Top Stories published by All the best lies are true in 2017

Time for some quality conversations?

Originally published on changesu

There tends to be an underpinning assumption in SUs that officers talk to students and staff do the work. This has always felt odd to me- it did at NUS when I initiated a programme of NUS Staff getting out

Looking back to look ahead

Originally published on changesu

Look. Compared to the “real world”, working in Students’ Unions seems rewarding and fun. It always has, but more so as we enter 2017. There are after all real reasons to be cheerful. Block grants are up. Finances have

Academic freedom is holding back fair access to the professions

Originally published on

Those of us advocating for users in the public policy space will be familiar with the concept of “provider capture”. It describes the way in which the interests

Students don’t need more markets, but collective choice and voice

Originally published on wonkhe

Over here in students’ union-land, it’s handover time, with meeting rooms full of jaded departing sabbatical officers introducing the cast of characters and…

You only get what you pay for. Or do you?

Originally published on wonkhe

For as long as students have been paying (at least in part and/or in arrears) for their university education, an entire cadre of sector types have been arguing that when students are seen as

OfS must dig deeper in its attempts to listen to students

Orginally published on

This is going to be a busy busy month for HE policy types, and if you have a day job that doesn’t involve pure wonkery, a glance over new OfS CEO Nicola Dandridge’s

These were the top 10 stories published by All the best lies are true in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.