Top Stories published by ConnectedWell in 2010

Paul Buchheit, Gmail Inventor, Leaves Facebook For Y Combinator

ReadWriteWeb, SocialBeat and others are reporting the departure of Gmail creator from Facebook to Y Combinator, the Silicon Valley startup incubator.

Gap Using QR Codes to Drive Promotions

While returning some items at Gap tonight, I noticed a QR coded sign promising promotions and information for those who followed the link. There was even a link.explaining where you could get a free QR code reader if you were unfamiliar with the technology, and…

Dish Network Uses QR Code In Mailer

Becoming more mainstream, Quick Response Codes (Qr codes) are showing up in more and more places, this one in a Dish Network mailing. If you can’t scan the code yourself, it links to

Recently, Gap used Qr codes in a social and mobile promotion.

Images of Provo Tabernacle Fire

This is a sad day for this town.

Our children used to call the Provo Tabernacle their “princess castle”, and when we went to church there sometimes, they were extra well-behaved because, well, that’s what princesses do.

Define: Grok

Here are some definitions for GROK on the web:

Related phrases: grok magazine
Definitions of grok on the Web:
  • get the meaning of something; “Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?”

Wishlist: Android Firewall

I guess this might as well be a forum on “things BlackBerry does right that Android should do too”. Count this up as another one…

BlackBerry users and their company’s Systems Administrators love that BBOS has a built in firewall that can control messaging…

These were the top 10 stories published by ConnectedWell in 2010. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2010 by using the calendar at the top of this page.