Balancer Grants Monthly Update #2

The Balancer Ecosystem is continuing to grow

Balancer Grants
Balancer Protocol
3 min readOct 7, 2021


The BAL Grant program is one of the ways that BalancerDAO promotes the development of the Balancer Protocol and Ecosystem. The Grant Program was established in August 2021 after a community discussion, which can be found on Balancer’s governance forum here and the snapshot vote here. The initial program will run until the 31st of October and this vote has given the program 20,000 BAL to be allocated towards grants for this current round.

New Live Grantees

Since the last update, the total amount of applications has reached 42, of which 11 projects have been approved grants for a total of $462,000 in BAL. With the recent additions, the Grants Program has met its limit of applications for this round, potential grants can still apply and will be taken into account for the next Grants Program round in November!

The new grantees are:

Curve Labs

This developer group has been working on Balancer code for quite a while, it is only fitting to have them more closer into the Balancer Ecosystem with their recent grant! They will be collaborating with Indexed Finance on bringing their products into Balancer v2.


Atlantis World is a pixel metaverse with token-gating, video calling, gamified DeFi + in-game DAO voting. The grant covers the integration of Balancer Protocol into the Atlantis World which will allow for new users to interact with Balancer in a completely unique and gamified way.

Read more about the Atlantis grant here.

Armada Research

The grant covers the creation of an optimization algorithm. It will tell us how much each token should be weighted and is necessary to discover which pools should exist and how much liquidity should be provided. The findings from this research will be structured in an academic journal-style article and submitted for publication.

Read more about the Armada Research grant here.


A decentralised exchange that aims to allow investors to borrow, buy and sell real estate into crypto in a compliant manner. This grant will build out institutional compliant pools on Balancer v2.

Read more about the Digishares grant here.


One of our very own Ballers has applied for a grant to take a sabbatical from his traditional job to work 3 months full time on Balancer early next year. Xeonus has distinguished himself as a great community member and we are super happy to be able to support him in taking this step!

If you are interested in joining the Ballers, join the Balancer discord community to learn about ways to participate.

Updates on live grant projects

During the last month four out of six grants have already reached milestones or completed their grant:


The Tempus team is developing a decentralized marketplace on future yield utilizing the Balancer protocol. Their first milestone has been reached with a successful audit. The next milestone, their testnet, is live and will be discussed in an upcoming AMA in the Balancer Discord on the 11th of October. Read more about their new testnet here.


The grant has been moving at a steady pace with HaloDAO reaching their first milestone of launching their AMMv1! The team is working hard to integrate their innovative products into Balancer v2 later this year.


The grant of Rabbithole has been completed with the Balancer campaign on their crypto-native earn to learn platform. The campaign has reached 3000 new Balancer users!


GovBot propogates proposals from and updates users on Twitter and Discord about the status of new proposals. The GovBot is live and can be followed on Twitter as well as Discord. Never miss a vote again!

About Balancer Grants

The BAL Grant program provides support and funding ($1K — $75K) to projects committed to supporting Balancer Protocol in achieving its mission the leading platform for programmable liquidity. This program is a good fit for individuals and groups that want to run a project that builds technology or resources on Balancer Protocol.

For further questions about how the Grants DAO works, check out the grants page, follow us on Twitter, or send an email to



Balancer Grants
Balancer Protocol

The BAL Grant program is one way BalancerDAO promotes the development of the Balancer Protocol and ecosystem.