Reinforcement Learning, Part 7: A Brief Introduction to Deep Q Networks

Build your understanding of DQN in three easy steps

dan lee
AI³ | Theory, Practice, Business
6 min readJan 30, 2020


Welcome back to my series on Reinforcement Learning! Now that we’ve covered Q-learning, it’s time to introduce Deep Learning within RL.

In this post, we’ll discuss:

  • Why the introduction of Deep Learning to RL is so important;
  • What challenges it comes with and how we can solve them; and how can we solve them;
  • How we can build a DQN.

If you’re new to the series, be sure to check out these posts first:

Part 1: A Brief Introduction to RL

Part 2: Introducing the Markov Process

Part 3: Markov Decision Process (MDP)

Part 4: Optimal Policy Search with MDP

Part 5: Monte-Carlo and Temporal-Difference Learning

Part 6:TD(λ) & Q-learning

Now it’s time to dive in a little deeper!

Why Deep Learning?

In Q-learning, when the state and action space are discrete and the dimension is low, a Q-Table can be used to store the Q value of each state-action pair. However, when the state and action space are high-dimensional and continuous, a Q-Table wouldn’t be qualified.

A common solution is to turn the Q-Table-update problem into a Function-fitting problem and get similar output actions for similar states. The Q function approximates the optimal Q value by updating the parameter θ:

Q (s, a; θ) ≈Q ′ (s, a)

Deep neural networks, which can automatically extract complex features. They are the ticket for dealing with high-dimensional Q-Tables with continuous states.

DQN is one of many algorithms that combines Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning to learn strategies directly from high-dimensional raw data. By combining a convolutional neural network (CNN) with Q-Learning, DQN promoted the development of Reinforcement Learning and expanded its application scenarios.

The input of CNN can be the original image data (as the state), and the output is each action-corresponding value evaluation (Q value).

Google’s Deepmind team published two papers on DQN:

As these articles cover the foundational idea of DQN, I’ll reference them throughout this post.

Step 1: Understanding the Challenges of Applying Deep Learning to RL

Distribution of Samples

A major reason for deep learning to converge with RL is that data sets require independent and identical distributions. Only models trained by deep learning on this kind of data set could better fit the potential patterns in the data set and obtain ideal results.

But, as we’ve discussed extensively in this series, Reinforcement Learning learns from reward and a series of highly related states. The agents may change the data distribution as the algorithm learns new behaviors, leading to the inability to converge.

Therefore, if you want to apply deep learning algorithms to Reinforcement Learning, you must cut off the correlation of states and stabilize the distribution of the data set.

Supervised Issues

Deep learning is a standard form of supervised learning. Before training, the target of the ideal model that you want to train already exists — only it’s hidden. Through deep iteration, deep learning makes the algorithm converge so that it can find the ideal model.

In contrast, Reinforcement Learning is learning from sparse, noisy, and delayed reward signals. If you want to apply deep learning algorithms to Reinforcement Learning, you must design a target for each update iteration.

For a refresher on the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning, jump back to my first post: a brief introduction to Reinforcement Learning.

Step 2: Solving The Contradiction Between Supervised Deep Learning And Unsupervised RL

Here are two solutions to the challenges discussed above.

Sample Distribution

According to Deepmind’s 2013 paper, the experience mechanism can solve the problem of the sample distribution. Here’s how it works:

  1. Initialize. The agent will be initialized with a state s, then input the state s into the evaluation network (a neural network, described later), and output the q value of each action.
  2. Select action. The agent selects the action performed in this state through the q value and the exploration and exploitation algorithm.
  3. Feedback. At the state s, we choose action a, the environment will provide feedback — in the form of a reward — and give the agent its next state s’.
  4. Sequence. At this point, a sequence (s, a, r, s’) is reached, where s is the current state, a is the action performed in state s, r is the reward that the environment feeds back to the agent, and s’ is the next state. A sequence (s, a, r, s’) constitutes a training sample.
  5. Parameters. Set the size of the experience pool to N. That means, only N latest sequences exist in the experience pool. Sequences larger than N will overwrite the samples in the experience pool. The data in the empirical pool is used every time the neural network parameters are updated.
  6. Convergence. The existence of the experience pool turns a series of highly correlated states into discrete data samples. It can reduce the training variance and stabilize the sample distribution, which is conducive to the convergence of the algorithm. Just like a human being, an agent can learn from its own historical experience.

Solving Supervised Issues

In order to solve the contradiction between Reinforcement Learning and supervised deep learning, Deepmind’s 2013 paper outlines the designs of two neural networks.

One neural network is a prediction network (critic):

  • The input is the current state — the first element s in the sample sequence. The output is the q value generated by each action.
  • The agent uses the q value of each output to determine the state to be executed.
  • The parameters of this network can be updated at any time.

The other neural network is the evaluation network (actor):

  • The input is the next state; that is, the fourth element s’ in the sample sequence. The output is the q value (q_next) of each action of the state s’.
  • Next, the Bellman equation (q_target = r + γ * max (q_next)) calculates the target q value for performing action a in the state s.
  • The output of the evaluation network passes through the Bellman equation, and the target q value of the calculated result can be used as the label of the prediction network.

Thus, the above [steps/networks] can solve the contradiction between supervised deep learning and unsupervised Reinforcement Learning.

In order to suppress the problem of correlation between states, the parameters of the evaluation network are not updated in real-time. Instead, after a certain number of steps, the prediction network will copy its parameters to the evaluation network.

Now, let’s put the main architecture of DQN into simple terms.

Step 3: Building Your Own DQN

Replay Memory

Replay memory stores the experiences that the actor DQN records via playing the game. These experiences will be used as training data by the critic DQN later on.

By sampling randomly from the experience data, a batch of transitions is built and data in it are decorrelated.

How Does DQN Work?

The actor DQN can be used to play games, though initially, it does so very badly.

Let the actor play for a while, then save all its experiences in a replay memory. Each memory will be a 5-tuple (state, action, next state, reward, continue).

The “continue” item will be 0.0 when the game is over or 1.0 otherwise.

At regular intervals, we can sample a batch of memories from the replay memory — just like we do with dynamic training data in supervised learning. We use these memories to estimate the Q-Values.

You want the actor to explore the game thoroughly, so you may want to combine it with a ε-greedy policy.

The critic DQN will adjust its parameters to make its Q-Value predictions approximate the result estimated by the actor through the actor’s experience data. Regular supervised learning techniques can work on those data.

Copy the critic DQN to the actor DQN at regular intervals, and that’s it!


In short, DQN is a success! And you’re well on your way to understanding and being able to use it!

You should now be familiar with basic concepts of:

  • Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL): the combination of DL and RL
  • DQN: a typical method of DRL

In my next post, we will explore DRL even more deeply.

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Questions or thoughts to add? I’d love to hear from you in the comments!



dan lee
AI³ | Theory, Practice, Business

NLP Engineer, Google Developer Expert, AI Specialist in Yodo1