Top Stories published by DADA. Living Art. in January of 2015

R. Crumb: The Cowardly Cartoonist

Leave it to the legendary R. Crumb to give a spin to heroism and cartoons, two words that no one ever thought would be in the same sentence unless you were talking Superman.

Is The Artist Dead?

This month on The Atlantic magazine, in an article entitled “The Death Of The Artist and The Birth of The Creative Entrepreneur”, William Deresiewicz laments the demise of artists as we know them. Iconoclastic loners with a streak of genius, creating art by themselves, misunderstood or lauded…

Charlie Hebdo And The End Of Reason

We are appalled at the barbaric murder of 8 cartoonists and other staff of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris. It is hard to express our outrage at such insanity. Perhaps the reason is that one cannot argue with irrationality. It is irrational to kill someone over their…

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