Top Stories published by ArtSpark in 2011

Update: Michelle Otero and “Vessels”

Michelle Otero, who’s taken the brave leap as the second ArtSpark project so far, is gathering momentum… GREAT! Impressive impact so far: since launching her project (to write a memoir entitled Vessels) in December, her blog subscriber list has increased, she’s…

Learning Web Analytics = Fun (or is that an oxymoron?)

Yes! IF web analytics are introduced in a webinar by none other than Matt Garcia from Aspiration Tech. Granted, learning about click through rates and bounces and what graphs of users look like is akin to an unbearable math class (at…

Artist + ArtSpark = chocolate and community!

Michelle Otero’s ArtSpark campaign was crowned with a Chocolate Fiesta last Friday night. About 20 supporters turned out to celebrate Michelle’s draft of her memoir, Vessels, and also to eat tortilla soup, drink red wine, and gorge on (lots of!)…

Kickstarter campaigns!

Kickstarter is a good friend of ArtSpark these days. Three (!) ArtSpark artists have been invited to post a Kickstarter campaign recently: Deborah Gavel, Art of The Song/Creativity Radio (coming soon) and One Million Bones (also coming soon). Deborah Gavel’s campaign ended April 2nd and…

Guest Blog: Deborah Gavel on Kickstarter, Part I

Deborah Gavel, one of ArtSpark’s artists, writes in this post about her experiences around her successful Kickstarter campaign. Thanks Deborah for your behind-the-scenes view!

These were the top 17 stories published by ArtSpark in 2011. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2011 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

ArtSpark empowers artists and creators to make a living on their own terms while staying true to their creative practice. ArtSpark designed the Artist Business Canvas, and offers it as an online course and in-person workshop.
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