Top Stories published by BIZCATALYST 360° in January of 2016

How Toxic Leaders Destroy People as Well as Organizations

by Theo Veldsman, University of Johannesburg

[su_dropcap style=”flat”]T[/su_dropcap]HERE IS A GROWING INCIDENCE of toxic leadership in organisations across the world. This is clear from anecdotal evidence…

Gossip is a Social Skill — Not a Character Flaw

by Frank T. McAndrew, Knox College

[su_dropcap style=”flat”]L[/su_dropcap]ET’S FACE IT: gossips get a bad rap.

Smugly looking down from a moral high ground — and secure in the knowledge that we…

Around The World In 80 Payments — Global Moves To A Cashless Society

by Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Bangor University; Leonidas Efthymiou, Intercollege Larnaca, and Sophia Michael, Intercollege Larnaca

Google Go: A Milestone for Artificial Intelligence Research

by Peter Cowling, University of York and Sam Devlin, University of York

[su_dropcap style=”flat”]R[/su_dropcap]ESEARCHERS FROM Google DeepMind have developed the first computer able to defeat a human…

These were the top 10 stories published by BIZCATALYST 360° in January of 2016. You can also dive into daily archives for January of 2016 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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