#GenesisValidator [9]: Popular crypto wallet Cobo joins CyberMiles’ ecosystem!

Vincent T.
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2018

Initially known as a beginner-friendly digital wallet, Cobo quite rapidly has become a major player in the crypto world. Yet Cobo still is looking to expand its footprint in the industry. As CyberMiles’ native blockchain nears release, Cobo has seized the opportunity to grow alongside us by confirming its intention to run a Supernode.

It’s not surprising that the very name of Cobo resonates when people talk about crypto wallets. Indeed, Cobo has an impressive range of unique features that cannot be found anywhere else. From its bank-grade safety to its ability to vote for validators on EOS and Tron, the app-based wallet is intuitive, and most importantly, user-oriented.

Another feature illustrates this last point perfectly: the in-app DApp store. When it comes to the use of a blockchain, the ecosystem should be a direct reflection of its capabilities — and liabilities. Cobo enables users to use its app directly to navigate through an umbrella of DApps, delivering a fully-enhanced blockchain experience.

Given the current direction of the company, it’s clear that Cobo is trying to ensure the very best of blockchains. Adding a Supernode on CyberMiles’ blockchain and joining our ecosystem are a perfect fit for its growth strategy.


Slogan: Blue-chip rep for broader crypto community

Location: Seattle (USA)
Announced compensation rate: 50 percent*
Announced self-staked CMT: two million*

*Subject to adjustment

Community and development plan (CyberMiles ecosystem)
Within the Cobo sphere the team will establish communities for CyberMiles enthusiasts. There will be a gateway to CyberMiles in the Cobo wallet while the Cobo team prioritizes integration and support for the CyberMiles platform.

The team will look to set up a fund for CyberMiles community management, project incubation and have related products in Cobo as well.

Meet the team

Co-founder of Cobo and founder of F2pool

Changhao Jiang
Co-founder of Cobo, previously founder of Bihang (acquired by OKCoin) and an early Facebook research scientist (2008–12).

The development team comes from various countries (Australia, China, Singapore, USA, etc.), with a wealth of experience from the likes of Facebook, Google and other leading Internet companies.

The marketing and operations team has led efforts at 360, Twitter and global blockchain companies.

While CyberMiles’ MainNet is in the home stretch before its official release, there’s still room for new Supernode candidates. Want to be part of the future of e-commerce? Join us now!

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