Day 117 or “The Day Stormy Discovers Why Kangaroo’s Jump In Front of Cars”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readMay 18, 2017

I spend about 2 hours, while Stormy is still asleep, crafting her birthday invitations. Somehow I manage to incorporate her requirements for Batman, Fairies, Lego and Elsa. I think they come out pretty nicely if I do say so myself.

7 o’clock comes around and I go in to wake Stormy. Everything this morning is in slow motion. Waking up, getting out of bed, eating breakfast. It all happens but, given the lateness of sleep last night, there’s just a general lethargy about it. Surprisingly we still make the bus.

While she’s on her way to school, I send out the birthday invitations. My wife is, to put it politely, concerned that I’ve made it a drop-off party but the decision has been made. It’ll be interesting but I think we can pull it off.

After work, I collect Stormy from yet another play-date and bring her home. It’s a late one today and its nearly her bedtime by the time we get home. From the taxi, she watches the street lights come on. We talk about street lights and I happen to mention that there are “no street lights in Tasmania where her aunties live”. I absentmindedly comment “and that’s why there are so many kangaroos on the side of the road”.

Stormy looks confused. “What for? Do they say ‘stop’ so cars know there are no lights”

I bite back laughter. “Sort of”, I respond. “How?” she asks, truly curious. “By jumping out in front of the car”. Luckily we arrive home so I’m saved from further explanation.

She’s excited that her mother is on her way to the airport and will be here tomorrow morning. She remains well behaved, although does decide to sleep on the sofa so she can be closer to the door when mummy arrives in the morning.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.