From Monolith to Mesh

Romain Rigaux
Data Querying
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2021

Quick summary on some trends for more efficient software development and focusing more on core product value instead.

While working on the next generation of SQL Editor, we have been noticing more and more the concept of integrating specialized components together to decrease development cost while increasing the end user usability.

“Integrating Best of breed Components”

Here are a few examples:

Micro Frontend

Finer grain and technology agnostics Web Application:

Diagram & Concept from

Web Component programming

Within each application, sub-dividing into smaller pieces:

Image and good example from

Data Platform Mesh

Specialized services integrated together freeing your team from siloes or having to manage all the tooling. e.g. here replace Snowflake by your Data Warehouse of choice..

Diagram & Concept from

Live demos

Quick play instead of traditional marketing content:

Live demo and Cocept from


It is becoming possible and efficient to “zoom out” more and design to leverage multiple domains stitched together instead of a single one. e.g:

Hue SQL Editor

It has been 10 years of evolution on interlinking 15+ different services and a rapidly moving tech stack. Now the user interfaces is getting split into contained Web Components and major ones can be easily reused publicly (offering even more feedback and testing). Same is happening at the API level as it is becoming smaller clean modules (more on this in an upcoming post).

10 years of Web Interface evolution


n similar parallel can be found in other domains like discovering the World. Some of the most rewarding trips so far involved combining/meshing together several disciplines:

Combining walking, climbing and glacier traverse
Floating, climbing and walking in the desert
Trekking, camping and Peak climbing

And some people do bike-rafting, bike-packing, raft-skiing, trek-paragliding…

