Step 4: starting your campaign

Aster van Tilburg
Crowdfunding Academy
3 min readOct 12, 2018

Your campaign page is live! By now, you should have some people ready to donate on the first day. Now, it is all about you persuading and activating your network to contribute to the campaign. Do it in a fun and varied way. Share your project pictures, celebrate your accomplishments and share your ambassadors’ stories. Keep your supports informed after the campaign: tell them about the chosen reward, the project planning, invite them to lend a hand and invite them to the opening too.

Online and offline campaigning: how do you do it?

Creative, fun and inspiring crowdfunding campaigns will steer the attention towards your project and will make it interesting for potential donors to contribute. In order to tempt and involve people in your project, your activities need to be spread out during your campaign and need to be connected to your project and your target audience. What activities would your supporters like? This article provides an overview of handy online and offline activities that you can use to make an easy start! Read on.

Crowdfunding and approaching the press

It’s awesome when the local paper writes about your initiative or you can talk about it on local radio or television. These things sometimes fall in your lap, but usually you have to actively approach the press yourself. This can be challenging, because you need to get your press release selected. It’s import to think how newsworthy your project is. In this article we provide you with tips on writing a good press release and how to offer it to the right editors. Read on.

After your campaign: how to turn donors into ambassadors?

Congratulations, your campaign was successful! This is a great time to celebrate your success with all the contributing supporters and to make sure those supporters remain involved and are proud of the joint achievement. This way your donors will become ambassadors of the project and are willing to help, donate or talk about your project in the future. It is important that you keep them informed, keep inviting them and organize those rewards well. Read on.

Check out which platform fits your project best.

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