Step 3: Setting up your campaign plan and preparing fun rewards

Aster van Tilburg
Crowdfunding Academy
3 min readOct 12, 2018

How do you reach and convince the people in your network to contribute to the project? For this, you need a good campaign plan and fun rewards. Think about online and offline activities you can use in your campaign to make people in your network eager to contribute. The campaign plan is where you think about when to execute which activities,. Our experience shows that good preparation makes your campaign easier and more successful. Choose a good build-up: start by personally approaching your inner circle and then approach your outer circle via social media. The ideal span of your project is 30 to 60 days. Giving different rewards for different amounts makes it more attractive to make a donation and stimulates people to spend more.

A smart campaign structure

No matter how smart your idea is, people will only invest in your crowdfunding project when they believe it’ll be successful. Do you send your campaign to your entire network when there’s no money on the progress bar yet? Then maybe many people will think: “Nobody has made a donation yet…it’s probably not a good idea, so maybe it’s better to wait”. Just like an empty terrace or a lonely sidewalk street artist without an audience. It’s smarter to start silently and to approach your friends, family and loyal fans personally, so you can make a good start. In the second stage you’ll trigger a larger network of colleagues, members of your sports club and Facebook friends to participate. In the last stage of your campaign you can reach people that you don’t know yet by using local media. These three steps, taken in the right order, will turn your campaign into a success. Read on.

A campaign plan with great online and offline activities

Fun, creative and inspiring activities will draw attention to your initiative and make it fun to contribute to your crowdfunding campaign. So to stimulate and involve people in your project, your activities need to be well spread during your campaign and fit your project and target audience. Be prepared and plan at least two online activities each week, and then divide the tasks. This way no surprises will happen and you’ll have lots of activities to choose from. Read on.

Original rewards

Original rewards make it more fun to contribute to the project. A symbolic thank you, an invitation to an opening or a product are ways to involve supporters in your project. And rewards make it likely more people will donate or will donate more. That’s kind of important! Be creative and step in your audience’s shoes: where would you like to spend money? Think of five to seven different rewards for amounts from €10 to €500. We’ll give you some tips you can use in your campaign if you read on.

Check out which platform fits your project best.

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