Weekly About Me Stories Newsletter — 01|02|23

New Introductions to About Me Stories!

About Me Stories
About Me Stories


About Me — Mbhango Lefoka

I’m a born and bred South African, who has worked in retail for four years and wrote short stories in primary and high school — which, unfortunately, a lot of them had been disposed of due to my “not good enough” standards based on feelings.

Even though I’ve dominant introvert features, I still consider myself an ambivert — something I’ve been consistent with all my twenty-five years of existence.

About Me — Leon Macfayden

Today I am a new man. I have recovered from Depression and can live with PTSD most of the time. I discovered a love of investing and the stock market, and I am proud to have six figures invested in the markets.

I found a love for writing and now do so daily. I have my own house, a partner I adore, and my mum lives around the corner. I wake up daily with purpose and am thankful to still be here after those darkest days.

About Me — Dr. Alex Steinberg

Hi, I’m Alex. Nice to meet you.

I am 47 years and French-German. I have lived several lives.

I have lived through a set of super successes and super downs.

I am also aware that one of my childhood dreams is still there, waiting for me to fulfill it.

About Me — Sarah Theresa!

I am a single parent to an amazing pre-teen who was diagnosed with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) last year. She, like me, is an HSP, (highly sensitive person). She is my muse and has inspired my writing journey and encouraged me to take risks to live my bliss.

About Me — Anika Neela

I was born in Bangladesh and was fortunate to be awarded a merit scholarship to study in the United States at the age of 14. While it was a difficult decision for my parents to send their daughter across the world to study, they highly valued education and trusted me to take this opportunity head-on. I am deeply grateful to them for giving me the chance to grow and develop through this experience, which has had a profound impact on my perspective and character. It has truly been a valuable and enriching experience.

About Me — Mica

Once upon a time (September 2002, to be exact), in a little town in Pennsylvania, I met my husband, then boyfriend, at the tender age of 15. Long story short, this African American queen instantly fell in love with her Puerto Rican king. We eventually married and have been together ever since. The End.

Mbhango Lefoka Leon Macfayden Dr. Alex Steinberg Sarah Theresa Anika Neela Mica Perez

Thank you for letting us know more about you!

Welcome to About Me Stories! ❤



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About Me Stories

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