Nancy Peckenham
Crow’s Feet
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3 min readJun 12, 2024


How do you remember your dad? This week on the Crow’s Feet Podcast, 10 writers read their stories about the men who wielded a powerful influence in their lives. You’ll want to hear every word of their wisdom as we approach Father’s Day. Listen here.

The coming days also bring the start of summer in the northern hemisphere, a season that kicks in a lighter attitude toward life for many. To mark the change, we offer a few humor stories that can make you laugh about the changes that come with age.

We also have two other stories that bring out the joy of simple pleasures, from the memory of flying through the air as a child or goofing off in retirement.

Finally, we published two stories this week that reminded me of how life was for young women in the workplace and just how much has changed in half a century. Read on!

Our Stories

The Meaning of Life. It’s really quite simple once you sort it all out. By David Martin

Weight Lifting for Over 50s Needs More Ice Than a Frozen Margarita. If you’re falling, don’t get up — nap. By Amy Sea

Getting Older is Silly! Have you noticed? By Dawn Ulmer

What If It Became Groovy to Get Old? Being a senior is so cool! By Mary McGrath

Flying Without Wings. The magical moment that changed my life. By Rick L. Huffman

In Praise of Goofing Off. Do not carpe that diem. By Micah Ward

I Was a Kelly Girl in the 70s, When Being Chased Around the Desk by Your Boss Was Just Part of the Job. Office Life in the Bad Old Days. Roz Warren, Writing Coach

Do They Need To Know? Because the world for young women today is so different. By Rosemary Zibart

And speaking of how the world has changed and continues to evolves, just look at the internet.

In this essay from Medium CEO Tony Stubblebine he talks about Medium’s effort to bring humanity back to the world wide web. Read Be part of a better internet. The internet is broken. Fixing it won’t be free.

Until next week, you can read more essays about life as we age every day on Crow’s Feet.

Nancy Peckenham, Editor

Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 charitable organization that produces this publication and a bi-weekly podcast.

If you find essays and interviews on Crow’s Feet: Life As We Age that change your views on aging or help you navigate the aging process, please visit our website, to share in all the ways we are telling our stories in print, on the podcast, and on YouTube.

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Nancy Peckenham
Crow’s Feet

Journalist, editor, mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, adventurer, history-lover. Editor of Crow’s Feet