Join our meetup on Open Metaverse Commerce đź’«

Alastair Band
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2021

Dear Bosonauts,

We hope you are keeping well!

It’s been all hands on deck here for the Boson Protocol team. We are working diligently to bring you our fully-fledged commerce protocol and a first look at how it will function in Decentraland.

Deep appreciation to all of you who attended last week’s AMA on Telegram and for posing great questions to our Co-Founder, Justin Banon, and Head of Metaverse Tech, Holly Atkinson. We were delighted to reward you with a 800 $BOSON prize pool.

A transcript of the AMA is available here and, if you did not manage to catch this session, we are hosting another session today, Thursday September 23 at 16:00 UTC on Discord. Join us then here for the chance to win 100 $BOSON.

Join us for dCommerce Meetup 5 in Decentraland

Yep! It’s that time of the month again… where we come together to push our vision for decentralized commerce.

We hosted our two previous sessions in Cryptovoxels. This time, we invite you to attend the Crypto Valley Convention Centre in Decentraland where our panel will debate the importance of open commerce for metaverse economies.

This will be our second-ever meetup in Decentraland after first introducing you to our Boson Portal space in Vegas City back in June.

Login on September 28 at 18:00 UTC in Decentraland and join our host Rhian Lewis and panelists:

  • Ryan Gill — Crucible Co-Founder and CEO
  • Jamie Burke — Outlier Ventures Co-Founder and CEO
  • Justin Banon — Boson Protocol Co-Founder

As with our previous meetups, the session will be available on Crowdcast. Sign up here to register your spot.

If you’re new to Decentraland, don’t worry. We’ve written up a nice little guide on how to enter this metaverse and what to expect once inside. Check it out here.

Mainnet is coming…

Back in July we wrote to you announcing that we had released Boson Protocol onto the Ethereum Rinkeby test network. Well now we are pleased to say that, before the end of the year, we will deploy Boson Protocol’s Mainnet.

We are actively auditing our smart contracts for security and integrity and will be providing you with updates along the way. Stay tuned.

…so too is Boson Portal

As you know, our mission is to develop the world’s first open public infrastructure layer for all commerce, including digital to physical transactions.

To showcase the power of our protocol we’re building Boson Portal in Decentraland. Boson Portal, connected by our innovative protocol, will enable users to make purchases in the metaverse for physical goods and collect those items in the real world.

Our team has been solving the hard problems to bring you this commerce experience and soon have Boson Portal open for business!

More will be revealed in the coming weeks but we can say now that our first Boson Conference is coming up… and over the next few months!!

Happening this week

Our Boson Portal partner, Auroboros, is displaying a first-of-its-kind exhibit at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

Boson Protocol is sponsoring the Biomimicry exhibit which features a gown that mimics in real-time the life-cycle of a flower.

If you’re in London this week, or will be before the exhibit closes on Sunday September 26, do check Biomimicry out. Ai-Da, the world’s first ultra-realistic robot artist, is drawing and rendering the gown as it grows, thrives, blooms and ultimately fades away.

Recent hires…

What makes Boson Protocol so special is our team and luckily for us (and you) it keeps on growing.

We recently added Mischa Tuffield into our ranks as our Chief Technology Officer. Mischa previously worked at Monolith, the first crypto project to plug directly into Visa’s systems.

His expertise will be crucial as we develop Boson Protocol and move from Boson Portal in Decentraland to having our protocol be a metaverse commerce product and ultimately function as the internet of all future commerce.

We also added Patrick Degenhardt into the fold as our Vice President of Marketing. Patrick brings more than 20 years of experience to our young team having previously worked at Everledger, Consensys, the World Economic Forum, Royal Philips Electronics and at his own marketing agency.

… and still hiring

Mischa and Patrick are great additions to the Boson family. But we need more.

If you want to revolutionize the world of commerce, and believe like we do that it ought to be decentralized, get in touch. We are still hiring and currently accepting applications for the following roles:

  • Quality Assurance Analyst. Details here.
  • Senior Blockchain Engineer. Details here.

Not what you’re looking for, never fear, follow our open positions here.

That’s all from us for the moment.

We look forward to seeing you at our various events this week and next.

Signing off for another fortnight

Thank you for reading the newsletter and staying up to date. We will be back soon with more! Join the conversation with the rest of our community on Telegram and Discord. We hope you have a fantastic end to your week.

All the best,

Alastair Band

Head of Community


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