Day 148 or “The Day We Watch TV”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readJun 18, 2017

It is nearly 8:30 when Stormy drags herself out of bed and onto the sofa to start the day. It’s a nice break, but now the day begins in earnest. I describe all my ideas for the day. Each one of which she categorically rejects. At least she agrees on breakfast. I’m making pancakes. I leave her in her grandmother’s capable hands while I take a quick trip to the supermarket to get some more milk. I return to find the two of them reading stories. I leave them be while I make the batter but call on Stormy to set the table while I cook them up. Very tasty all round. After breakfast we ​settle in and, because she’s been good, watch an episode or two of her current favorite cartoon (Teen Titans Go).

Or at least that was the plan. Stormy requests “one more episode” at least 10 times. “Yes” is the only answer I can give. In part because the weather has turned bad and also because I can’t think of anything else to do. After a short break to play with her Lego Wonder Women (which she pronounces Wonder Whomen for some reason), I notice that the sun has come out. We take the opportunity to head down into the pool before the weather changes again. My favourite point is when she exclaims, “I’ll always save you from the doughnut”. Which, out of context, is still probably true.

While we’re in the pool, Stormy points out that someone has left rubbish behind. “We don’t like thoughtless people” I say. Stormy nods and agrees with this, pausing only to add “… but we like silly people”. She thinks for a moment, “but not Mummy” she adds. I think this is a clear summary of our different parenting styles.

Evening arrives and with it so does the rain again. This changes our plan from Hawker Center across the road to ordering Pizza at home. We spend the waiting time playing Monopoly Junior (Frozen Edition). She only cheats once which is an improvement over the last few times we played Snakes and Ladders. After dinner there’s a small upset when I point out that it’s way past her bedtime and refuse to read two long stories to her. When she realises that I’m serious she settles down, picks two smaller stories to read, and (once we finish them) settles down to sleep.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.