Top Stories published by Dart in 2016

Dart’s built_value for Immutable Object Models

Last week I wrote about built_collection. I finished by remarking that to really make use of immutable collections, you need immutable values. So here we are: built_value. This is the second major piece behind my talk at Dart Developer Summit…

Dart’s built_value for Serialization

Last week I introduced built_value for immutable object models. We saw how to define object models in built_value; they’re immutable, easy to work with, and, if you like that sort of thing, a lot of fun.

Dart’s built_collection for Immutable Collections

A month ago I spoke at the Dart Developer Summit about object models with source_gen (video). I mentioned some packages and techniques that are highly deserving of a closer look, so here I am to tell the full story.

Building a Chat App in Dart

Having thoroughly covered the basics of the “built” packages I’m now ready to up the ante by showing them in action.

I wrote this code in a day and a half to use as an example in my talk at the Dart summit (video). It was designed to show off built_value…