Top Stories published by Caribou Digital in 2015

Our Work 3 — Digital Lives in Ghana Kenya and Uganda

Download our Digital Lives in Ghana, Kenya & Uganda report now

For most of this year we’ve worked in partnership with The MasterCard Foundation to develop a new research report on the digital lives of low-income…

The Inequality of Global App Stores

Last week we were in Chicago at the annual AAG conference participating in an excellent session of talks on “Geographies of Production in Digital Economies of Low-Income Countries.” There were great presentations and conversations around the potential (and today’s…

Caribou Digital/Vital Wave Digital Economies Whitepaper

In April 2014, Caribou Digital and Vital Wave hosted a one-day symposium on Digital Economies at the EmPac Centre at University of California, San Diego. This symposium convened world-leading experts from the industry and non-profit…