Top Stories published by Business Change and Business Process in May of 2011

Sending Out Props: A Great SEO Lesson

I haven’t written anything about Search Engine Optimization in a whole week. No, I haven’t lost interest. No, I’m not ready to stop hitting you over the head with how important SEO (or SEO Consulting if you don’t have the time to handle SEO yourself) is to your…

Amazon Goes Gaga For Gaga. Servers Melt, Business Changes.

I’ve been screaming for change in the music business for years. Despite selling a cutting-edge and constantly-changing product, music labels have resisted business change in a way that boggles the mind. Yesterday, the music…

Matt Drudge, Tribes, Facebook, Twitter, and You

Facebook became bigger than Google over a year ago. Twitter is huge. But you know who’s bigger? Matt Drudge.

Drudge, the impresario of The Drudge Report, of course isn’t actually bigger than Twitter or Facebook. But he’s…

These were the top 20 stories published by Business Change and Business Process in May of 2011. You can also dive into daily archives for May of 2011 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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Talking About Business Change is Easy. MAKING Business Change is Not.
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