Contactless transaction map of Turkey

My colleague Tuncay Şahin made an excellent job and processed the full contactless payment transaction data in Turkey between March and August 2016 and displayed on a video map.

Digitalisation of life -and wallets

This article is also available on Medium.

We are living in a digital world. From ovens to car keys, refrigerators to vending machines, each and every device is now running software. Every day we are getting more and more dependent on digital…

Mobile Payments, Apple vs Google

This post was originally published on Medium.

Back in 2010, NFC was a huge thing within the payment professionals community. Every single bank, payment processor, carrier and fintech company (this term was not in the mainstream media back then)…

Host Card Emulation

You’ve probably heard a lot on HCE — Host Card Emulation. Mobile industry had a great welcome on HCE, since contactless will become a software layer and get rid of hardware dependency. Actually every stakeholder in the NFC ecosystem except the SIM card vendors was thrilled.

NFC Symposium 2014

On 23–24th of January, NFC Symposium 2014 took place at Sheraton Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden. I was one of the attendants, along with mostly Scandinavian colleagues.

The speakers have been selected from a wide variety of NFC ecosystem, ranging from vendors, to airlines…

Contactless World
Contactless World
Personal views on contactless and mobile payments
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