Table of Contents

Abigail Welborn
Bleeding Heart Liberal
2 min readSep 21, 2023

All the stories in Bleeding Heart Liberal.


  1. A Tale of Two Elections, or why I started this blog
  2. Growing Up Evangelical, or how I got to 2004
  3. What is an Evangelical? The term is getting less religious and more political.

How to talk with others

  1. How Fundamental is Our Divide? A lesson in listening.
  2. In the Face of Change, or making it normal to change opinions in light of facts
  3. How to Compromise: lessons for Congress from Kindergarten
  4. “Compromise” Has Two Meanings, and that’s why it’s hard
  5. We have to ask hard questions or we can’t change the world

Mostly for Christian Readers

  1. What is “True”? The Bible is a book, which means it’s literary
  2. Christians Have a Democracy Dilemma that our forebears didn’t
  3. Is caring for the poor a job for individuals or society?
  4. Can a church actually be “welcoming but not affirming”?
  5. How government welfare programs build for the Kingdom

Specific Subjects

  1. Freedom, Your Rights, and God: a Christian call to more gun control
  2. What Your Country Does For You, and why that makes your life better
  3. Our System is Squeezing You: how the current economic system makes most people’s lives worse
  4. How the Fruit Fights the Juicer: fighting monopolies when you’re tired of being squeezed
  5. Why Christians should vote pro-choice: finding common ground on the legal issue, even when moral agreement eludes us
  6. Looking backward shows that America has gotten both better and worse
  7. Moving our social contract forward is the best way to America greater



Abigail Welborn
Bleeding Heart Liberal

Writer, programmer, evangelical, Democrat. I dream big, but I seek real solutions.