Day 170 or “The Day We Have Dinner By The Pool”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
1 min readJul 10, 2017

No matter how many tunes I 🥁 drum out on Stormy’s chest, she still refuses to get out of bed. In desperation I resort to a Dad Lie™. “You’d better get out of bed, the bus is coming” I say. That works. The fact that the bus is an hour away is neither here nor there.

An hour later she’s dressed, fed, brushed, and on the bus. I scoot off to work happy in the knowledge of a parenting job well done.

It’s a hot day so I suggest dinner by the pool when I get home. Stormy translates that as dinner in the pool but we manage to work it out. Her friend from the condo is also downstairs so the two of them drag me into the pool for an hour of maniacal play. It’s the best kind of play.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.