Top Stories published by ConnectedWell in March of 2010

Android Improvements I’d Like

I seriously love my Droid Eris which is amazing since I lived my Blackberry so much. I am even blogging this from the Wordpress app.

But there are a few things I am excited to see improvements on and as i come across them I will add comments to this post to document.

Please add your own:

Love Me Some GoogleDocs Sync?

I find myself wishing I found out about DocVerse eight days ago. Then maybe I could have signed up for an account before Google snapped them up and closed the registration off for a little behind-the-scenes roadwork. Thanks anyway to TWiG 32 which alerted me.

Stop Lying

Stop lying to yourself. An excellent blog post over at Be More Effective reminds you that you can’t really do it anyway.

“You know what you should be doing, but you aren’t doing it. And as much as we like to deny it, that is a conscious decision. So you get that pit in your stomach…

some days

some days, originally uploaded by ginatrapani.