Day 106

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readMay 7, 2017

Epic day is epic.

We start the day early, 6:30am early. Stormy tries to wake me up. I roll over and pretend to be dead. “You can’t be dead now — then we can’t get to the beach”. I’m glad she has her priorities right. But she has a point. We get into our swimmers and jump into the ocean. The water is perfect, although Stormy is scared of going too far out. We spend an hour or two building sandcastles. Every now and then I entice Stormy back into the water and work on her fears. By the time we’re ready to go in for a shower, she’s happy to swim out with me as far as I’m comfortable to go. I use the word swim in it’s loosest definition as neither of us can actually do that.

I drop Stormy off at the kids club and, after packing up our room for check-out, spend the next hour lying in the hammock. I feel like I should do more, but it’s perfect. I pick Stormy up at lunch and she tells me everything that she has been doing. As we leave she exclaims “I like it here — everyone here is super nice”. At her request, I bring her back to the kids club after lunch and get the chance to head out for some archery practice. Before long it’s time to leave and take the ferry home. We spend what little time we have remaining waiting for the shuttle bus from the comfort of the hammocks. Stormy looks at me as asks, “Can we come here again. Just you and me. This is our place.” Yes, yes we can.

The entire trip home is one long stream of consciousness from her.

“Your beard is getting white. I think you’ll get old soon.”

“Can you let me play games. I’ll be good. You want me to be good right.”

“I like Singapore.”

“Can we drive to the sunset?”

“Silly daddy, I meant the rainbow on the ground!” (I still don’t know what she means)

“Have we driven past the moon yet?”

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.