Teasing continuation: engaged users like a pro through UI design!

Published in
4 min readFeb 27, 2023
Plankton and Karen (planton’s wife) a screen with heart sign
Plankton and Karen

User interface design has the ability to tease users and keep them attracted to the product, a technique known as teasing continuation.

Teasing continuation is a user interface design principle that involves strategically placing hints or teasers throughout a design to encourage users to continue exploring and engaging with the interface. This technique is often used in websites, apps, and other digital interfaces to keep users engaged and interested in the content.

The goal of teasing continuation is to create a sense of anticipation and excitement in the user, encouraging them to continue scrolling or interacting with the interface to discover what’s next. This can be accomplished through a variety of design elements, such as

Visually stunning graphics

Clever and to the point wording

Interactive elements like buttons and animations

and more

why teasing continuation is matter?

Pain Points

When users interact with a new product for the first time, they may experience a lot of pain points if the website doesn’t pay attention to teasing continuation. Here some pain point the users face in that moment:

  • Boredom: Without teasing continuation, users may quickly become bored with the interface, especially if it consists of long blocks of text or unengaging visuals.
  • Confusion: A lack of teasing continuation can make it difficult for users to understand how to navigate the interface and find the information they need.
  • Disorientation: Without clear visual cues or a cohesive design, users may become disoriented or lost within the interface, making it difficult for them to complete their desired actions.
  • Frustration: If users are unable to find the information or complete the actions they need, they may become frustrated with the interface and abandon it altogether.
  • Lack of engagement: Without teasing continuation, users may not feel motivated to explore the interface or engage with its features, leading to a lack of overall engagement.
  • Incomplete actions: Without clear and satisfying conclusions to each page or section of the interface, users may feel like their actions are incomplete or unresolved, leading to dissatisfaction with the overall user experience.

So now the question is…

How we increase the engagement use teasing continuation in design?

Teasing Continuation in Web design

Here are a few examples of how teasing continuation can be used:

  1. Visual teasers — Use visually appealing teasers on the landing page to encourage users to scroll down and explore more content. For example, a travel website could use a high-quality image of a scenic location with a call-to-action to “Explore more destinations” or “Find your perfect vacation”.
  2. Personalized recommendations — Use personalized recommendations on the landing page to show users content that is tailored to their interests or past engagement. For example, an e-commerce website could use a “Recommended for you” section that showcases products based on the user’s browsing or purchase history.
  3. Sequential storytelling — Use a sequential storytelling approach on the landing page to encourage users to follow a specific flow or sequence of actions. For example, a fitness website could use a series of images and text to guide users through a workout routine, with each section providing a teaser for the next.
  4. Interactive elements — Use interactive elements on the landing page to encourage users to engage with the site and explore more content. For example, a food blog could use a recipe generator tool that provides users with personalized recipe recommendations based on their dietary preferences and cooking style.

Take away

  • Teasing continuation is a user interface design principle that involves strategically placing hints or teasers throughout a design to encourage users to continue exploring and engaging with the interface.
  • The goal of teasing continuation is to create a sense of anticipation and excitement in the user, encouraging them to continue scrolling or interacting with the interface to discover what’s next.
  • Without teasing continuation, users may quickly become bored, confused, disoriented, frustrated, lack engagement, and feel like their actions are incomplete or unresolved, leading to dissatisfaction with the overall user experience.
  • To increase engagement, teasing continuation can be implemented through various elements such as visual teasers, personalized recommendations, sequential storytelling, and interactive elements.
  • By using these teasing continuation techniques, businesses can enhance the user experience and keep users engaged with their product or service.

Thank you so much for reading this article till the end, don’t hesitate to say hi or give me some words, I would really appreciate it.

Have a nice day!

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