Top Stories published by Diana Kimball Berlin in 2008

Practical Magic and the American Cult of the Amateur

Once upon a time, I wrote a paper about amateur magicians. It was titled “The Man With the Marvellous Hands: Practical Magic and the American Cult of the Amateur, 1897–1915.” The word “marvellous” had two l’s because magicians at the turn…


Not too long ago, Facebook banished the mandatory “is” from its status updates feature. Now, the “is” is optional.


In my experience, grammars of the internet evolve around the constraints at hand. Before we had yellow emoticons, we had typographical ones. When technology itself evolves to…

These were the top 10 stories published by Diana Kimball Berlin in 2008. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2008 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Diana Kimball Berlin
Reading, writing, and what happens in between.
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