Top Stories published by All the best lies are true in 2016

Ideas for collaboration in Students’ Unions

Originally published on changesu

As I write I’m just back from an SU CEO networking event, and as ever with these things I’m buzzing and invigorated with fresh stories, insights and ideas from colleagues.

What we need is leadership

Originally published on changesu

I’m typing with a sore, “Popworld” head after Students’ Unions 2016, and as ever there’s a mixture of reflections- there’s positives, like the energising atmosphere, inspiring plenaries and comradely networking; and there’s

Freedom to speak or freedom from harm? The history of the No Platform debate

Originally published on wonkhe

The publication of the Spiked! freedom of speech index, the Government’s Prevent Agenda and almost weekly battles over No Platform at

Critics of the graduate tax are shouting at straw men

Originally published on wonkhe

What an unpleasant sight. The usual unholy alliance of vice chancellors’ bag carriers and Corbynista cultists have been out in force for a couple of weeks now, responding to Owen

It’s the children who are wrong

Originally published on wonkhe

Another day, another commentator in the press bemoaning students for their weak, vulnerable millennial minds. From the old Revolutionary Communist Party to Peter Tatchell, it seems that everyone agrees that those of

Plan for the worst and hope for the best

Originally published on wonkhe

For a couple of months now I’ve gathering and trudging my way through many higher education institutions’ strategic plans to think through how students’ unions might best influence such strategies in

Gaps in the White Paper that will undermine students

Originally published on wonkhe

If policy represents solutions to problems, it’s hard to regard the government’s efforts this week as a great bit of wonkery. The White Paper’s title contains the phrases “Teaching

How to turn the hot air of parliamentary debate into real change

Originally published on wonkhe

So the second reading of the HE Bill is complete — and thank God for the so-called ‘Labour right’, without whom scrutiny on the Bill would have consisted of

External examining should no longer exempt universities from proper scrutiny

Originally published on wonkhe

It’s been good this past week to see issues around external examining debated on Wonkhe — but missing from the debate has been external

Tackling sexual violence and harassment in HE: work still to do

Originally published on wonkhe

For anyone working with students in higher education, the mid-decade culture wars of the 2010s have been exhausting and pretty miserable. We’ve endured an entire

These were the top 10 stories published by All the best lies are true in 2016. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

All the best lies are true
Adventures in HE and SU policy
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