Go to Authors & Peeps
Authors & Peeps
Authors & Peeps is a publication dedicated to author interviews, discussions and how-to guides for helping authors getting found and building an audience. Please contact us via editor@mediumauthor.com.
Note from the editor

Authors & Peeps is a publication dedicated to author interviews, discussions and how-to guides for helping authors getting found and building an audience. Please contact us via editor@mediumauthor.com.

Go to the profile of Kabir (ko-bir)
Go to the profile of Jody McAlister
Jody McAlister
Humorist(Self Titled) Entrepreneur and Flutter Developer. All around nifty dude. https://mediumauthor.com/@jodymac1015 jodymcalister@mediumauthor.com
Go to the profile of Dr. David Martin
Dr. David Martin
I write about leadership, tech, education, current affairs and life in general from Seoul, South Korea (poetry, too!). Email me at davidpmartin@mediumauthor.com
Go to the profile of Sandy Giles-Brigando
Sandy Giles-Brigando
Sandy has eclectic tastes, a gypsy soul, has lived in 13 states, and traveled to 48. Her life’s motto: “I am still learning.” Email: sbrigando@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Bill Myers
Bill Myers
William “Bill” Myers, Analyzes all, Programmer, retired. If you learn anything new, find enjoyment, have a new thought, I’m successful. Photo: 1st article 1982
Go to the profile of Jill Ebstein
Jill Ebstein
I’m about dogs, our lovable and peculiar families, business, and writing in a wide lane, including fiction. I’m a positivity washer too. www.jillebstein.com
Go to the profile of Mike Alexander
Mike Alexander
France based freelance writer with a passion for the environment and quirky cultural history. http://mediumauthor.com/@mikealexander wordseeker46@yahoo.com
Go to the profile of dr. d. e. fulford
dr. d. e. fulford
Instructor, director of education, researcher, and author of poetry collection— southern atheist: oh, honey — from Cathexis Northwest Press
Go to the profile of Kabir Rocklin
Kabir Rocklin
Entrepreneur. Professional Web Surfer!
Go to the profile of Erika Burkhalter
Erika Burkhalter
Photographer, yogi, cat-mom, lover of travel and nature, spreading amazement for Mother Earth, one photo, poem or story at a time. (MA Yoga, MS Neuropsychology)
Go to the profile of Annelise Lords
Annelise Lords
Helping you is Healing me! Let's heal each other through our inspirational power of words. thisisanneliselords@mediumauthor.com https://www.etsy.com/shop/Artist
Go to the profile of Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Main)
Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Main)
Scientist, Technologist, Inventor, focusing on HEALTH and JOY. Founder of ILLUMINATION, curating key messages for society. Connection: https://digitalmehmet.com
Go to the profile of Veronica Huerta Foster
Veronica Huerta Foster
Photographer. Former Sailor. EMT/Psych worker. Poet. Captivated from the start.
Go to the profile of Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at enriquedans.com)
Go to the profile of Casimiro Filipe
Casimiro Filipe
Christian Preacher and author of “School for Medium Creators" First author to publish 100% video content on Substack
Go to the profile of Vivian Fang
Vivian Fang
❤️ Heart set on Game Theory & Public Finance - determined & disciplined dreamer in making Pareto Improvement. 📬 v.v.fang@gmail.com ❤️
Go to the profile of Karen Madej
Karen Madej
Inspirer of self-improvement. Observer of all life forms. Finder of solutions. linktr.ee/wrtwrds | https://wrtwrds.medium.com/membership
Go to the profile of Isak Dinesen
Isak Dinesen
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive. What the world needs is people who have come alive. " - Howard Thurman (AfricanAmerican)