There’s 10 of us now, this is exciting

I don’t know if it’s a revolution, but it’s a great start

Kyros Vogiatzoglou
A Writing Journey


3 min readSep 22, 2019


We’re finally doing this

Guys, I’d like to thank all of you for being a part of this project.

I set out to find the right people who would be willing to interact, learn from each other and talk about our dreams, and so far it looks like it’s happening.

(In case you missed it, this is the story that started it all.)

Numbers don’t matter

As you probably already know, I don’t care about numbers. But so far there’s 10 of us making this journey together, and that’s super important right now. I have found 9 more people who share a similar mindset and common values and decided to follow A Writing Journey.

I hate reading long articles myself, so let me share with you just a couple of thoughts, very briefly.

The very first guest writer

I’m so happy that Tantra Bensko was the first writer to contribute to A Writing Journey. I love the way she writes. She always wanted to give something great to the world, and this is her story:

I Wanted to Be William Faulkner

The very first story

The oldest story in A Writing Journey was written back in April, and somehow defined the theme of the publication: Chasing one’s dream.

It was inspired by some of my own thoughts about how to make progress in your life and be a happier person.

Two Cars, A Piano And The Secret to Happiness

And finally, two very very important things:

The whole point of this project is for us to communicate and interact

Please feel free to express yourself any way you like. Commenting on stories is a great starting point. Give feedback, talk to each other, ask for help, share your ideas. This is what I’ve been dreaming about, and hopefully you have too.

Let’s talk via email if you prefer — I’ll try to send out any useful stuff that I come across, and I’d love it if you could do the same.

I’m also on Facebook and Twitter, feel free to stop by and say hi.

Let’s talk and help each other push forward with our dreams.

Let’s have as many different voices as possible in this publication

If you’d like to contribute to A Writing Journey, be my guest. The more perspectives we have, the better. Diversity is the keyword here.

Remember, this is a place for sharing ideas and experiences, and for helping each other chase our dreams. Feel free to share your story if it matches this theme.

Just send me an email and I’ll add you to the publication as a writer. Then you can submit your draft.

Honestly, I’m so excited about all this

Thank you again for being part of this effort. Even if you choose to just follow A Writing Journey and read the stories, that’s really important in itself. But I encourage you to interact with others (through whatever channel suits you), because learning from each other is a vital ingredient for improving ourselves.

Keep writing, keep posting, and keep the wheel turning.



Kyros Vogiatzoglou
A Writing Journey

I write fantasy. I love lemon desserts & dragons. Lead Strategist @ MALVI (