Archive of stories published by Abhishek Bhatnagar


Over the summer, I had the fortune of being given an opportunity to work on JGit. Like most, I did not what that was, but figured it was something related to git. I had not used git seriously before, but was never too eager to try it out either. I had heard similar tumult behind RoR and Ubuntu, which I had used and…

Building a Quadcopter: Part 2

Continuing from here, this is Part 2 of the ‘Building a Quadcopter’ series.

In the last post, my friend and I had built most of the quadcopter frame, and were awaiting parts from the store. As of now, we have the frame built. Most of the parts have…

Gource: Git repository illustrator

Gource is one of the coolest git repo visualizers. In the face of gitg or gitk however, it does something very different. It animates the history of a git repo by assembling the files within it as a tree with the root directory as the center. As time progresses, you…

Raspberry Pi as a mobile computer

Since acquiring a Raspberry Pi a few weeks ago, I’ve been spreading the good word about this awesome device in my social circle, but lots of people it seems are unsure as to what its importance is. At a Sentinel Project meeting recently, we had a bit of discussion on…

Building a Quadcopter: Part 1

NOTE: Part 2 is available here

Things that fly are fun. Some things that fly are quadcopters. Hence Quadcopters are fun.

I recently started building one with Chris Tuckwood and even though we’re just in the beginning stages…

Getting started with Raspberry Pi

Unless you live on Mars, you’ve probably heard of Raspberry Pi by now. I was one of the lucky 1000 who got dibs on the first batch of these, and mine shipped in four days ago. With the off chance that you are indeed a Martian, I’ll do a brief introduction to the project…

These were the top 10 stories published by Abhishek Bhatnagar; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2017.

Abhishek Bhatnagar
My views and experiences in the dual-natured worlds of open source and nonprofit
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