Top Stories published by DADA. Living Art. in 2015

Modern Dance

Oskar Schlemmer created this modern ballet in 1922. According to Wikipedia, it was the most widely performed avant-garde artistic dance and it helped to spread the ethos of the Bauhaus, to which Schlemmer belonged from 1921 to 1929. These people were ahead of their time.

Creativity or Madness: The Red Book

In 1913, after a painful break with his mentor and colleague Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, one of the founding figures of psychoanalysis, went through what he called “a horrible “confrontation with the unconscious”. Jung was the guy who invented psychoanalytical concepts…

Jacob Lawrence: We Shall Overcome

This series of 60 panels by artist Jacob Lawrence depicting the great migration of African-Americans from the rural South to the urban North, can now be seen in its entirety at MoMa, through September 7. Lawrence was only 23 years old when he completed them on tempera…

R. Crumb: The Cowardly Cartoonist

Leave it to the legendary R. Crumb to give a spin to heroism and cartoons, two words that no one ever thought would be in the same sentence unless you were talking Superman.

Mary Ellen Mark: Tough Love

She aimed her camera at those in the margins and the shadows. People we tend to avert our eyes from. She made them present and unforgettable by capturing them with compassion but without sentimentality, a memento of tough love.

These were the top 10 stories published by DADA. Living Art. in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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