A Natural World Order: Part VIII

A new/old World Order: 1, 2 , 3, 3a, 3b, 4, 5, 6 , 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15a, 16, 17, 17a & 18

Andrew Zolnai
Andrew Zolnai
3 min readMay 5, 2023


Mary Magdalene Anointing Christ’s Feet Artus Wolffort, Wikimedia Commons

New dialogue between men and women 3

Part VIII of a series — Part VIIa here & Part IX here— on how pretending that men are equal to women leads us to all sorts of problems. See the rest of the subtitled series — 4, 7, 8, 12,15 -17a above — see all series’ recap here and wrap-up here.

Update: this post elicited a round-up of the status-quo next as I see it — as the video below, this is only my experience— in the hope this may help someone else see better… Thank you for reading, & to everyone who helped me get here!

Mary Magdalen is protrayed as a whore who offers a gesture of submission by way or repentance. It’s used here to show the complexity of submission, from its sexualisation in the header of the previous post to its twist into subjugation as mentioned in the next post.

The previous post introduced the topic of submissive women in its proper context. A new video is so clear in its caveats and testimony, that it’s posted here complete with relevant excerpts, emphasis and textual errors mine:

Being a submissive wife requires strength & confidence… its not about being a doormat or a pushover… submitting to your husband’s authority is to stay in your own lane you agreed to

… it simplifies life so much… it’s not abt women being inferior or 2nd class.

Here are five points she makes, paraphrased by me, see video if you prefer:

1) she’s no expert, she’s only sharing what works for her

2) seeing what the Scriptures say about wifehood

(said in intro: if not a believer , then look at it as an interesting historic document of its time)

3) not about a ‘sub’ woman serving a ‘super’ husband (in my words)

I say: that’s what previous generation did a lot, and without this consciousness, but that set bad precedent (see Part IX here)

Another video said: this requires a loving relationship

4) focus on being husband’s helper, lover & supporter, as a result of which he treats her like a queen

5) her changes in trying this out for size for him:

a) greet him at the door

i) I say: sets up the dynamic that she’s the mistress at their home that becomes his haven

ii) she says: he is the leader, he is respected and his fam is happy for him to come home

( if not home then find sthg else:

The attitude is far more important than the action)

b) embrace her role as her husband’s helper

i) doesn’t touch her own life

ii) just being his helper relieves so much pressure around him

c) resist trying to direct him

i) she says: what I don’t say can communicate more love & respect than words ever do, IOW don’t nag him it’s exhausting, it’s easier to ask “how may I help?”

ii) I say: think “what would he do?” (as in WWJD, Wikipedia)

d) focus on being grateful for what husband does every day (back to ‘5 c i’ immediatly above)

i) she says: value him for who he is, not what & how he does

ii) I say: counters one of four male oppressors identified in Re-evaluation Counseling (see backgrounder here & in Part IX here what I used to help men’s groups with)

e) make him feel important because he is, and that then transpires into her actions

(remember that he loves her unconditionally)

The attitude is there, if not in my actions at least in my mindset (as in 5 a ii above)

This led to Part IX here, a recap of what helped me address men’s oppresion that wrong-footed women’s submission into subjugation.

