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# Engineering
Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre Algoritmos e Estrutura de Dados
Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre Algoritmos e Estrutura de Dados
Resumo com os principais algoritmos e estrutura de dados que todo programador precisa saber.
Guilherme Manzano
Oct 6, 2023
De acadêmica de humanas a dados: minha história de transição de carreira
De acadêmica de humanas a dados: minha história de transição de carreira
Uma transição de carreira é um processo que muitas vezes não é linear, e esse é o meu caso.
Gabrielle Chaves
Nov 13, 2023
Power BI e Visuais Interativos em R
Power BI e Visuais Interativos em R
Criando visuais HTML, totalmente iterativos, utilizando as bibliotecas visNetowrk e Plotly.
Higor Gomes
Jun 7, 2021
Desafios e bastidores de uma migração de infraestrutura
Desafios e bastidores de uma migração de infraestrutura
Se podemos ter uma certeza quando o assunto é tecnologia e seu universo, é que cedo ou tarde a sua melhor escolha e estratégia de hoje…
Adinan Paiva
Sep 4, 2023
Gerando Grafos no Google Sheets
Gerando Grafos no Google Sheets
Como fazer uma visualização de redes organizacionais utilizando o próprio ambiente de desenvolvimento da ferramenta.
Higor Gomes
May 4, 2021
R ou Python: Qual a Melhor Linguagem para Análise de Dados?
R ou Python: Qual a Melhor Linguagem para Análise de Dados?
Escolhendo de acordo com critérios objetivos e livres de vieses
Higor Gomes
Jul 27, 2023
How Creditas Solved Monolith Problems with Application Modernization
How Creditas Solved Monolith Problems with Application Modernization
At Creditas, a leading fintech company with almost 4000 employees, we faced a common problem in the software industry: monoliths. Our…
Pedro correia
Dec 27, 2022
Pool de conexões com Spring e Postgres
Pool de conexões com Spring e Postgres
Como funciona e por que é necessário?
Marcelo Rodrigues
Aug 10, 2022
Improving Kubernetes response for scale out
Improving Kubernetes response for scale out
Be able to fast respond scale out situations was always a challenge, and morden cloud infrastructures arrived to solve this problem, but…
Rafa Leo
Mar 17, 2022
Simplify the maintenance of your Frontend projects
Simplify the maintenance of your Frontend projects
If your company spends time and money every couple of years to refactor Frontend projects because it turns out to be a complex system that…
Rafael Antonio Lucio
Jul 21, 2020
React Suspense + SWR + Skeleton
React Suspense + SWR + Skeleton
The usage of a generic loader is the worst feedback an application can provide to a user. It’s the laziest strategy that an engineering…
Rafael Mariano
Jun 23, 2020
Don’t be a developer who only knows how to write code
Don’t be a developer who only knows how to write code
When I talk to friends and family about my job, it’s always hard to concisely explain what I do. I usually explain what it’s like to…
Bruna Pereira
Feb 13, 2020
Open API Specifications with your API REST Spring Boot
Open API Specifications with your API REST Spring Boot
When we are developing an API with Spring Boot, by using Springfox’s Swagger-UI we no longer need to manually write the specifications of…
Bruna Pereira
Feb 12, 2020
How a phased rollout can help you implement a new solution
How a phased rollout can help you implement a new solution
In software development, people often talk about rollout plans. Here at Creditas, in the squad I work in, we created tools to facilitate…
Nícolas Zein
Feb 12, 2020
Feature Flags using Kotlin + Spring Boot
Feature Flags using Kotlin + Spring Boot
Not long ago, I wrote an article about Continuous Integration, giving a brief description of the concept and the importance of Feature…
Bruna Pereira
Feb 3, 2020
My experience as a Tech Leader
My experience as a Tech Leader
Not too long ago I had (or earned) the opportunity to be the technical leader of my team, and I wanted to tell you how it was.
Bruna Pereira
Aug 8, 2018
My experience as a Tech Lead — part 2
My experience as a Tech Lead — part 2
A little over a year ago I published an article about my experience as a technical leader. Today, after several different experiences…
Bruna Pereira
Dec 26, 2019
How to stop hating your test suit
How to stop hating your test suit
This article is a translation to English. The original version can be read here…
Camila Campos
Jun 26, 2019
The Test Pyramid
The Test Pyramid
This article is a translation to English. The original version can be read here…
Camila Campos
Jan 13, 2020
The challenges of software development at a rapidly growing fintech — Part II of II
The challenges of software development at a rapidly growing fintech — Part II of II
In the first post of this series, I discussed the birth of Creditas’ Servicing Tribe and what it was like to develop a new context in an…
Caio Abe
Dec 17, 2019
The challenges of software development at a rapidly growing fintech — Part I of II
The challenges of software development at a rapidly growing fintech — Part I of II
I present to you an in-depth description of some of the daily technical challenges faced at Creditas, as well as our application of SOLID…
Caio Abe
Dec 16, 2019
Animations and transitions — Optimizing the user’s experience
Animations and transitions — Optimizing the user’s experience
By Vagner Ferreira Santos
Nov 21, 2019
Code Refactoring
Code Refactoring
By Hélio Costa
Oct 31, 2019
Test-Driven Development is Unnecessary!
Test-Driven Development is Unnecessary!
By Hélio Costa
Oct 31, 2019
Leaving Ruby for Kotlin — Part 3
Leaving Ruby for Kotlin — Part 3
Kotlin’s first service in production After some PoCs with the language, first made on a weekend in the presence of some beer, we…
Fabrício Rissetto
Oct 1, 2019
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