Top Stories published by BZ Notes in 2013

Metamaterials and Computational Imaging: Our latest investment in Evolv Technologies

At Lux Capital we pride ourselves in backing great entrepreneurs working on important and relevant problems. I’ve written before that great entrepreneurs pursue problems they can relate…

10 Things Impressive Entrepreneurs Tend To Be

Reading Paul Graham’s wonderful post on How to Convince Investors prompted me think back over my last 5 years in venture capital and what traits stood out among entrepreneurs that I was most impressed by.

16 Women You Need to Know About (Who Founded Hardware/Software Startups)

A few days ago I caught up with my friend Helen Greiner who is a world-class engineer and a successful entrepreneur. Helen is an amazing person, a fellow MIT engineer, co-founder of iRobot, and now…

“Economies of Unscale” is great for startups.

My friend, and partner at General Catalyst, Hemant Taneja, wrote a great blog post at HBR on Economies of UnScale. He and I had discussed this idea before (when he had it in draft form), and I was hoping he would publish it soon as it is indeed an…

These were the top 10 stories published by BZ Notes in 2013. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2013 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

BZ Notes
I am an early stage VC, partner at Lux Capital. I am attracted to startups that solve real, practical problems with technically ambitious solutions. Passionate about tech, entrepreneurship and social good. I like tacos and café lattes.
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