into it equal-size distribution for each person.

As the years went by, both farmers reaped benefits of the dam. And then came a year of a bountiful runoff. And, as the water grew higher and came over the spillways, the creek did rise. It did not rise above its normal run that it had before the dam was placed into place. But the second farmer, who was afraid to cross the creek, shouted across to his neighbor and said, “Look at the damnation you have brought upon me. It shall cut away my farm, and I cannot cross the creek to venture forth for supplies.”

The first farmer said, “We can cross the creek. We shall help you. We shall build a bridge across the creek.”

Once again, the second farmer said, “Build your bridge.”

And the first farmer did labor long and hard, and he did build the bridge. And for those supplies that the farmer on the other side did need, he did bring them to him.

When the bridge was completed, the second farmer said, “How should I know that this bridge is strong enough to go across?”

And the first farmer said, “You do not. You have gambled nothing. You have thought only of yourself. The bridge is there. It is strong. We have no reason to cross it, and we have no reason to bring you supplies.”

And the first farmer went back to his farm. And in the dam, he did place, therefore, within those substances that would generate electricity. He did improve his farm a hundredfold.

Yet the farmer on the other side, fearful to cross, his land soon became a wasteland. He became even afraid to open the gates that allowed the water to irrigate his land. And the fear built day by day, until he did come to the edge of the creek and call across. And he did say unto the first farmer, “If you shall help me across, I shall sell you my land.”

And the first farmer said unto him, “I have no desire for your land. I have never wanted your land or any of your possessions. I have only asked to help myself and help you.” And he did walk away.

Then one day the [second] farmer came again, and he said, “If you will bring me and all of mine across, and what few flock and stock that I possessed, then I shall give you the land.”

The first farmer said unto him, “Nay, I do not want to covet anything you own. But you must be strong enough within yourself to cross this bridge.”

The second farmer waited and waited, and yet his fear did grow. And finally his sons and his wife did cross the bridge. And when he saw it safe, then he began to gather his things and cross the bridge. And then he went into the local town and he placed his farm up for sale.

The first farmer bought the land. The second farmer stayed in the town and he did tell foul stories about the first farmer, that he built the dam and then built the bridge, all to drive him from his land and that he had cheated him.

The first farmer did not reply. He went on improving his land.

And then, one day the second farmer brought a suit against the first farmer, and he was brought into court. The first farmer stood before his peers and said, “I have been brought here this day to answer for those things I have done. I have turned the right cheek. I have turned the left cheek. Now I shall turn no more.” And he brought those upon the jury to the farm and he did show them the dam and the bridge that he had built for his neighbor to cross. He showed them that equal water was being dispensed unto both farms, that equal farms now was growing and multiplying.

Even those on the jury, some after they had seen with their own eyes, some, the majority voted to exonerate the first farmer; the others did not.­

We say unto you that this parable is much like the preparation for the coming famine. There shall always be those who should criticize those with dreams, those [who] should find solutions, those who should not come or have to come out of the caves in the future that shall prepare themselves for the day of the Anti-Christ and for the day that his reign should end. They should prepare themselves for the hundred years, the thousand years of peace. And their peace shall begin now.

And for those who should wear the mark of the Beast, they should come unto you and they should say, “If you do not take unto the Lord, Jesus Christ, as your savior, then you are for damnation, and you are a false prophet and what you do is false.”

Yes, we know of these things. But that that is good shall stand. As we have told you in the beginning of all of this that we would provide for the needs, that the time would come when unity, understanding, would link you with other organizations. You must prepare for these times, for it is only in the joint effort of all things shall you all prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. ­

Fear not. There shall be days of darkness; there shall be tornados and hurricanes. There shall be floods and destruction; there shall be earthquakes and volcanoes, and the earth shall shift. But for those who truly believe, they shall not carry the mark of the Beast. They shall not worship the Anti-Christ. But they shall not crawl in a hole and pull it in after them, for they shall have the foresightedness to look to the future and future times. You do not need to run and hide.

All of the things that now we have laid into soul Ray’s mind, we have placed there for a purpose, that it shall give you the substances needed that you may sustain life; not only sustaining life during all of this, but you shall gain momentum and knowledge, and your civilization shall rise beneath it all. And the new heaven and the new earth that has been promised unto you shall come into fulfillment.

Which shall you be — as the first farmer, or the second? If you were on the jury that should try this case, how would you vote? When you have decided the way you should vote, do not alter or change your mind. Remember, the life you save may not only be your own, but your children’s children; that that you preserve shall be your pathway to return.

We have told you of different things to store, but do not forget the flowers, for they are the most important of all.

April 8, 1977: You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [6–281–1]. She asks, ‘Aka, will you please explain the first part of the reading of March 25, 1977, referring to understanding? How would you have us approach other groups? Were you referring to a specific group? Can you give us guidelines to go by? What is truth and half-truth?’”

We shall say unto you, this we have tried to explain already. The words and the understanding lie in the parable of the two farmers. The half-truths lie in the parable of the two farmers. There shall be rumors. There shall be threats. If you believe today, ­why should you not believe tomorrow?

If more understanding and truth is placed within the substance, it is only like a flower in growth. When you first see the flower, it has attracted your attention for its unusual beauty. If you find a flower in the desert alone, you stop to examine it. At first it may be from curiosity. But if you stand and watch the flower long enough, you shall understand why and how it has come about.

We say unto you, understanding must begin at home. It cannot be with lies. It cannot be with those who are hypocrites who should put on their flock and their best to walk into your churches one day a week and say before all, “I worship God; I accept Jesus as my savior.”

Understanding is in the knowledge that Jesus walked this land in many places. And he did appear in many forms, not all by the same name. Understanding is the realization that the Jewish nation, the Jewish people, do look upon Jesus as a prophet. They do look upon Mohammed as a prophet. But all is part of a whole. Yet they wait with you for the second coming. Do you think that God, nor the Messiah, because one man should call a man, Jesus, and another, Buddha, it would make any difference?

Yet there shall be those of false prophets; this is true. They will come among you and they will say, “I have a whole truth.” This is not true. Our Lord, God, has learned from His children. He could not learn if He had closed His mind and said, “I have a whole truth.”

Our Lord, God, would have looked upon the human race and walked away from it a long time ago if it was not for the hope, the dream, that within time His children would cease to squabble.

We have told you of lost souls. There are many of such who shall raise false prophets, who shall join the ranks of the Anti-Christ, for without them, he could gather no strength. And he shall say, “I come in the name of the Lord; I come in the name of Jesus of Nazara.” And he shall perform many miracles. But he shall come as a man. But even he shall come with the hope that his reign shall last. The length of his reign shall depend upon you.

At a time that the Eagle has pulled back his wings — and we speak of the American nation — the Bear, Russia, has strengthened his arms and his reach. And the Dragon [China] shall wait a playing [play a waiting] game.

Yes, you may prevail. But as other organizations come unto you, as we have said, let them meet with your Board of Directors. Let them state what they bring with them. Let them bring representation into your organization. Join hands. Link together. Strength.

If upon this day, every one of the people upon the earth who believe in the Second Coming link their hands together, in no way could this Anti-Christ rule. It is only in your strength shall mean the shortness of his time.

And he shall come from the Eternal Sea, the political [whirl, world]. We have said unto you, September the 6th, 1977 — Black September.

But remember, as we came unto you seven years ago, and unto this year, also shall come forth a new beginning, for in these numbers you shall find and take from April 3rd, 1977. And from it, in your numerology, you shall find its strength.

The spiritual messengers of God arrived with the brightest light in the heavens and began to speak to us through Ray’s unconscious body on April 3, 1970. “We have come but for one purpose, to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.”

The Lord, God, shall provide the needs. You must join in unity, in understanding — in strength. But come together. Waste not your funds in printing many magazines and many pamphlets. Bring forth all of this unto the Rays of Philosophy. [Note: the Association of Universal Philosophy’s newsletter.]

Bring forth writings from other organizations as you link together, and bring forth your strengths.

And beware of those who should say unto you, “For I should keep the seventh day holy.” There are seven days as there are Seven Spirits. [See The Revelation 1:4]

And this is the seventh year. Keep each day holy.

Changes shall now come forth. There shall be many who shall control orthodox, as you would call it, religions, who shall and are there to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. They shall succeed.

But you must succeed in seeing that his reign is short.

Secret societies, such as Jesuits, Skull and Bonesmen, Illuminati, Knights Templar, and many more have long planned to rule the world by infiltrating religions, governments, intelligence communities, military, police, courts, prisons, education, media, and all that has power or influence over the population. Three centers of power are Washington, D.C., the City of London, and the Vatican (with the white Pope and the black Pope) according to former World Bank attorney, Karen Hudes, Italian-American journalist Leo Zagami, and others. Above these whose role is to control the population and workers are interlocking corporations that work to control the world’s resources. Above these in financial control are central banks, including the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and Bank of International Settlements. Think tanks are above these, such as the United Nations, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Comission, Council on Foreign Relations, and another. Above these is the Committee of 300 of the world’s richest, powerful sub-families. Above these are the Crown Council of 13, the world’s richest, most powerful families, These may include 18 ruling families called the Black Nobility. Above then is the World Monach. But Lucifer sits at the top of the power pyramid for control of the Earth.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. When the Anti-Christ is apparent, how can we effectively work to shorten his reign?”

By the unity of your work; by collecting forth in all forms the preparation in heaven and earth, an army of minds. We have told you the parable, that we have prepared you not only for the storage of grains, the preparation of your minds. Within your mind shall be the answer. Within light and sound shall be the answer. As it may heal, it may also heal the world.

April 15, 1977: Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto thee, blessed be the name of the Lord; blessed be the name of His children.

For we shall say unto thee the parable of a town. This town, as it stood, lived in harmony. It was made up of all the races and all the people. And the people stood as neighbors, one unto another. And if there was sickness in their town, they did aid one unto another. And soon, the people grew used to their harmony and their peace.

And then came those into their town who made themselves politicians. The people said unto themselves, “This is good, for we are now a city and we need of this.”

At first there were good politicians, and they did give servitude unto the people.

And soon, they began to take from the people. Yet, the people looked unto them and said, “This cannot be; this cannot happen to us. We are a city. There are those who we have elected who should protect our rights.” Yet the rights were further violated and the people did nothing.

And then one day an old man came into the town. He stood and he looked for a long time. And he said unto them, “For if a tree is rotten at the core, it shall soon wither and die. And so it is with your town.”

And the people said, “This cannot be so, for we are a city.”

And the old man looked at them and said, “Nay. For there were evil cities, and God did look upon it, and He did send messages, and they did not change their ways. And therefore, the cities were destroyed.” But God did not destroy them. They were destroyed from within. But the people, those who would hear of the Lord, those who would look unto their neighbors, were not destroyed. They were given new cities and new towns.

If you should plant a seed in the earth and care for it not, it shall not grow. It shall wither in the vine, in the seed, and rot away. And this is the way with your civilization. For those who should care, for those who should look unto one another as mirrors and reflect out, they should soon build the love and compassion that shall build a city, that shall build a country. But should they ever forget that the responsibility to look after their city is their own, then they shall get those that they shall deserve.

We shall bring forth into your mind a country, that that you would call of Germany. And it did bring forth and give power unto one man who gave power unto others, as Beasts, and through that power they did mutilate and destroy millions of people upon the earth. They did persecute those of the Jewish faith, not because of their faith, but because of their nationality. They did not stop and ask them, “Are you good Germans? Do you love your country?” Nay. They just destroyed them. They mutilated them. They raped the land as they raped the women.

Before this time, you had a Roman Empire.

And then you, you of the Americans, with the rest of your world standing in bondage as Christians, did murder and enslave millions because they were black. You took the name of Jesus and you did defile it. You take the name of the Lord and profaned it.

We have come to bring forth the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And we say unto those who should defile and use the Lord’s name in vain, woe be upon them, and woe be upon the nations who should worship the Beast. For the Beast’s life shall be short-lived.

We have said before that nothing from either side shall interfere in this work.

And the land shall be smitten. And the Sword shall strike. And the mightiest shall fall aside.

The Lord came unto you through Abraham, and Moses, and Isaiah, and John, and Jesus, and Buddha, and Mohammed — not to separate you, but to give each of you, as you have built our Father’s many mansions, knowledge.

For those of you who would say that a man should curse and use the Lord’s name in vain, that, in itself, is not an unforgivable sin. It is when you commit an act, and say, “This is the will of the Lord; this is what my Lord, God, would have me do. I am doing as God would have directed,” we say, nay, unto you. For you of, those of you who should put words in the Lord’s mouth, He shall spit them out upon the earth. For those of you who should put words in the one known as Jesus of Nazara, Jesus the Christ, he shall spit them out.

We say unto you, these are the later days. If the work we have come to do is successful, a thousand years of peace and harmony shall come upon the earth, but not as you count, for each day shall be as a thousand years, and each half-day shall be as a hundred years. But we say unto you, the half-times are over. Fulfillment of the prophecies are at hand — full fulfillment.

You have asked us before, “When is the time to prepare?” We say unto you, as we have said in the beginning, the time to prepare for the coming is now. The time to prepare for your famine is now.

We have spoken unto you unto many ways. We have given unto you all the knowledge that you have asked for.

May 13, 1977: Now is the time of the Cherubim. The Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. And Lucifer is here to scoop from the womb the Christ child, and he will use whatever means he needs to divide you. [See The Revelation, chapters 12–13, especially 12:17.]

We shall not allow this to happen.

August 5, 1977: And now we should say unto those who have come to seek healing. Unto each of you, you have found your pathway here because of your afflictions. The afflictions shall be taken from you. We have given, as the Lord, God, has given unto us, and has given unto you, the one you call soul Ray, the gift to heal.

Yet, when your afflictions are long gone, much as the desert in a drought, you will blossom forward. You will take more than a healing with you, for there is the healing of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Take these things back into your own religions.

If what we have said does not apply within your lives, do not be despondent, for you shall find some parts much as the growing of a tree, that you can carry home with you, that you can take back into your journey.

Remember, we are not here to separate the churches.

Now is the time, and shortly the reign, of the Anti-Christ. We are here for the preparation and the coming of the Messiah, that the mark shall not be cast upon God’s children. [See The Revelation, chapters 7, 10, 13, 14:14–18, 15:2–4, chapter 19, 20:1–6, 20:11–14, and chapters 21–22.]

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. What is the significance at this time of the date, ‘the 6th of September — Black September,’ as you spoke of earlier? What will occur, and what should we do in preparation?”

We should say unto you, there are those who call themselves Palestenes, Palestines. They should seek a country of their own. This is not all they seek, for within them and among them they harbor the Anti-Christ. Should the Eagle[U.S.A.] not spread its wings and protect Israel, woe be your land, for his reign shall be four and one-half years.

We have told you that both the Anti-Christ and the Christ, the true Christ, is upon your land.

Upon that date you shall feel the tremors of his first works.

And many shall call him messiah. And many shall follow him. And he shall perform miracles unto you. And he shall come unto you and say, “I shall teach you miracles.” And there will be those who will come unto you and say, “I shall teach you miracles.” And we say, nay. Beware, for these are false prophets. Beware. For those who follow him shall bear the mark of the Beast.

At the same time you shall feel the presence begin to grow among you of the Messiah.

It is not yet time that the Eagle shall spread his wings, for we are not through with our work. But your country, the Eagle, should coveth Israel — not in such a manner that would harm her, but that would give her strength. For remember, in their greatest time of need, they shall kneel before the Messiah.

What happened on September 6, 1977, that could be the tremors of the Anti-Christ’s first works? The New York Times newspaper reported these events:

Tuesday, September 6, 1977 — Israel’s Prime Minister, Menaham Begin, drafted a proposed peace agreement that shows what Israel would expect from such a document. This was done at request of Americans after a peace process meeting in Washington D.C., led by U.S. President Jimmy Carter.

Tuesday, September 6, 1977 — Jordan’s King Hussein in a summit meeting with France’s Falery Giscard d’Estaing in Paris warns of war in the Middle East.

Tuesday, September 6, 1977 — End of four-day meeting of the Arab League in Cairo. Subject is opposition to Israel’s annexation of occupied lands.

Wednesday, September 7, 1977 — U. S. President Carter and Panama General Torrijos sign the Panama Canal Treaty, in which the U.S.A. gives away the canal to Panama.

Friday, September 9, 1977 — Treaty ratification process begins in the United States Senate. Ronald Reagan leads the opposition.

Within a month, in November 1977, Carter led peace talks for Israel to give away land for peace in negotiations with Egypt in the Camp David Accords. A Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1978 to the Israeli Prime Minister and Egyptian President who was later assassinated by radical fundamentalist militants in Egypt for dealing with Israel. Peace negotiations continued for many years, as Israel gave away land for peace at the urging of America. But Palestinian Authority leader, Arafat, did not fulfill his promise for peace in return, nor did he remove the clause in the 1974 Palestinian Charter for the hoped-for statehood that calls for the abolishment of Zionism, or the destruction of Israel.

Did planning begin on September 6, 1977, that led to the peace process of giving away land for peace?” The Camp David Accords were a pair of political agreements signed by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on 17 September 1978,[1] following twelve days of secret negotiations at Camp David, the country retreat of the President of the United States in Maryland.[2] The two framework agreements were signed at the White House and were witnessed by President Jimmy Carter. The second of these frameworks (A Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel) led directly to the 1979 Egypt–Israel peace treaty. Due to the agreement, Sadat and Begin received the shared 1978 Nobel Peace Prize. The first framework (A Framework for Peace in the Middle East), which dealt with the Palestinian territories, was written without participation of the Palestinians and was condemned by the United Nations.

The spiritual messengers of God continued their message on August 5, 1977: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have a question from [_____]. He asks, ‘Some think Lucifer or Satan is not bad, evil, or wrong, but represents the questioner in man. Would you comment?’”

(Chuckle) We say unto you, Lucifer was cast unto earth that man should cast him from the earth into nothingness. [See The Revelation, chapters 12 and 20.]

Lucifer is Lucifer. He always has and he always shall be. At one time Lucifer was one of the dearest to our Father. And he did bring warfare to the heavens, and he did bring warfare unto Yahweh, and therefore, the Lord, God, did cast him unto the earth.

But remember, as Lucifer is mighty, so are the spirits of God, and so are the messengers of God. And we shall allow nothing from either side to interfere with this work. And for those who should choose to bring harm unto it, as easily as the Lord, God, cast Lucifer from the heavens, so it shall be with this, for we did not come without the power and the knowledge of our Lord. And He did say unto us, “GO, AND I SHALL BE WITH YOU.”

And we are never so far away from you as your hearts, your thoughts. Yet, we are never so far away from God as the tears within His eye or His heart.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, I have one other question on this same subject. The question is, ‘Without Lucifer there would be no such thing as free choice.’ Would you comment on this?”

(Short laugh) The ass has been a beast of burden and many people have thought him a stupid animal. Nay. The most stupid beast upon your land is man; he is the most stubborn of all God’s creations. If you should think, without Lucifer you have lost your free choice, then the ass should become before your mouth!

September 2, 1977: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. For we shall tell of thee of the young lad, who had decided to leave his father and his home. His decision had come about because of his disagreements with his father.

The father was sad, and so therefore, he went unto the rabbi, the teacher of the time, to seek his counsel. And he told of these things unto the teacher.

And the teacher thought long upon this. And he said unto him, “There is one yet wiser than I. Let me take this matter up with him, for I have no solution to your problem.”

The boy had packed his clothing and was preparing to make his journey, when suddenly there before him stood a stranger. And the boy looked unto him and said, “What strange clothing thy bear.”

And the stranger looked unto him and said, “What strange clothing thy bear.”

And the boy said unto him, “Where have you come from?”

And the stranger said unto him, “Where you are going.”

The boy became confused, yet angry. Who could be this stranger in the house, in his father’s house, who should ask questions in such a manner, who should talk in such a manner? And he said, “Who are you by name?”

And the stranger looked unto him and said, “I am Jesus of Nazara.”

And the boy said, “Then you must hurry from my home, for we are of the Jewish faith, and my father would not allow this.”

The stranger looked into him and said, “You would disobey your father in all other things, yet, when I walked into your home you would cast me out.”

And the boy said unto him, “But our teachings are different than those you have brought forth.”

And, he said unto him, “What difference is it unto you, the time that your people shall recognize me? For where you are going, they shall recognize me and know of me.”

And he said unto him, “But how can this be so, for I am leaving my father’s house, and where I am going is not a fit place for a person such as you?”

And he looked unto him and said, “I shall dwell in the hearts of all of you, as my Father dwells in you now. Open the door, and I shall enter. But yet you should break of your father’s commandments, and in doing so you have broken of my Father’s commandments. You have not held sacred the commandment that says to respect thy father and mother as into thyself. You take from one Testament only when it pleases you.

“You shall go your way, and there you shall find me, even though you cast me from your house.” And the stranger left.

And the father was waiting at the rabbi’s. And the stranger did appear at the rabbi’s house. And the rabbi bid him enter and said, “This is the one who I have waited too for us to seek counsel from.”

But the father said, “But who is he?”

And he said, “He is a rabbi, a teacher, a master, for he is Jesus of Nazara.”

And the father said, “But rabbi, how can you allow this one into your place of worship?”

And the rabbi looked into him and said, “What difference is it to you whether he should come in today or tomorrow? He has always been here.”

And the stranger spoke unto the father and said, “You are much like your son. You would take from the new and the old. But, I am not here for that purpose this day, for in your son lies one of my disciples.”

And the father looked shocked, and said, “How can this be? He drinks. He takes drugs. He is all of those things.”

And Jesus said unto him, “This I know. Yet he would take from me as well as you.”

And the father said, “How can that be so, for you are that in the future; you are that that we have waited for throughout all of these years? You are the Messiah yet to come.”

And he said unto the father, “You are the father and the head of your household. And I serve my Father who is the head of all of our households, so we both serve the same God.”

And the father said, “Then what should I do? Should I allow my son to continue as he is?”

And Jesus said, “Nay, for now is the time of the cutting away of father from son, from mother from daughter. For there shall be those who should choose the path of the Anti-Christ, and he is now upon you. For the date is now, September the 6th, 1977.”*

And the father looked unto him and said, “How can this be? He is a good Jewish boy, brought up in the belief. How could he serve the Anti-Christ, and serve you at the same time? How can he wear the mark of the Beast and serve you at the same time?”

And Jesus said unto him, “For where he goes he shall join the Palestines, those of the Black September movement. And from them shall come the beginning of the Anti-Christ, and the downfall of your churches and all churches of all beliefs. But even from the rubble of all things shall rise some men. I have said he can serve both, or he can serve one. This is your decision, the decision you make here and now. If you continue to allow him to continue in your house and do the things he has done, and give disrespect unto his father and mother, then surely he shall join the Anti-Christ. But if you stand firm, and say unto him, ‘If ye be my son, then do unto my household and make it holy this day.’”

And then, Jesus turned unto the rabbi and said, “When the Eagle comes, you shall know of him, for he is here to prepare the way for my coming. But when I come, ye shall not know of me, for I shall wear a different clothing, and a different body. It is through the eyes of the young they shall know me first. And the Eagle shall spread its wings and give them coveth.”

And then, the rabbi felt a holy reverence that entered into his house of worship. And then the stranger was gone.

And the father fell on his knees, and the rabbi fell on his knees, and said unto the Lord, God, their thanks for what they had seen.

The father returned back unto the home. And there he did find his son and said, “If ye go this day, then go. But you shall defile this house no more. If you go and wear the mark of the Beast, return not unto my house, for I shall not allow you to destroy your sisters and brothers.”

The son looked unto the father and said, “Nay, father, I shall respect thy house, and I shall stay, for while you were gone, I met a stranger who said he was Jesus of Nazara, and I felt a reverence throughout my being. And as he left, a great eagle appeared, and did coveth over our house. And I know now that in this land of Israel I shall go about and prepare a way. For the eagle shall touch all lands and giveth coveth. It is written. You shall see.”

And the father said, “We are greatly blessed, for I too, have met the Messiah who shall come, and I too, have felt the warmth of God, and I have seen the eagle in flight. I shall go, my son, and we shall stand together and prepare this way.”

Everyone in town thought them to become strange. And then in the town there was one who had come to speak, and he was a healer, from a far-away land. But as he began to speak, the people knew and felt and saw. They too became transformed.

We have told you this parable for a purpose. Some of you have lost your young loved ones. Our Father now builds His army in readiness. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Those you have lost have gone before you, to prepare a way, and they shall walk with the Messiah. As we are here to prepare a way, so shall they in their own way.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God. Glory be the name of the Messiah. And glory be the name of the children of our Father who shall not be cut away.

All of you shall have many decisions to make. It is said, “Judge not lest ye be judged.” There is a difference between a decision and a judgment. Judgment is a final and lasting thing. A decision can be a new beginning for all.

September 21, 1977: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be name of the Lord, thy God; glory be name of His children.

And we shall say unto you, now is the time of the Anti-Christ and the preparation for his reign upon your earth. And all things shall be done for his coming, for he walks your earth now.

We have told you before, of the Black September, and now we shall tell thee of its beginning. We told you before, unless the Eagle [U.S.A.] spread its wings and did protect — we say unto you that as the Eagle gives away its land, as the Eagle ceases to protect Israel, then woe be man. Yet we say unto you, the temptation shall be great. But for those who should resist the mark of the Beast, the reign shall be short, four and one-half years.

The preparation — as we are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah, so are those that are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. The giving away of the land of Panama shall show your first weakness; the granting unto the Palestinians that that they wish shall be second.

But the Lord has said unto you, “FEAR NOT.” For there shall come a breaking away of the land, and so it shall commence. Through earthquake, tornado, volcano, hurricane, all shall strican [note: Middle English for strike] the earth and blighten it. Yet good cheer shall be found in all. Man shall know his neighbor, and learn not only to love him, but to trust him. Father and children shall be brought together. Mother and children shall be brought together. As there has been a tearing away, so shall there be a mending.

We shall say unto you, the things that are about to happen upon the earth should look as though a storm should arrive upon your doorstep. But have the faith to know that the sun shall shine again.

Put yourselves together. Let not race or religion interfere. If you can learn this simple lesson, to respect each other’s religion, that in itself shall be the first step to your thousand years of peace. That will be the first step toward the end of your wars.

The things we have spoke of, you shall soon forget until they happen.

New earthquakes shall occur off the coast of Oregon, and then, into the Oregon peninsula. There shall be another greater earthquake from San Francisco, down, and shall strike parts of Arizona. This shall commence at the end of October. New earthquakes shall strike China and Russia, Siberia. You weather conditions shall once again be radical. With the exploding again by the People’s Republic of China of another nuclear bomb which has allowed fallout throughout the United States, it shall create a new and changing weather condition as it did last year when the same plight was put upon your earth.

Yet, through all of these things, each of you may survive by using common sense and love for your fellow man. And you shall rise and be the people of the Lord.

September 30, 1977: You have other questions, ask.

“How did the seven spirits of God cause chaos, confusion, over breeding, as mentioned in the reading of June 19, 1973?”


We have told you this many times.

The Fifth Angel walks upon thy earth.

Pestilence, earthquake, tornado, volcano, hurricane, drought, all is brought forth by man.

Yet, as the Fifth Angel walks forth, man spreads the chaos before him.

We have told you before that now is the time of the great Sword, that that shall strike away and divide the earth. And it shall change its form.

We have told you of the other side of the Sword that shall cut away man. And some shall go forth to prepare a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ. And some shall go forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. For those who go forth to prepare the way for the Anti-Christ, most of them already wear their mark. And it shall be six times sixty-six. And the coming of the Messiah’s sign shall be seven seven seven [777].

We have told you why we are here. We have said unto you, now is the time for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah. We have also said unto you that nothing from either side shall interfere with this. And it shall come forth that the Beast shall lose its head. The one we have put forth for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah shall strike forth the blow unto the Anti-Christ, and the one that should prepare the way for his coming. Yet the Anti-Christ shall [grow] forth, and his reign shall be lean because of the blow that [shall] be struck.

And for those who shall not wear the mark of the Beast shall rise and build a new world and a new heaven, and a thousand years of peace shall come upon the earth, but not as you count, but as our Father counts. For each day shall be as a thousand years. In other words, one day shall represent one thousand years. Yes, I still see the doubt within thy mind. In other words — in other words, it should take one thousand of your days to make one day of God’s.

Yet we say unto you, if we are not successful, the Anti-Christ’s reign shall come and go, and three thousand years of darkness shall enter upon your earth.

There are those of you here who would take our words lightly. There are those of you who would try to strip the words and change their meaning for their own benefit. And we say unto you, woe be unto you, for it is your soul that you have damaged, your spirit that you shall strip away.

November 25, 1977: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner. We are here but for one purpose; that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And woe be upon those from either side who should interfere. The earth, the heavens, shall combine together in the joint effort.

We should say unto thee, the Anti-Christ is among you — and the disciples of the Anti-Christ is among you. They shall do of all things to destroy and discredit all we have done, for they are as wolves who wait at a mother’s womb to scoop up the infant. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

But we say unto you, the Messiah is upon your earth now. He is well, and well protected. But leste the Eagle [U.S.A.] spread his wings and protect even farther, a new and more deadly conspiracy is at hand. The tool, the great tool, as we have said before, lies in those of the Black September, or the Palestinians. As has been written before, the one who should come forth and make all the signs of peace is preparing for war.

There are those, of the disciples of the Anti-Christ, which have been cast away from this place to further protect our instrument. They lay in wait as wolves. And there are those who should play a Judas, and that is the most deadly. We have placed the gift, to scan the minds of all, within our instrument. Yet he feels betrayal near him for good cause.

We have said before, there is a time for all things. That as the winter should come, it is a time that the earth should prepare for its sleep, and the harvest shall be brought forth. Blessed is the name of those who should harvest the fields of the Lord.

We would also give of the warning, there shall soon come into the land of Mexico war. It shall blossom itself upon the borders and spread both north and south.

ISS photo from space of parts of Mexico, California and Nevada.

We would further suggest that these of this location prepare them fare for severe winters.

Once again we shall say unto you, those who prepare the way for the Anti-Christ shall use any means to destroy your prophet, to discredit your prophet. Do not become paranoid. Take each thought and each action into thought and counsel before acting.

But remember, the parable of the people who had prepared their minds and the fire that was set to destroy them, and they made the fire burn the other way.

If upon this day, every one of the people upon the earth who believe in the Second Coming link their hands together, in no way could this Anti-Christ rule. It is only in your strength shall mean the shortness of his time.” (Spiritual messengers of God, April 8, 1977)

The spiritual messengers of God were asked one more question in 1977 of which the Anti-Christ was spoken. A battle for the hearts and minds of men and women has been going on a long time. Yet, now is the end of the halftimes.

On December 2, 1977: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. ‘Who was the James of Atlantis, and was there a Christ drama during the time of Atlantis?’”

(Chuckle) We say unto you, nay. There was no Christ drama, as you would know it.

There was that of those who would worship the God of One, a joint unity of one worship, of one people. And there was those who would worship that of Lucifer, or the Anti-Christ, as you would call him. Their reign was short, as it will be short in the future.

As we have said before, there is no middle ground. There is no ground to stand on and say, “I can remain neutral.” For the half-times are over. There are but the full time, the one times. The later days are upon you.

Whether it be Joseph Smith who brought unto you words of God, or many prophets, who have been handed to you by God — whether they be Mohammed, Buddha — God has reached into you in many ways. He did not say unto any of these, “This is the only way.”

Jesus said unto you, “My father has many mansions, and each is great to behold. I go there now to prepare a place for you.”

The choice shall be yours.

“But, nay,” he said unto Peter, “what difference should it make to you that John should wait until my return?” Many have wondered, these words of scripture. Look within your readings and you shall understand. All things, as they were before. And the time for the preparation is coming into fulfillment.

John of the Beloved on the island of Patmos where he received “the revelation given by God to Jesus Christ. It was given to him so that he might show his seervants what must shortly happen. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who in telling all that he saw, has borne witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ. Happy is the man who reads, and happy those who listen to the words of the prophecy and heed what is written in it. For the hour of fulfillment is near.” (Revelation 1:1–3)

John wrote what the angel whom Jesus sent told him, in Revelation 22:7–11: “Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”

Now I, John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things.

Then he said to me, “See that you do not do that. For I am your fellow servant, and of your brethren the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.” And he said to me, “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.”

The spiritual messengers God sends said on May 17, 1985: We say unto you, we have come forth for both one of two purposes − not to change the prophesies, and not to change the laws of Moses, but to show you the fulfillment, and to bring to you the coveth [covenant] in its original form. We are come not to rob, nor steal, nor to place words in the mouth of the one known as Jesus, nay. We have come to show you this. But we have also come to prepare the way for the coming, that he might come unto you once again, and a completeness be brought to the Earth.

We hope we have not talked in riddles. We hope that we have truly answered your question in such a way that you fully understand from which we speak.

Please continue to Part 2 of 3 of “Now we should tell thee of the Antichrist”

Read the 1978 to 1980 messages, as your understanding deepens.


The words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, are copyrighted 2000 by A. Ray Elkins through whom they were spoken.

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"Now you ask, 'What is the great Sword that cuts two ways?'"

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.