AdHive — Road So Far
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4 min readMay 10, 2018

AdHive was established in July 2017 by the legendary trio — Vadim Budaev, Alexandr Kuzmin and Dmitry Malyanov, who were working together on Putting it simple AdHive was created to implement their video and speech recognition modules the best way possible.

Just take a look at our first logo, it is so cute!

In Q3 of 2017 the whole concept of the Influencer Marketing Platform was developed and the Token Sale dates were announced.
Dmitry Malyanov accompanied by a few team members started the AdHive road show to share ideas about the future of advertising and introduce the concept of the first AI-driven blockchain platform for easy placement of native ads through bloggers.

While Dmitry was sharing his vision and promoting the Platform, our development team was working around the clock to release the early version of the platform as soon as it was possible. And they succeeded as the Alpha was introduced on 27th of December.
The platform was far from being ideal, but it already represented the founders’ vision and interested many progressive people in the project. Such professionals as Serguei Popov, Soheil Mirpour, Chad Politt and others joined our advisory board.

36 minutes, 15 team members and hundreds eliminated scam attempts

The Token Presale was launched on January 30. It was a surprise for us to see such a huge amount of interested and inspired people, we saw lots of registrations, not only whitelist applications, but influencers who already wished to try out the Platform. As a result the presale was closed in under 36 minutes! It was a real fuss!

To organize the Token Sale in the smoothest and safest possible way Alexandr Kuzmin developed a special Deposit system for Whitelist members. They were able to deposit their Ethereum, that was automatically converted into ADH Tokens in the Personal Account right after the Token Sale start. As a result the hardcap was reached by 28th of February with deposits only!

In March 2018, a few weeks after the Token Sale ended, AdHive released the advertiser’s account on the Platform Alpha, hundreds of influencers have been joining our community every week ever since.

On 12th of April the Tokens were distributed and ADH was listed on Qryptos, one of the most promising exchanges, followed up with HitBTC listing just a week later.

In the end of April AdHive released the Beta version of the Platform, but what is more important — the first advertising campaigns were successfully launched and advertisers achieved desired results and AdHive received first revenues!

In early May we officially announced our Indonesian expansion, as well as opening our office in Jakarta! The high level of social media activity and rapid growth of digital marketing made Indonesia a perfect match for AdHive.

Outsource developers? How about no?

Just a few days ago we revealed the non-blockable Billing system, which is already implemented and used on the Platform. It was created by the bright minds of our development department, headed by Vadim Budaev.

It may seem that it was a long road, and it definitely was, but for us it is just the beginning. Our business is gaining traction and there is much, much more to come. As always, stay tuned!

Yes, we enjoy group selfies

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The first AI-controlled influencer marketing platform on Blockchain. Launching massive advertising campaigns has never been so simple.