Tuesday’s Collection — Works from Age of Awareness

Yes, on a Wednesday

Stephen Muskett, M.S.Ed
Age of Awareness


2 min readApr 26, 2023


Photo by Nagara Oyodo on Unsplash

First, our podcast episode with Marcus B. Weaver-Hightower on school lunches is out! Finall, I know. You can tune in anywhere you listen to podcasts or follow this link here. And be remember to check out our other episodes here: LINK.

The past few weeks have been busy with school breaks and finishing up quarterly grades (a topic we should write about more here at AoA) so the past couple of Tuesday’s Collections have been missed. So, we have a bit more works to share this week. Eleven works to be exact. We hope you enjoy!

Selections from the past few weeks:

Why You Should Write A Book If You Are A Teacher by Stewart Dunn

The Harsh Reality of U.S. Medical Costs — but WHO cares? by Jonathan Isbill MS, RD, LD

School Shootings & Infrastructure. A Link? by Grady Bolding

4 Costs of a ‘Grow Now, Clean Up Later’ Mentality by Dr. Erlijn van Genuchten

My Most Valuable Advice For Students by Zohvib Ali

Between Growth and Degrowth by George Dillard

How Citizens & Students Take the Future of Waste into Their Own Hands by Desiree Driesenaar

How Teachers Pay Teachers Hurts Educators by Lori Stratton

Beyond Budgeting: Why Financial Literacy is a vital tool for Gen Z’s success by Marilyn Lydia Pinto

4 Things My Students Told Me About Using AI in My Storytelling Class by Lance Cummings PhD

On the Harms of School Privatization by Andy Spears



Stephen Muskett, M.S.Ed
Age of Awareness

Educator | Founder & Editor of AoA — connecting 500,000+ monthly readers with 1,500+ authors | Tune in at aoapodcast.com