The Bare Bones of Accomplishment

Age of Empathy Prompt #2: A Meaningful End


Photo by Nino Liverani on Unsplash

in repetition
I found rhythm,

In writing,
I built a space in my schedule
to reflect and journal each morning;
and found a space
to regularly chisel those
random orbs of thoughts
into intricate interesting knick-knacks
tied up in a nice fat bow
for others to read as poetry.

In food,
I mastered the basics
of the one thing that brings me the most joy,
so that I could regularly build
scrumptious meals
without needing to break the bank.

In connection,
not only did I find
an amazing sphere of writers,
I reconnected with old friends
far more regularly
whether in weekly game nights
or daily mundane texts.



Lucy Dan 蛋小姐 (she/her/她)
Age of Empathy

Filling in the cracks on conflicting self improvement advice and translating how these can work for a more diverse audience ✨ Icon by: @jkbarts #WEOC writer.