All About ERC Token Standards

Top articles on ERC-20, ERC-998, ERC-884, ERC-865, ERC-948,ERC-777

Gaurav Agrawal
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2018


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Check latest ERC Stories

What is an ERC?

ERCs (Ethereum Request for Comments) are technical documents used by smart contract developers at Ethereum. They define a set of rules required to implement tokens for the Ethereum ecosystem. These documents are usually created by developers, and they include information about protocol specifications and contract descriptions. Before becoming an standard, an ERC must be revised, commented and accepted by the community through an EIP (Ethereum Improvement Proposal). Actually, an ERC is just a specific type of EIP. ERCs are application-level conventions and standards, and they may be of different types (token, registration name, URI schemes, library, packets, etc.). Taken from 👇

Anatomy of an ERC: An exhaustive survey by Alfonso de la Rocha

Crypto Composables — Building Blocks and Applications by Matt Lockyer

Tokenising Shares: Introducing ERC-884 by Dave Sag

ERC865: A case for more user-friendly tokens by Bhaskar

The Viability of the ERC-948 Protocol Proposal by Marko Vidrih

An Introduction to Ethereum’s ERC-777 Standard by Everett Muzzy

Future-proofing ERC20 tokens by

If you find these stories useful then follow our Coinmonks publication and learn more about ethereum and Erc Tokens.


