Archive of stories published by Capgemini Engineering

How to write effective bug reports

Unfortunately, software will always have bugs, and those defects need to be tracked. Whether you’re doing automated or manual testing, when that testing finds a problem, you need to communicate that problem to the development team. The way to communicate it is by…

How Not To Lead A Team

In my previous article about good lead developers, I said that there was another story, about some of the bad leaders I’ve worked with. Well, it’s time to tell that story.

Initially I was reluctant to focus on the negatives, but it’s just as instructive to look…

A design review checklist for non‑designers

The world of web design and development has changed enormously over the course of my career so far, and mostly for the better. In some ways, building websites has become much easier. In others, it’s become far more complex. While browser support for for…

These were the top 10 stories published by Capgemini Engineering; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.

Capgemini Engineering
Capgemini Engineering team blog: Opinions expressed on this blog reflect the writer’s views and not the position of the Capgemini Group.
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