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Go to the profile of 張培莉 Peili
張培莉 Peili
東吳大學資料科學系|Machine Learning & Deep Learning|數據領航員🖊Editor|持續在學習資料科學的各種技術和應用,用自己的步調前進著~|📩️GitHub : peilichang & 📭 LinkedIn : peilichang
Go to the profile of littlemilk
東吳大學資料科學系|Machine Learning & Full Stack|數據領航員🖊深度學習|喜歡學習所有對生活有幫助的科技知識,追求用科技感動人心的時刻| Github : littlemilkwu & ✉️ : leowu0819@gmail.com
Go to the profile of CamilleHu
Go to the profile of Yasmine Cheng
Yasmine Cheng
NLP Lab @ SCU | Data Science | to be a nlper 💻 Linkedin:Ya Mian(Yasmine) Cheng Github:Yasmine-Cheng
Go to the profile of Chang_Zai_Wang
東吳大學資料科學系|Machine Learning & Deep Learning|喜歡瞭解科技相關的資訊,在學習的路上持續前進~|📩️ Email : xs950179@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Katrina Yeh
Katrina Yeh
東吳大學資料科學系|Data Preprocessing & Machine Learning |樂於學習新事物,正在往資料科學的路上前進中~|📧Email:katrina001205@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Katrina Yeh
Katrina Yeh
東吳大學資料科學系|Data Preprocessing & Machine Learning |樂於學習新事物,正在往資料科學的路上前進中~|📧Email:katrina001205@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Yasmine Cheng
Yasmine Cheng
NLP Lab @ SCU | Data Science | to be a nlper 💻 Linkedin:Ya Mian(Yasmine) Cheng Github:Yasmine-Cheng
Go to the profile of Michael Chen
Michael Chen
Data Engineer @ merkle taiwan|Data Mining & Machine Learning & Deep Learning|在資料科學的路上持續前進!|📩️Email:0429shen@gmail.com
Go to the profile of kiands
Go to the profile of Chang_Zai_Wang
東吳大學資料科學系|Machine Learning & Deep Learning|喜歡瞭解科技相關的資訊,在學習的路上持續前進~|📩️ Email : xs950179@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Harper Chu
Go to the profile of Bob Shiu
Go to the profile of 吳嘉恩
Go to the profile of Benny
東吳大學資料科學系|Machine Learning & Deep Learning|數據領航員🖊Editor|目前是資料科學界的小菜雞~期許自己能成為獨當一面的資料科學家~|📩️GitHub : benny-liang0623 & 📭 LinkedIn : Tien Chun (Benny) Liang
Go to the profile of NelsonChou
Go to the profile of Po-Kai Huang
Go to the profile of 老魚
Go to the profile of 林紘宇
Go to the profile of Bensonhsu
Go to the profile of DashuBigtree