A natural World Order: Part VI

A new/old World Order: 1, 2 , 3, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15a & 16

Andrew Zolnai
Andrew Zolnai
4 min readNov 5, 2022


Cambridges & Sussexes, Windsor Castle before Queen Elizabeth II funeral

New dialogue between men and women

Part 6 of a series — Part Va here &Part VII here — on how pretending that men are equal to women leads us to all sorts of problems. See the rest of the subtitled series — 4, 7, 8, 12 & 15 above — see all series’ recap here and wrap-up here.

The picture epitomises the current dilemma our sexes face: at left the current heir and at right the new spare (Wikipedia) to the British throne and their wives; the former has the traditional role where he wears the trousers (Wiktionary), the latter is outcast because she does. While they’re hardly commoners like us, the Firm’s (Wiktionary) history bring to sharp relief the struggles described in this series. Let’s contrast those views.

Women’s view (5 yrs. ago)

Then I found this video of a feminist correcting her views of MRA (men’s rights activists), celebrating @ 4 min. mark, the differences among men vs. women. That is exactly my point, men and women are not the same…

Basically having been told “look at everything outside, it’s been built by men” stuck in her craw as the misogynist statement. But then she flipped the quote and asked herself if “look outside, everyone you see was birthed by a woman” was anti-men — the word misandry was a bridge too far — and of course it is not: those two observatuons celebrate the difference between sexes… which is exactly what I try to say through this whole mini-series!


“By facing long-held assumptions, one woman reevaluates her own gender biases. Documentary Filmmaker, The Red Pill Cassie Jaye founded Jaye Bird Productions in 2008, which has since produced a collection of documentary films that have been praised for being thought-provoking, entertaining and respectful in representing multiple competing views within each film. Jaye is known for tackling complex and often controversial subject matters. Her latest film is The Red Pill. Prior to “The Red Pill”, Jaye’s most notable films were the award winning feature documentaries “Daddy I Do” (which examined the Abstinence-Only Movement versus Comprehensive Sex Education) and “The Right to Love: An American Family” (which followed one family’s activism fighting for same-sex marriage rights in California). Both films showed that Jaye’s interview style is to allow people to share their views honestly, openly and candidly while allowing audiences to come to their own conclusions. http://theredpillmovie.com/about-the-...

Men’s view (2 yrs. ago)

I just discovered this woderful Youtube channel run by Arte called wocomoDOCS (link below), in which this video addresses the dilemma men face in the new female ascendancy. They very succintly postion the new man in the feminsit context, and here is my takeway: traditional roles can work, and there’s need to put men not women on pedestals; what is yours?

It’s in German, so select “Watch on Youtube”, then under “Settings” (looks like cog wheel) turn on “English autogenerated” subtitles, and you may need to switch from “German autogenerated” on “Subtitles” (looks like a white card). Here is the video and its intro translated below:


“ The old, traditional role model of men as breadwinners and protectors no longer holds. Wanted is a new kind of masculinity. But how should he be now, the man? The freedom to choose a role is overwhelming for some. They are looking for advice and guidance — for example from men’s coach Dirk Schröder, who offers books and lectures on topics such as fatherhood, work and marriage.

Subscribe to wocomoDOCS: https://goo.gl/sBmGkp
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In addition, there is the “competitor” woman, who meanwhile overtakes the men in terms of education and confidently demands their right to a career. Can the modern man manage to put his career goals aside and bear the family work fairly, or will the pendulum swing back to the traditional division of roles? Experts draw a backward-looking role development. The rhetoric trainer Matthias Pöhm leads a happy marriage in the classic division. In his seminars he advocates putting men back on the pedestal — instead of women.

An excerpt from the NZZ format documentary “When is a man a man?” (2017)”

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So to recap this series, A natural World Order, I suggest correcting some of the ways progress lost us (here), see more on how we lost our way (here), even more on how we lost our way (here), how the balance of power needn’t be oppressive (here), then to know our strength (here), and finally a new dialogue between men and women here.

I seek “the story behing the story”: as a migrant I had to learn as a child where the truth lay among disparate cultures I lived in. Then as an adult a CBC reporter introduced me to ethics in newscasting well before fake news became a thing — side bar here — and now I put it to good use first bird-dogging the pandemic here and now Media Tell the Truth subgroup of Extinction Rebellion here. Lastly I managed to integrate my faith with my counselling practice (here), in an effort to work better in this world where I failed before. To this I’m grateful to my new and old immediate and distant family, my faith partners and my socials in activism or former work.

