Top Stories published by Decent in June of 2018

Decent Team Spotlight: Molly

Hi! I’m Molly Moore and I work at Decent.

What is your role at Decent?

I am the Chief Health Plan Officer— also known as the “in house healthcare nerd”. I get to build a health plan from the ground up that is agile and consumer…

How affordable healthcare looks in 2025

To our team at Decent, the decentralized future is beautiful

Boulder, Colorado, 2025: Ava hears brakes screeching and hits the crosswalk hard. The car had sped into the intersection from nowhere…

Decent is in the Wall Street Journal!

For non-subscribers, here are the relevant bits.

“Instead of raising money by issuing crypto tokens, Decent Inc., a blockchain-based health-care startup, chose to start with equity. Investors like Core…

US healthcare needs a nervous system.

We’re building it at Here’s why.

During my second year of business school I got Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which paralyzes your nervous system so your body can’t take signals from your brain. I was… just raised $8MM to build affordable healthcare for all.

Join us for a crypto adventure.

Three months ago Michael, Richard, and I realized US healthcare needs a nervous system and decided to build Decent. We began to hire a…