Top Stories published by ArtSpark in May of 2011

Kickstarter campaigns!

Kickstarter is a good friend of ArtSpark these days. Three (!) ArtSpark artists have been invited to post a Kickstarter campaign recently: Deborah Gavel, Art of The Song/Creativity Radio (coming soon) and One Million Bones (also coming soon). Deborah Gavel’s campaign ended April 2nd and…

Guest Blog: Deborah Gavel on Kickstarter, Part I

Deborah Gavel, one of ArtSpark’s artists, writes in this post about her experiences around her successful Kickstarter campaign. Thanks Deborah for your behind-the-scenes view!

ArtSpark empowers artists and creators to make a living on their own terms while staying true to their creative practice. ArtSpark designed the Artist Business Canvas, and offers it as an online course and in-person workshop.
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