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Cathode Ray Tube
Film and television through a phosphorescent screen and electron beams
Note from the editor

Cathode Ray Tube is edited and written by freelance writer and film and television researcher Frank Collins. He has contributed to a number of fanzines, books and websites about television and cinema, including work for Frame Rated, Moviemail, Indicator and Arrow Video. Publications include ‘Kinda’ (2022) and ‘Warriors’ Gate’ (2019), volumes in Obverse Books’ Black Archives series on Doctor Who, I.B Tauris’s ‘Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour — A Critical Celebration of the Matt Smith and Steven Moffat Era’ (2013) and ‘Doctor Who — The Pandorica Opens’ (2010).

Go to the profile of Frank Collins
Frank Collins
Freelance writer and film and television researcher. Contributes to a number of home entertainment releases, books and websites about television and cinema.
Go to the profile of Frank Collins
Frank Collins
Freelance writer and film and television researcher. Contributes to a number of home entertainment releases, books and websites about television and cinema.