Archive of stories published by CodingJourney

Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow — week 2

Week 2: Word Embeddings

上一篇 : week 1
下一篇: week 3


Sequences, Time Series and Prediction — week 4

Week 4: Real-world time series data

上一篇: week 3

前幾周主要介紹Sequences, Time Series在DNN上的模型和預測


Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow — week 4

Week 4: Sequence models and literature

上一篇 : week 3

在前幾周我們學會了如何將字詞分類並分辨語意,這周的課程我們要學習如何透過餵句子進去模型以生成新的句子: 透過字詞來預測下一個字詞會(應該)是什麼,藉此來生成完整的句子。

These were the top 10 stories published by CodingJourney; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2019, 2020.