Top Stories published by Cloudflare in July of 2017

Ninth Circuit Rules on National Security Letter Gag Orders

by Doug Kramer

As we’ve previously discussed on this blog, Cloudflare has been challenging for years the constitutionality of the FBI’s use of national security letters (NSLs) to demand user data on a…

How to make your site HTTPS-only

by Nick Sullivan

The Internet is getting more secure every day as people enable HTTPS, the secure version of HTTP, on their sites and services. Last year, Mozilla reported that the percentage of requests made by Firefox using encrypted HTTPS…

Three little tools: mmsum, mmwatch, mmhistogram

by John Graham-Cumming

In a recent blog post, my colleague Marek talked about some SSDP-based DDoS activity we’d been seeing recently. In that blog post he used a tool called mmhistogram to output an ASCII histogram.

Net Neutrality Day: Cloudflare + Fight for the Future

by Jameson Sundell

For Net Neutrality Day on July 12, Fight for the Future (FFTF) launched a Cloudflare App installable for websites all over the world. Sites with it installed saw as many as 178 million page…

Participate in the Net Neutrality Day of Action

by Alissa Starzak

We at Cloudflare strongly believe in network neutrality, the principle that networks should not discriminate against content that passes through them. We’ve previously posted on our views on net…