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Secret Diary of a Cruise Ship Crew Member
Secret Diary of a Cruise Ship Crew Member
Stories from when I spent 32 months travelling to 42 countries by ship, train, plane, hitchhiking & couchsurfing. I had started working on cruise ships & wanted to keep a personal record, practise gratitude & needed an outlet to express myself. The tone is irrevent & sarcastic.
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Part 1/4: Muay Thai Camp Survival Guide (Secrets Revealed)

Its been three weeks since I left the Muay Thai boxing camp. Ive now had some time to reflect on my month there and I wanted to write an article answering many of the questions Ive received on the subject. This is Part 1 of a…

Life On Rawai Muay Thai Camp in Phuket, Thailand

Now that Ive been at Rawai Muay Thai for little over a week, Ive been able to better understand camp life and formulate a few hypothesis on the people who come here. Firstly, who would come to such a camp?