Tips For Growing Your NFT/Crypto Community🌱

The Quantum Chronicle - Quantum & Emerging Tech
5 min readMay 23, 2022


As we’ve learned over the last year or so since being involved in the NFT (and crypto) space, the name of the game is community.

Follow Our Crypto/NFT/Blockchain/Metaverse Journey Striving To Open Earth’s 1st NFT/Crypto-Centric Brewery and Off-Grid Community🌱

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Monkey Temple near Jaipur, India

Community is what drives people to a sense of belonging. This sense of belonging is what creates friendships within the community and inherently we want to be similar to our friends, or “those like us”. If our friend buys one of these NFT’s, we want to buy one of these NFT’s too. This means that if one circle of “friends”, or “those like us”, supports/buys an NFT from an NFT project, there is a higher chance that others in the same circle will want to buy that NFT as well.

Try and befriend members of communities you’d like your project to be associated with… For our project, MetaDads, (we’re trying to create Earth’s 1st NFT/Crypto-Centric Brewery as well as an off-grid community) we are trying to “get-in-with” all beer lovers, brewers, craft beer enthusiasts, travelers, hippies, locals, and NFT maxis.

How do you “befriend” people? That’s a million-dollar question… From my experience, friends are made from communication/interaction/engagement + time. The more you engage in a playful/meaningful/valuable way, and for the longer amount of time, the better chances you have to befriend someone.

Let us use an example… Say you’re Adam Sandler… He has developed his community over tens of years and whatever he does, they’ll tend to support him. If Adam Sandler wanted to launch an NFT collection, it would surely sell out without having to do much marketing or spend much money to promote the project at all, besides doing a couple shout-outs himself… Why? Because he already has a community of fans who would buy just about anything he puts out because of all the value he’s provided to his audience over the tens of years in the form of entertainment.

This is one of the pitfalls within the NFT space. For noobies without a following already, it’s a long, daunting, process to develop a committed group of like-minded individuals who will support your NFT project… Especially in the beginning, and especially in a crowded, only-digital, atmosphere.

This is why we see so many gimmicky sales tactics being used to sell NFT’s. These predators use their sales tactics of scarcity and hype to try and bring in as many sales as they can in a short amount of time, without having long term-vision or having developed a core group of followers, or true fans.

Being the potential gold rush that it was, the NFT boom has been mainly ran using that method of selling… Until now…

We’re in a “bear market” for NFT and crypto at the moment (this is the best time to buy and build), which means people are wearier than ever to buy into an NFT project that doesn’t seem like a sure win. This makes it even harder for noobies to have a successful NFT launch.

The days of launching an NFT project within a month or two hoping to “ride the wave” are over. Unless you have $50k+ to spend on working with influencers and/or promoters in a short amount of time, you’re going to need to give your project at least 2x more time than originally thought to develop a community of true fans.

Valendudel Day (drawn by Ty)

It takes time to grow a tribe of raving fans

We all NEED a mission, a vision, and a destination for where our community is heading. This is what will drive us to succeed. If we’re only in it for the money, the chances for long-term success, and community, are minimal.

Build a story for your tribe to tell outside tribe members. Make it compelling as to act for outsides as they want to enter your tribe.

You need to have constant ways for tribe members to interact with each other, this builds friendships and creates bonds amongst tribe members. It’s so much better to have in-person, face-to-face, interactions, then voice-to-voice, and finally, text-to-text interactions are the least meaningful.

Go through challenges together. Fill a sense of belonging through fire. Do something hard together. The best bonds are the ones where people go through intense strain together.

This is how a true community of raving fans is born.

Be consistent with your messaging and posts. Get to know your audience. Ask them questions. Give them chances to engage, to lead, and to prove themselves to your tribe.



I can’t stress this enough! Be extremely vigilant and aware of every link you click, every transaction you make, and every person you interact with, as scammers are plentiful in the space and rugs get pulled from the best looking of projects.

Triple check all links before you click them and make sure they’re the official link you’re looking for. Also triple check all wallet address’s before sending anything valuable to yourself or someone else.

Follow Our Crypto/NFT/Blockchain/Metaverse Journey Striving To Open Earth’s 1st NFT/Crypto-Centric Brewery and Off-Grid Community🌱

Spotify Podcast

Please support me and my growing family by sending Polygon Matic to this Eth address, or Eth Tokens:


Thanks for reading :]

Ty aka “The Dude”

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5 Downfalls of Web3
5 + 5 Tactics For A Better Discord
Crypto 101: A Beginners Guide
Top 5 NFT Best Practices (Marketing & Community Growth)
Web3 Basics
Alternative Utility Cases For NFT’s

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